OEM 质量策划协议-中英对照 - -Jenny - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章OEM 质量策划协议-中英对照 - -Jenny - 图文更新完毕开始阅读4e356b6ba98271fe910ef946


Purpose is to have developed an agreed understanding of what will be done to improve the quality performance in the final market of those products purchased by Electrolux from the Supplier.

目的: 建立一个供应商和伊莱克斯双方在最终产品质量如何改进上取得一致理解的机制。

Updated 8th July 2006

Contents: 内容

A Foreward A 序言

B Quality Plan B质量计划

C General Audits and Inspection Procedures C 日常审核和验货程序

D Ongoing Product Confirmation D 产品生产确认 E Field Service Data D 售后维修数据

F Consumer Replacements F 顾客退换产品

Exhibit A. Schematic of Quality Plan for Sourced Products

附件A: OEM产品检查和确认质量计划(OEM 质量策划架构图) Exhibit B. Outgoing Quality Audits

附件B: 生产确认(出厂前产品质量验证) Exhibit C. Schedule of Defect Types 附件C: 产品质量缺陷分类

Exhibit D. Supplier’s on line test procedures 附件D: 供方在线检测流程

Exhibit E. Supplier’s end of line audit procedures 附件E: 供方终检流程

Exhibit F. Supplier’s product confirmation test procedures 附件F: 供方产品确认试验流程(供方产品可靠性试验流程) Exhibit G. Supplier’s extended or life testing procedures 附件G:供方延展或者寿命测试流程


OEM Supplier Quality Plan and Explanation Notes

A. FOREWARD 序言 1. The following does not replace any existing Supply Contract and accompanying Quality Schedule but seeks to document and explain in greater detail and include

improvements that enables the two companies learn from experiences and continuously improve the quality of the products supplied.


2. It is proposed that the contents of this paper would apply to all products supplied to Electrolux regardless of which Electrolux countries/companies the products are

shipped to so that there is one consistent approach to quality for all Electrolux products. Supply of products to Electrolux North America may have requirements not covered by this paper.


3. Not covered in here (yet) but equally important is a charting of who talks to whom about what etc.

任何条款都不可能规定所有的细节,本策划条款也不例外。因此双方在日常工作沟通交流所达成的任何事项,即便不在本条款内都应信守。 B. QUALITY PLAN 质量策划 1. Electrolux requires the Supplier to follow an agreed Quality Plan. The main elements of this plan are shown in the chart included as exhibit A. It is anticipated that where ever possible this should be embedded into or an adaptation of the Supplier’s existing quality

management processes rather than imposing another system upon the Supplier. It is proposed therefore that this be developed and agreed jointly to optimize realisation of each organisation’s needs. There are 3 main elements of this plan relating to: (i) Auditing and release of batches of products, (ii) Ongoing product confirmation, and (iii) Field Service data and continuous improvement. These are described in more detail in the next 3 sections.

伊莱克斯要求所有供应商都要遵守这个双方认可质量策划。 策划的主要内容参见附件A。 最理想的是本策划的内容本身已经被包含在供应商现有的的质量管理体系中。即使不是供应商现有质量管理体系的一部分,也应该通过合适的方法和供应商一同探讨,结合本条款优化供应商的质量管理体系,达到双赢。而不是要求供应商再从新建立多一个质量管理体系。 本策划内容,主要有三部分,分别是: (i)每批产品出厂前的验证和放行;、 (ii)产品在线质量控制和合格确认 (iii)售后服务质量反馈和持续改进


It is expected that the Supplier will have clearly documented procedures to ensure the consistent quality in the products they produce. Subject to agreement with Electrolux as to their adequacy, these should be included as part of this quality document. These procedures would not only


OEM Supplier Quality Plan and Explanation Notes

describe the checks made to 100% of the products but would explain rework procedures, data collection and analysis and development of future improvement plans. The results of these audits would be made available to Electrolux Quality people to take into account in conjunction with the suppliers representatives as to whether the products are acceptable for release for shipment.


It is envisaged that the Supplier will have some existing system to audit each batch of products produced. The sample size ideally would be 5% or that designated under AQL standards or other as agreed. The Supplier to advise current practice including %’s and processes for revue and possible adoption and inclusion in this quality agreement. It is Electrolux’s desire to link into the Supplier’s existing system and make use of the data it contains to improve the overall audit performance while at the same time reduce the need to rely only on Electrolux’s own

existing audit process thereby reducing unnecessary duplication and hopefully speed the release of products where ever possible.

