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KEY: B有档链环是能防止锚链绞缠的一种改进设计的锚链。 [131]同上

[132] A device fitted over the discharge opening on a relief valve consisting of one or two woven wire fabrics is called a ______.

A. flame stopper B. flame screen C. flame filter D. flame restrictor KEY: B在减压阀处装有一个或两个钢丝织网的活塞排出口装置叫防火网。

[133] A device used to enlarge the size of an existing bore hole, having teeth arranged on its outside circumference to cut the formation as it rotates is a(n) ______.

A. enlarger bit B. casing bit C. hole opener D. casing opener

KEY: C扩孔器是一个被用来扩大镗孔尺寸的设备,其周边镶有锯齿,以在转动时切割成型。

[134] A documented vessel operating over 50 miles offshore must carry an inflatable liferaft with a

A. SOLAS A pack B. SOLAS B pack C. coastal pack D. small vessel pack

KEY: A一艘被有证明文件的船舶,在近岸50海里操作必须携带一气胀式救生筏,根据SOLAS A部分。

[135] A Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the ______. A. velocity of the current B. bottom characteristics C. depth of the water D. speed over the ground KEY: D多普勒计程仪的绝对航速是相对于地面的速度。 [136]同上

[137] A Doppler log in the volume reverberation mode indicates the ______. A. speed being made good B. speed through the water C. the set of the current D. the depth of the water KEY: B多普勒计程仪的相对航速是相对于水的航速。 [138] A Doppler speed log indicates speed over ground ______.

A. at all times B. in the bottom return mode C. in the volume reverberation mode D. only when there is no current KEY: B多普勒计程仪是多普勒计程仪绝对显示模式。 [139]同上

[140] A double male coupling is one that ______.

A. has left hand twist B. has inside threads on both ends C. has outside threads on both ends D. takes two men to operate KEY: C一个双凸链接件,两端有外螺旋结构。

[141] A drawbridge may use visual signals to acknowledge a vessel?s request to open the draw. Which signal indicates that the draw will NOT be opened immediately?______. A. A flashing amber light B. A fixed red light

C. A white flag raised and lowered vertically D. A flashing white light

KEY: B吊桥可以用视觉信号区确认船舶打开吊桥的请求,一盏红色的定光灯可以表示不要立即打开吊桥。

[142] A fairly accurate estimation of a ship?s position can be calculated by a technique know as ___

A. dead reckoning B. pilotage

C. great circle sailing D. geographic navigation KEY: A一个相当精确的估计船位能被航迹推算法计算出来。 [143] A fiber towing hawser is readied for service by ______. A. spooling it on a winch cathead

B. coiling it in a counterclockwise direction on the fantail C. faking it on deck in a fore and aft direction

D. spooling it on a reel lying on its side to prevent rolling

KEY: C纤维绳拖缆准备保养,在甲板上首尾方向盘索。


A. Separated line B. Divided line C. Reference line D. Segregated line

KEY: C基线参考线是一条抽象的显示在雷达屏幕上的可用于区分航道的线,因而船舶能够安全航行。

[145] A fire has broken out the stern of your vessel. You should maneuver your vessel so the wind A. blow the fire back toward the vessel B. comes over the bow C. comes over the stern D. comes over either beam KEY: B船尾起火,应操纵风从船首吹来。 [146]同上

[147] A fire hose with a nozzle attached must be connected to each hydrant except when exposed to heavy weather or when the ______.

A. fire hose might be damaged by cargo operations B. vessel is in port

C. fire-man system is not charged

D. fire pumps are used for purposes other than supplying water to the fire main

KEY: A带喷嘴的消防水龙带必须链接到每一个消防栓,除了遭受恶劣天气或当消防水龙带可能由于货物操作而损坏。

[148] A fire in a ballast pumproom can be brought under control with minimal impact on stabilityby

A. cooling the outside bulkheads with water B. shutting all sources of air into the compartment C. closing the sea chest D. flooding the compartment with salt water

KEY: B压载水泵舱着火,可通过关闭所有进入舱室的空气的源头,得到控制并对稳性产生的影响最小。

[149] A fire in the galley ALWAYS poses the additional threat of ______. A. contaminating food with extinguishing agent B. spreading through the engineering space

C. causing loss of stability D. a grease fire in the ventilation system

KEY: D厨房着火总是会对通风系统的油脂着火产生额外的威胁。

[150] A fire is discovered in the forepeak of a vessel at sea. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should ______.

