北外1603-远程教育--大学英语1--参考答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章北外1603-远程教育--大学英语1--参考答案更新完毕开始阅读50323bc5370cba1aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a8805

A. On a boat in America. B. On a boat in Hungary.

C. In the hospital in America. D. In the hospital in Hungary. Her father was a _______________. A. Famous musician

B. History professor of the university C. Pianist D. Fisherman

Her mother was a ______________. A. Famous dancer. B. Famous pianist

C. History professor of the university D. Doctor

She was born on _______________. A. February 21st . B. April 21st. C. May 20th D. July 2nd

She went to _______ after Budapest. A. America B. Hungary C. France D. Germany Conversations 6

He starts work at 9.30. A. True B. False

Most of the work happens outside of opening hours. A. True B. False

He doesn't like meeting people. A. True B. False

He once had to deal with a robber. A. True B. False

He feels important handling a lot of money. A. True B. False Conversations 7

How does the customer want her eggs

A. Scrambled.

B. Sunny side-up. C. Over-easy. D. Over-hard. Fill Blank 1

In Western countries, waiters, waitresses, taxi drivers, hotel bellboys, barbers and hairdressers, and some other service people must be (1)_tipped_. Normally they get low salaries from their employers. Therefore, you, the customers, are expected to (2)_make_ up the difference. Otherwise, they cannot make a living. Tipping rules that is, who to pay, how much to pay) (3)__vary_ from place to place. For instance, tipping in a proper restaurant is generally 10% -15% of your bill while you don’t have to tip at all in a (4)_fast-food_ restaurant. Therefore, when you eat in a restaurant in the West, always look at the bill (“check” in American English) carefully. In some restaurants, a service (5)_charge_ is included in the bill, so there is no need for a tip.


Conversations 1

Christmas was the day when __________. A. Jesus died

B. Jesus was born C. Not mentioned

D. Jesus became adult

In modern times traditional Christmas festivities have become _______. A. much more related to the Christ story B. much more related to politics.

C. much less related to the Christ story D. much less related to politics

There are about _________ Christians in the world. A. 1.8 billion B. 5.5 billion C. 1.8 million D. 5.5 million

Gift-giving has only become popular in _______ as figures such as Santa Claus have come to be more important. A. the last 200 years B. the last 50 years C. the last 100 years D. the last decade

The tradition of Christmas tree began in __________. A. the United States B. Germany C. Canada D. England Conversations 2

The man wants to join the library. A. True B. False

He has to pay 5-pound deposit to join the library. A. True B. False

He can borrow newspapers as well as books and magazines. A. True B. False

There is a fine for overdue books. A. True B. False

He needs to show his ID when handing in the form. A. True B. False Conversations 3 Where is yogurt

A. It’s in the Dairy Section, Aisle B. B. It’s in the Dairy Section, Aisle D.

C. It’s in the Frozen Food Section, Aisle B. D. It’s in the Frozen Food Section, Aisle D. Conversations 4

Where are washing machines. A. On the first floor. B. On the second floor C. In the basement. D. On the top floor Conversations 5

What does the first speaker want to borrow A. The computer B. The calculator C. The typewriter D. The phone Conversations 6

What does the first speaker borrow for his party A. A small table and a few plates. B. Two chairs and two bowls

C. A few forks, bowls and plates D. A few plates, bowls and chairs Conversations 7

What does Frank suggest the speaker do A. She should ask Dick.

B. She should wait for a while.

C. She should go to the Computer Center. D. She should buy a computer himself. Fill Blank 1

Many people today are greatly (1)_concerned_ by the increase in the world’s population, and China has taken the (2) _lead_ in trying to solve the problem. How fast is the population of the world (3)__growing_? At the moment, the population of the world is (4)_increasing_ by about a quarter of a million people each day. That means that about 94 million (5)_extra_ people live on the earth each year.


Conversations 1 Who’s Mr. Green

A. He’s from New York.

B. He’s the sales manager. C. Not mentioned.

D. He’s Paul Johnson’s friend. Conversations 2 Who’s Bob Smith

A. He’s Kate’s classmate. B. He’s Frank’s classmate. C. Not mentioned. D. He’s a stranger Conversations 3 Who’s Tom meeting

A. Jack’s friends.

B. Jack’s mother and sister. C. Jack’s classmates.

D. Jack’s father and brother. Conversations 4

What is the most likely relationship between these two speakers A. Two friends.

B. Husband and wife.

C. A customer and a realtor D. Two customers. Conversations 5

What does the first speaker need A. Some eggs.

B. A small bag of sugar. C. A few oranges. D. Sugar and eggs. Conversations 6

Natalie is looking for _________ in the library. A. a classmate

B. a book called On Reserve

C. a book called How to Become a Good Writer. D. a novel to read in her free time Natalie is required to read __________.