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Abdicate 退位,放弃,不干了 Agitate 煽动

Belie=counter 对立,反义 belying Be at odds with sth. 不一致 Dichotomy=incongruity 对立,矛盾 Antithetical adj. 矛盾的 Apophasis (呀麦代)= oxymoron

Lush 多产的,郁郁葱葱 fecund productive prolific

贫瘠的 unproductive infertile barren sterile impoverished depleted Ple: 装

Replete 充满(=fill),量大 (=plethora)

Implement 贯彻,执行 complement (=supplement) 补充 compliment 恭维 2.

Cynics 对立,(两种观点的对立)(和大众的不一样) Grasp =understand

Deflect = shrug off 拒绝,不接受

Shrug disregard ignore neglect slight 不接受,不鸟你,不理会 Attend , heed , mind ,advert (advertise,advertisement) 关注,留意


Tawdry 俗艳的

Chic 时髦的,潮的 elegant 文雅的 Uninteresting :

Pedestrian(行人,缺乏想象力的) dreary(乏味的,枯燥的) jejune monotonous(单调的) tedious(令人厌倦的) wearisome stale(不新鲜) stodgy(平庸的) bland(味道温和,无味)=humdrum Interesting:

Riveting absorbing engaging engross(使全神贯注) emboss Gripping(吸引人的) snappy (snap 抓) intriguing(有兴趣的,迷人的) involved(复杂的)

Fascinating mesmerizing(有魅力的) entrance(入口,入迷的) pall(使平淡)

Mono, mon: 表单独,独自的,,

monopoly(独自生产,垄断) monarch(君主) Monochromatic 单色的

Mosaic(综合体) --purity (纯的) Ped: foot , child

expedite(加速) --expedient(应急手段,权宜之计) impede (阻止) quadruped 四足动物

Pediatrician pedagogy (极度感兴趣的) pedant (学究) 4.

Ebullient 热情奔放的 enthusiastic exuberant effervescent

Vivacious 活泼的

Tepid 不冷不热的,不温不火的 trepid 胆小的

Intrepid 大胆的 torpid 冬眠的,冷漠的,无动于衷的== torpor Torrid 酷热的 frigid 极其寒冷的(女性性冷淡) Turgid disturb ==perturb 打扰的 VIV:

Revive survive vivid(生动活泼) convivial(喜爱吃喝交际的) glum(不高兴的) gloomy(不高兴的) melancholy dejected (沮丧) morose

Cheerful jovial jocund sanguine lighthearted ecstasy(狂喜的)==Bliss euphoria rapture RUPT:

Bankrupt(破产) erupt interrupt abrupt 话多的:

Garrulous (啰嗦) circumlocutory diffuse prolix rambling(漫谈) verbose windy wordy garrulous loquacious glib(油嘴滑舌的) expansive voluble(健谈的) 话少的:

Laconic taciturn reserved(矜持的) reticent curt = pithy succinct = terse = compendious (简洁的) Cmopendium == synopsis (n.摘要)

Solicitous 关心,挂念,仔细===fastidious 吹毛求疵的

Relaxed ---- awkward Circum:

Circumspect==careful circumvent (躲避)

Circumscribe==limit describe ascribe (归因于) subscribe (签署,同意) proscribe(限制,禁止) prescribe (开药方) Loqu,locu :

Locution elocution eloquent () interlocution (对话) Circumlocution (绕圈说话) soliloquy (对白) obloquy (指责) Grandiloquent == magniloquent (浮夸的) 5.

Lavish(奢华的) = luxurious =plush =sumptuous= baroque pompous(自大的,浮夸的)

Austere (朴素的)==unadorned = plain = spartan = stark = spare Ascetic (自制的)=stoic stripped down剥离

Extraneous (多余的) exigent (紧急的=urge) inalienable(不可分割的)

Un---ed 改造的单词:

Unconcerned unchecked(无法阻止)== undeterred

unalloyed ==pure Unglazed (不上釉料) unfeigned(真实的) Unbridled (无限制,不能被阻止) Blush (脸红) flush (大量的,冲刷)


Extraneous impertinent(无礼的) inapplicable irrelative Immaterial peripheral tangent(相切的) 相关的:

Applicable apposite(适当的,贴切的) apropos germane pertinent relative relevant