A. remain on course and hold speed B. change course and put the stern to the wind

C. change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speed D. remain on course but slack the speed KEY: B在海上航行船首尖舱着火,风以35节速度从船首吹来,你应该改向,以船尾受风。 [151]同上

[152] A fire of escaping liquefied flammable gas is best extinguished by ______. A. cooling the gas below the ignition point B. cutting off the supply of oxygen C. stopping the flow of gas D. interrupting the chain reaction KEY: C液化气体泄漏着火,最有效的扑救方法是断开气源。 [153] A fire pump may be used for other purposes if ______.

A. the other services are run off a reducing station with a pressure gage

B. one of the required pumps is kept available for use on the fire main system at all time C. no relief valves are installed D. all of the above conditions are met

KEY: B消防泵可用于其它目的,如果一个所要求的消防泵保持消防总管一直可用。 [154] A fire starting by spontaneous combustion can be expected in which condition? ______. A. Paints, varnish, or other liquid flammables are stowed in a dry stores locker. B. Inert cargoes such as pig iron are loaded in a wet condition. C. Oily rags are stowed in a metal pail.

D. Clean mattresses are stored in contact with an electric light bulb.

KEY: C自然引起的大火可能发生在下列哪种状态?含油碎布对方在金属桶内。 [155] A fire starts on your vessel while refueling. You should FIRST ______. A. stop the ventilation B. sound the general alarm C. determine the source of the fire D. attempt to extinguish the fire KEY: B你船在加载燃料时着火,你因该首先发出全船警报。 [156]同上

[157]A fireman’s outfit shall consist of______.I.Protective clothing II . a VHF set III.Boots and gloves of electrically nonconducting material IV.An electric safety lamp (hand lantern) V.An axe

A.I,II,III,IV B.I,II,IV,V C.II,III,IV,V D.I,III,IV,V KEY: D消防员装备不包括2VHF设备。 [158] A flame screen ______.

A. permits the passage of vapor but not of flame B. prevents the passage of flammable vapor

C. prevents inert gas from leaving a tank D. permits vapors to exit but not enter a tank

KEY: A防火网允许蒸汽通过,但不允许火焰通过。

[159] A floating vessel will behave as if all of its weight is acting downward through the ______. A. center of gravity B. center of buoyancy C. center of floation D. Metacenter

KEY: A一漂浮船舶的各项重力的合力在重心处。

[160] A flooded lifeboat on board a vessel would adversely affect the vessel?s stability by ______.

A. increasing the righting moment B. decreasing the vessel?s displacement

C. increasing the reserve buoyancy D. shifting the CG (center of gravity) off center

KEY: D在船舶救生艇中盛满水会提高船舶重心。

[161] A foam-type portable fire extinguisher is most useful in fighting a fire in ______. A. generators B. oil drums

C. the bridge controls D. combustible metals KEY: B便携式泡沫灭火器对扑灭油桶着火最有效。

[162] A foam-type portable fire extinguisher would be most useful in combating a fire in ______. A. solid materials such as wood or bales of fiber B. flammable liquids

C. a piece of electrical equipment D. combustible metallic solid

KEY: B便携式泡沫灭火器对扑灭可燃液体着火最有效。 [163]同上

[164] A frontal thunderstorm is caused by ______. A. pronounced local heating B. wind being pushed up a mountain

C. a warm air mass rising over a cold air mass

D. an increased lapse rate caused by advection of warm surface air KEY: C雷暴天气是由于暖气团的上升超过冷气团造成的。 [165]同上

[166]A galley grease fire on the stove may be extinguished using______. A.water B.foam

C.the range hood extinguishing system D.fire dampers

KEY: C 发生在炉上的厨房油火可使用有作用距离的灭火系统扑灭。 [167]A generally circular low pressure area is called a(n)______.

A.cyclone B.anticyclone C.cold front D.occluded front KEY: A一般低压区叫气旋。

[168] A gas-free certificate would usually be issued by a(n) ______.

A. CCS marine surveyor B. certified marine chemist C. port engineer D. MSA marine inspector KEY: B油船除气证书通常由化学专家签发。

[169]A green pillar lightbuoy,Fl(2) 5s,is to be substituted for the red conical lightbuoy Close S.W.of the stranded wreck.The above sentence mainly refers to______. A.a red buoy is to be replaced by a green buoy B.a green buoy is to be replaced by a red buoy

C.either a red buoy or a green buoy is to be replaced D.neither a red buy nor a green buoy is to be replaced KEY: A 绿色的浮标代替红色的浮标。

[170] A group of crew members standing by in case of an emergency in order to assist other teams in action if necessary is a ______.

A. Fire team B. Rescue team