考察会议纪要 联系客服

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会议纪要 Meeting Minutes 客户考察公司( 年 月 日) 会议议题 Meeting Name: 主持人 Moderator: 地点 持续时间 Place: Meeting duration: 记录人 Minuted by: 会议目标(简要说明会议的目标,包括期望达到的结果) Meeting Objective ( to brief the meeting objective, including the expected outcome ) 参加人员(列出参加会议的人员,他在项目中的头衔、角色) Meeting attenders (to list the meeting attenders, and their titles or project roles) 会议材料(列出会议讨论的所有项目资料) Materials distributed ( to list the project materials to be discussed at the meeting ) 发言记录(记录发言人的观点、意见和建议) Speaking notes ( to note the speakers’ points of view, opinions and suggestions) 会议决议(说明会议结论) Meeting decisions ( to state the meeting conclusions ) 会议纪要发放范围 Distribution scope of meeting minutes 报送: 抄送: 浙江卓凡展览有限公司