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我准是拨错号了。l must have dialed the wrong number。 这儿没有这个人。Nobody here by that name。

对不起,你打错了。Sorry, I think you have the wrong number。 我肯定你打错电话了。I’m sure that you have the wrong number。

他也许是换新号码了。对不起打扰了。He probably changed to a new number. I’m sorry I bothered you。

你打错电话了。请到电话簿里去查询正确的电话号码吧。You have dialed the wrong number. Please look up the correct number in the telephone directory。

对不起,打扰了。I’m sorry that I have disturbed you。 没关系。That’s all right。

18 挂断电话

Ann:Hello, three-five. 你好,这里是3-5.... Sam:Is that Ann? 是安吗?

Ann:I’m sorry. I’m very tired. I’m going to bed early. I didn’t have a good time and I don’t really want to see you again。 很抱歉,我累了,我要早点上床休息,我和你在一起玩得不开心也不照相再见到你了。

Sam:What are you talking about? We had a great time. We laughed and talked all night last time。 你在说什么呀,我们在一起很开心的啊。上次我们谈了一晚上也笑了一晚上。

Ann:It was hardly all night. And I recall it was you doing all the laughing at your own jokes。 才不是整个晚上呢,我回想起来好像都是你在自己笑你自己讲的笑话。

Sam:That’s not fair. We had fun. Give me a second chance. Can we meet tomorrow night for drinks at the pub? 这么说不公平,我们的确很开心。再给我一次机会。我们明天晚上到酒馆里喝一杯怎么样?

Ann:No, I’m sorry. I’m going to meet some friends tomorrow evening. And I’m too tired now. I have to go to sleep. Goodbye。 不行,很抱歉。明天晚上我要去见几个朋友。现在我太累了,我得去睡觉了,再见。

Sam:But Ann. 但是安...


我现在有点急事。Something urgent has come up。 都讲完了吗?Is that all?

回头我给你打回去好吗?这儿有点急事。Can I call you back? There is an emergency。 谢谢你打电话过来。Thank you for calling。 很高兴跟你通话。It’s been nice talking to you。

请代我向大家问好。Please say hello to everyone for me。 我的另一部电话响了。My other line is ringing。

给我你的号码,我过会儿给你打过去。Give me your number, and I’ll call you back。 我不再占用你的时间了。I won’t keep you any longer。 抱歉,我要挂电话了。Sorry, I’d better go now。

现在我太累了,我得去睡觉了。再见。I’m too tired now. I have to go to sleep. Goodbye。

19 手机接不通

Doris:You’re late. 你迟到了。 Leo:

I’m sorry. It was too cold and my car couldn’tstart. I had to warm it up in the garage with aheater. I tried to call you, but couldn’t get aconnection。

抱歉。天气太冷了,我的车发动不起来。我不得不在车库里用加热器给车加热。我试过给你打电话,但是接不通。 Doris:Couldn’t get a connection? 接不通?

Leo:Yes. Your number is out of service。 是啊,你的电话停机了。

Doris:Really? I didn’t know. Let me check. You’re right。 真的?我都不知道。我看看,还真是你说的那样。 Leo:So I couldn’t get through。 所以我打不通嘛。 Doris:

It’s a serious problem. I’m expecting an important call. The theater guild is supposed tocall me this evening and discuss my play. What will happen if they can’t reach me?

那问题可就严重了。我正在等一个很重要的电话呢,戏剧协会今晚会给我打电话讨论我的剧本。要是他们联系不到我会怎么样? Leo:Well, the only thing you can do is pay the fee to recover your service。 你唯一能做的就是缴费并开通你的服务。


我的手机电池没电了。The battery of my mobile phone is dead。 我的电话快没电了。My phone is running out of battery。 我忘了给电池充电了。I forgot to recharge the battery。 我忘记带手机充电器了。I forgot to take the mobile charger。 我把手机给关了。I had my cell phone power off。 没有信号。There is no signal。

我不会发短信。I don’t know how to send messages。 我的电话余额不足了。My balance is not enough。 我忘记买充值卡了。I forgot to buy the recharge card。 你的手机无法接通。Your cellphone could not be reached。 你的手机停机了。Your number is out of service。 我忘记你的号码了。I forgot your number。 我打不通。I couldn’t get through。

我不会用电话卡。I don’t know how to use a calling card。

电话占线。The line is busy。

她正在通话。Her line is busy at the moment。 你过一会儿再打来好吗? Could you call back later? 我听不清你说话。I can’t hear you clearly。

你能大点儿声吗? Could you please speak up a little? 我的电话坏了。My phone is out of order。 有好多杂音。There is a lot of noise。

听上去我们的线路有问题。Sounds like a problem with our lines。 你真应该换一部电话机。You really should change to a new telephone。 他换电话号码了。He has changed his number。

20 看电视

Blair:How are you feeling, Flora? 芙罗拉,你现在感觉怎么样?

Flora: Much better. Thanks. I’ve been resting all day, only with the television as my companion. In fact, in the whole week, the only thing I felt like doing was watching TV。

好多了,谢谢,我已经休息了一整天了,只有电视机与我为伴。事实上,这一周以来,我唯一愿意做的事情就是看电视。 Blair:What did you watch today? 你今天看什么了?

Flora: I started with some game shows this morning. I really enjoy them and even answered most of the questions correctly。 早上我先是看了些游戏节目。我非常喜欢这些节目,甚至大部分问题我都答对了。 Blair:And next? 后来呢?

Flora: At 2 o’clock, I switched to Channel 6, and watched a terrific movie without commercials。 两点钟的时候我调到了六频道,看了一部很好的电影,中间也没有插广告。