上海版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷C卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章上海版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷C卷更新完毕开始阅读4f6e3edf6ad97f192279168884868762cbaebb7d

C . In the sports field.

(8)Where can we get information on exercise and fitness classes? A . In the skateboard park B . In the gymnasium. C . In the sports field.

(9)How many opening activities are there in Mountain Sports Center? A . 7 B . 4 C . 5

(10)How many opening activities are there in Mountain Sports Center? A . 7 B . 4 C . 5 18. (6分) JOB WANTED Waiter Big, busy restaurant. 2 years' experience, part time, $ 8 an hour. Office Assistant Francisco's Shoe Shop. Office work, full time, no experience, $ 13 an hour. Apply (申请) in person at 6756 Main St. Speak Chinese. Southgate. Fax resume (简历) to 555-3003. Guide Love travel? Join us! Full time, speak English. Salesgirl Busy department store. No experience, $ 10 an hour, will train. Apply in person at 224 West Rose Ave. No experience, $ 12 an hour. Richmond. Email resume: lewisnclark@dot.org 第 9 页 共 15 页

(1)If you can speak Chinese, you can apply for _____. A . Waiter

B . Office Assistant C . Salesgirl D . Guide

(2)If you want to be a waiter, you should _____.If you work as a guide, you can get _____ an hour.

A . be trained B . have experience C . speak English D . know Chinese

(3)If you work as a guide, you can get _____ an hour. A . $ 8 B . $ 10 C . $ 12 D . $ 13

四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)

19. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,合乎情景 (有两个多余选项)。

A: What's the problem?

B: Oh, just my parents.________ A: What about?

B: The TV. My mom and dad can't agree________ A: Does your dad like sports programs? B: Yes, he does________, she loves movies. A:________

B: No. He thinks they are boring. A:________

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B: Yes, they do. A: What? B: Fighting!

A.Do they both like anything? B. What does your mom like? C. They're always fighting.

D. But my mom hates sports programs. E. They both like movies. F. They like different things. G. Does your dad like movies?

五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)

20. (5分)阅读下面有关企鹅活动的周期表,在短文的空白处填入或选择恰当的词,完成对其活动的介绍。 The Penguin Calendar

The chart above shows five activities of penguins over a period of one year, month by month. They are hole staying, nest building, ________, chick raising and moulting. The penguins stay in the ________ most of the year, from January to October. In July, they begin to build nests, just ________ (before/ after) they lay eggs. Chick raising lasts five months, from September to the next ________. After chicks come out of the eggs, they begin to lose their baby hair, which is called moulting. It usually takes about ________ months, from February to May.

六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)

21. (5分)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 (1)Do you ________ (have/has) a new watch?

(2)Can you ________ (write/writes) a letter in English? (3)She often ________ (buys/bought) things in the shop. (4)It is going to ________(snow/snows) tomorrow.

(5)I ________(eat/ate) a hamburger and drank some juice last night.

七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)

22. (5分)赠人玫瑰,手留余香。帮助他人就是帮助我们自己。请你根据内容提示写一篇英文,和同学们分享你帮助他人的经历及感悟。



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参考词汇:unforgettable,experience 要求:


★必须包括内容提示,可适当发挥。语句通顺,意思连贯 ★文字中不得出现真实人名,校名,其他地名

Everyone may meet with difficulties in his life. We need others' help when we are in trouble. Now I'd like to share.

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