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1. 按词的构成,副词分为简单副词(如well, only)、复合副词(如somewhere, therefore)和派生副词(如aloud, clearly)。 2. 按功用,副词(词组)可分为: ★修饰性副词(词组)。如:

already, before, early, later, finally, immediately, now, recently, yesterday, today, nowadays, tomorrow, shortly, soon, ago等 here, there, up, upstairs, downstairs, above, back, overhead, nearby, indoors, outdoors, aboard, down, in, outside, home, away等 always, frequently, usually, often, sometimes, from time to time, rarely, 频度副词 seldom, occasionally, now and then, never, every three weeks, twice a week等 方式副词 carefully, happily, coldly, angrily, warmly, slowly, excitedly, patiently, politely, badly, naturally等 almost, deeply, entirely, quite, rather, very, much, nearly, perfectly, totally等 时间副词 地点副词 程度副词 ★连接副词。这类副词用来引导主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句,如how, when, where, why;也可连接并列结构,如consequently, however, moreover, therefore,

though, thus等。★句子副词。这类副词修饰整个句子,如actually, certainly, absolutely, obviously, really等。 ★解释性副词。如namely(即), as。

★疑问副词。这类副词用来构成特殊疑问句,如how, where, when, why。 ★关系副词。这类副词用来引导定语从句,如when, where, why。 ★感叹副词。这类副词用来引导感叹句,如how, what。 三、副词(词组)的位置 时间副词 可以根据修辞需要置于句首、句尾和句中。 Recently, though, she seems to have run out of energy. We received a letter from him recently. He has recently been promoted to Assistant Manager. 地点副词 频度副词 多置于句尾。 Do you live nearby? 常放在实义动词的前面。 They seldom watch television these days. 若句中有情态动词、助动We don’t usually see each other on the 词或动词be,则放在这类weekend. 动词(第一个)的后面。 He has never been late for the meeting. 若为词组,常置于句末。 They visit us every other week. 方式副词 程度副词 常放在动词之后。 常放在被修饰词之前。 Joey reacted angrily to the news. We’re having rather cold weather for June. 疑问、连接、 放在句子或从句之前。 How can I love myself when I look like 关系、 句子副词等 this? Certainly, pets can help children develop friendship skills. 注意: ☆there, here等副词位于句首时,如果谓语是表示位置移动的动词(如come, go),则用主谓倒装语序;如果主语是代词,则不必倒装。如: There goes the last bus. There it is: just to the right of the church. ☆句中同时出现几个副词,一般次序是:方式副词+地点副词+时间副词(时间副词也可至于句首)。 【即学即练】按照正确的语序将下列每组单词组成一个陈述句。 1. always, gardening, loved, has, she

__________________________________________________ 2. started, David, learn, to, language, a, new, totally

__________________________________________________ 3. fully, can, understand, at, I, often, is, he, why, by, others, laughed __________________________________________________ 4. the, field, in, hard, they, were, working, afternoon, yesterday __________________________________________________ 答案


1. She has always loved gardening.

2. David started to learn a totally new language.

3. I can fully understand why he is often laughed at by others. 4. They were working hard in the field yesterday afternoon.