中考英语补全对话练习题 联系客服

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A: See you later.


A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday. What was wrong? B. I was ill.

A: Sorry to hear that. How are you now

B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel weak. A: Have you seen the doctor

B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and

asked me to stay in bed for a few days. A: Why don’t you stay at home today

B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind. A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. I can help you with your lessons B: Thank you.


A: Hello, Mary. How are you? B. Fine, thank you, Lucy. A: Mary, You look so nice in the new skirt B. It’s so kind of you to say that. A: Where did you buy the skirt? B: I bought it in Hangzhou? A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful City. When did you go there? B: Last month. A: Did you go there with your father? B. No, He has gone to England. A: England? B: Yes, on business.

(12) (Rob=R Mom=M)

R: Hi, Mom. I’m home! M: Where have you been It’s almost 5:00. R: Sorry. I was at Sam’s house. M: What were you doing ?

R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. You should hear some of them. M: Maybe I’ll do that sometime later. R: How about now? M: Now? I’m busy cooking.

R: It doesn’t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them. See?

M: Sam let you borrow some of them? It seems you borrowed all of them

R: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200.

M: That’s a lot of CDs. Sam must spend all of his money on music R: He does. He spends his mom’s money, too.

(13) (Paul=P Jack=J)

P: Hi, Jack! J: Hi!

P: Did you watch the football match last night

J: No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It had already finished. P: What a pity ! It was a great football match. J: What was the score \\result?

P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them 5—3. J: Really? That’s amazing! Was it an exciting game?

P: Yeah. And I’ve never seen such an exciting match before! After 60 minutes, the American team was winning 3—2. J: Then what happened?

P: Soon our team kicked another two goals. J: Great.


(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M) Z: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please?

M: This is Mei Ya speaking Who is that?

Z: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring Festi

val Gala for 2005? M: Not yet, and you?

Z: I haven’t either. But it’s said this is a very beautiful dance. M: Really? Was it given by Tai Lihua only?

Z: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were moved by it.

M: Why were so many people moved? Was there something special about it? Z: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.

M: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.

Z: Don’t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I’ve got two tickets for their performance in Wuha

n Theatre tonight. Would you like to go with me?

M: Sure. How shall we get there?

Z: How about walking\\riding a bike ? It is not far from here. M: OK, I’ll wait for you at home at two. See you later. Z: See you.


A: What a fine day today! How about going on a trip?

B: That sounds like a good idea. Where to go\\where do you plan to go? A: Let’s go to the little Hill. B: Shall we take the bus there? A: We can go there by bike. It’s not very far.

B: That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month. A Who else would you like to go with? B: Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained. A: Good! I’m sure they will be happy to.

B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there?

A: We can just lie on the grass having a good rest\\we can have a picnic there we can do anything

we like…… B: That will be fun.


A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?

B: I have to look after my mother\\my mother is ill in hospital A: Oh, what’s wrong with her?

B: She has got a bad cold\\cough… She had to see a doctor. The doctor said there was something wrong. A: I’m sorry to hear that. How is she feeling now? B: A little better.Can I do anything to help B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you. A: See you


A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?

B: I’m sorry I don’t know. You may ask that policeman over there.

A: Thank you all the same. (The man goes to the policeman.) A: Excuse me, Is there a hotel near here?

C: No, there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China. A: How far is it? C: It’s about two kilometers away. A: How can I get there?

C: You’d better take a taxi, because it’s so late and there aren’t any bused now. A: Thank you C: You’re welcome.


A: Laura, how are you today? B: Not very well. I’ve had a bad day. A: what’s wrong with you?

B: I got up late this morning. I missed the early bus. So I had to wait for another bus.

A: Oh, bad luck! You must be late, weren’t you\\were you late for school?

B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the


A: Where did they go?

B: They went to the playground to see a basketball match…. Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.

A: Did you find them at last\\did you go to look for?

B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!


A: Excuse me. Which is the way to the Children’s Hospital? B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know. C: The Children’s Hospital? Er… It’s a little far from here. A: How far is it? C: It’s about 5 kilometres away. A: Can I take a bus?

C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there. A: Where is the bus stop?