考虑到供应商对每批产品出厂前检验和测试都会 建立一套 相关的系统。对此,伊莱克斯推荐按5%抽样的抽样量或者按照相近量的AQL 标准。当然,双方也可以根据产品的实质质量水平制定灵活的抽样方案。具体操作方式是供应商提供目前其具体抽样方案和接收水准,伊莱克斯评估其适宜性和充分性,如果可行便会直接纳入本质量策划条款内。否则会从新要求和供应商商定更为合理的抽样方案和接收水准。伊莱克斯希望尽可能的结合供应商现有系统共享产品所有相关的检验,测试,性能,改进等方面的数据。这样一来,伊莱克斯可以参考这些数据从而减少很多重复的检验和测试。那么放行产品的时间将大大缩短。 3. The audit criteria would be pre-agreed between the Supplier and the Participating Company for each model but would typically include a visual inspection and a run test of one cycle or 2 to 6 hours depending upon the product. The Supplier’s existing procedure or agreed variant will be attached as Exhibit E. The products would be graded using the Electrolux S, A, B and C system as described below. The process to be followed if different fault types are found is also described below. If necessary a translation table could be developed to translate from existing Supplier system to the Electrolux system. All audits by Electrolux would follow the same system and should show correlation with the Supplier results.

伊莱克斯成品抽样检测标准根据每个型号和相关方确认认可后执行。检测内容一般包括目测外观和根据产品的特点进行一个周期或2-6小时的运行测试。供方现行的流程或者认可的相关参数也将按照本文件的附件E提交给伊莱克斯供参考。 产品缺陷等级分类将沿用伊莱克斯的S,A,B,C评级体系,详见下文附录中。如果在实践中发现有新的缺陷类型,会把它补充进去。如果有必要,可以建立一个从供应商的现有缺陷分类系统转为伊莱克斯的S.A.B.C的分类系统的转换平台,以便于对照双方的检测结果。所有伊莱克斯进行的检验和测试都遵循这个缺陷分类系统。检测结果应体现和供方检测结果相关联。 4. The document entitled OEM Outgoing Quality Audit attached as exhibit B is an attempt to define what faults should be looked for, what their score should be etc. Clearly this would


OEM Supplier Quality Plan and Explanation Notes

need to be an evolving document that is updated regularly. The Schedule of Defect Types in exhibit C augments this

请参看附录B:OEM 出厂检测, 定义了各种质量缺陷,并且根据缺陷的严重度定义了相应的 缺陷分值,是一个指导性大纲 。 这些文件都会根据实制运行情况定期合理更新。 附件C根据各产品特性,按附录B的指导原则,更加具体定义各缺陷类型。(我猜附件C会是Checklist,所以这样翻译) 5. The Supplier would be expected to supply batches believed to have no S faults and an overall audit score of less than 20 (final figure to be agreed between Electrolux and the Supplier.) to enable dispatch of Products. It is envisaged that this target would continuously

improve/lower over time. If the score is above the agreed limits specified above then the Supplier and Electrolux will discuss and agree the appropriate actions to be taken. Shipment of batches with higher scores shall only be by receiving the approval of Electrolux in advance.

要求供应商必须保证每批产品抽检结果 没有S类缺陷,并且整批平均缺陷分数

QI<=20(具体抽检可接受QI分值极限应与供应商商定双方认可后执行)才能放行该批次。在实质操作过程中,供方产品质量会持续高于/低于这个标准。如果QI分值高于上述要求的限定值,伊莱克斯会要求供应商采取相应的改善措施,这些改善措施必须是合适的并且得到双方的认可。 对于QI分值较高批次的产品,必须事先得到伊莱克斯的批准才能放行。 6. The Supplier would provide Electrolux’s QA representative with a quality report from agreement to release for shipment. Depending upon the data that is currently available or can be augmented from the Supplier’s existing system, the report would verify that the Supplier

performed end of assembly line quality control audit and inspections of Product according to the procedures to be agreed and identify the following:

(a) The number of units by model of Product manufactured in that batch,

(b) By fault found, the number of units of Product in that batch with that fault, listed in descending order by the quantity of Product affected by such defect.

(c) For all S and A faults, what was done to rectify the products in that batch, and for all S and A and the five most common B defects causing failures, the Supplier would engage in and

implement some Root Cause analysis or similar and develop an action plan for rectifying such failures.

During the monthly inter company Quality Review Meeting this plan provided by the Supplier would be reviewed for progress and apparent validity of actions.

伊莱克斯要求供应商提供内部对每批产品检测质量报告给伊莱克斯质量管理人员。根据报告的结果,结合共享供应商系统获得的其他相关信息和伊莱克斯抽检的结果对比,确认供应商已完成相关的终检质量控制和商定的抽检质量控制。这些报告应包括以下基本信息: :

(a) 该批产品每个型号,流水号,批号以及数量;

(b) 缺陷产品的型号,批号,流水号,缺陷类型和数量,并按流水号递减的方式罗列。

(c) 所有S和A类缺陷的产品对该批次而言已采取的相应纠正措施; 对于所有S和A类缺陷



7. Batch Size: The definition of batch is different from that used by the logistics people who may refer to a batch as one container lot across several models. For the quality auditing


OEM Supplier Quality Plan and Explanation Notes