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Unit 2 Jobs and Careers


★ first listen, and then learn to ask about job opportunities and go for job interviews

★ read about online job applications and dream jobs

★ write about how to find a potential job

★ practice the use of unreal conditions

★ write your own résumé

★ visit Culture Salon to learn to tell the difference between job and career

I Passage A Your Dream Job: A Click Away 1. Summary

Since most students will choose to work after graduation, job-hunting is of great importance to them. They will write plenty of résumés about their education and send them to the companies they want to work for. It takes both time and energy to do so. Now, thanks to the development of the Internet, job-hunting has become much easier. Job-hunters can find a job just by clicking a mouse on the computer. Many of them make their dream come true through the Internet.

This article describes the experiences of five people who used online sources to look for new jobs. Theresa Smith used the JOB-TRAK website to find an administrative assistant’s job at a university. Steven Tools used the CareerBuilder website to find a marketing management position. Madeline Gragg used Yahoo! to find a job teaching English in Japan. Nedzad Dozlic used a newspaper website to find a driver’s job with a car dealership. Wendy Mello used CareerBuilder to find a position in human resources for a media-information-services company. Mello also used another website to calculate the cost of living in her new location and to decide what salary to request. All these are typical examples of online job searches, since many different types of jobs can now be found this way.

2.Language Points

1. career: a job or profession for which one is trained and which one intends to follow for the whole of one’s life


There are many more careers open to women now than fifty years ago. Florence Nightingale made nursing her career.

2. refer to: 1) send (someone or something) to (usually someone else) for decision or action Examples:

The Local Court has referred the whole case to the High Court.

The dispute between the two countries was referred to the United Nations. 2) mention; speak about Examples:

Don’t refer to the matter again.

The speaker referred to his past experience.

3. criteria: (pl.) an established rule, standard, or principle, on which a judgment is based Examples:

What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student’s work? There are several criteria of a good school.

4. salary: fixed (usually monthly) pay for regular work


My father draws his salary at the end of every month.

Don’t spend all of your salary. Try to put something away each month.

5. resident: a person who lives ( in a place) and is not just a visitor Examples:

The local residents were angry at the lack of parking spaces. The residents of the town are proud of its new library.

6. come across: meet or discover, especially by chance Examples:

I have just come across a beautiful poem in this book.

She came across some old letters in the course of her search.

7. curious: eager to know or learn Examples:

The boy was curious about everything he saw. Miss Matfield threw a curious glance at her.

8. fill out / in: put in (whatever is needed to complete something) Examples:

After Tom passed his driving test he filled out an application for his driver’s license. The policeman filled out a report of the accident.

9. fill up: make or become completely full


The room soon was filled up with people. The rain has filled up the ditches again.

10. available: able to be got, obtained, used, etc. Examples:

A limited number of seats are still available.

There were no tickets available for Friday’s performance.

11. elevate: make better, higher, or more educated


The clerk was elevated to a managerial position.

The government is trying to elevate the living standards of the people.

12. scan: look through quickly


He scanned the newspaper while having his breakfast.

He scanned the articles that might give the information he needed.

13. procedure: an action or set of actions necessary for doing something Examples:

Writing a check is quite a simple procedure.

We have worked out a new set of procedures for using this machine.

14. spot: pick out, recognize, see (one person or thing out of many) Examples:

He was the first to spot the danger.

We spotted the winner of the beauty contest the moment she appeared.

15. variety: number or group of different things


Everyone arrived late at the party for a variety of reasons. The college library has a wide variety of books.

16. potential: that can or may come into existence or action


Although this area is very poor now, its potential wealth is great. We should always be on the lookout for potential dangers.

17. learn of: become informed of


How did you learn of our product? Was it through our advertisement? I learned of your new address from your parents.

18. via: by means of; using Examples:

I’ve read this French play via an English translation.

I sent a message to Mary via her sister.

19. annual: of one year Examples:

The annual farm output was to be increased by 4 to 5 percent. Mr. White’s annual income is $36 000.

20. financial: connected with money Examples:

In that case they would receive financial aid from the state. They are now confronted with a serious financial crisis.

21. current: of present time Examples:

They suggested measures to overcome current difficulties. In some schools children study current affairs as a subject.

22. flash: show for a moment Examples:

The news flashed on television.

He flashed a $10 note at the man by the door.

23. detailed: with a lot of facts given Examples:

He gave me a detailed account of his work. He kept a detailed diary of the meetings.

3.Important sentences

1. The career placement center referred the liberal-arts major to JOB-TRAK, an Internet site listing 45 000 entry-level positions.

The career placement center advises the student majoring in liberal arts to visit JOB-TRAK, a website containing 45 000 jobs for new workers.

2. Smith is one American who clicked her way into a job. Smith is one American who found a job online.

3. “The Internet is like hiring a personal assistant,” says Tools. “Effortlessly you can become aware of opportunities that may elevate your career.”

The Internet is like a personal helper. It presents you with information about possible chances to improve your career.

4. Most major newspapers and trade publications have online versions of their classified listings, enabling job-seekers to scan for work available across town, in another state, or around the world. Most major newspapers and specialist journals have their job advertisements online, to help