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out (因考试不及格而被迫退学) and, defying (不服从) his father, devoted (投入于) all his time and energy to the violin. Unfortunately, though he had great ability, his teachers were relatively unskilled (拙劣的), so by the time he was ready to start his concert tour he wasn’t prepared.

In Italy a Milan newspaper critic wrote: “He is an untrained musician. If he were a diamond, he should be certainly in the rough (粗糙的) and unpolished(无光泽的).” There were two ways Ole Bull could have reacted to that criticism. He could have let it make him angry, or he could learn from it. Fortunately he chose the latter. He went to the newspaper office and asked to see the critic. The astounded editor introduced him. Ole spent the evening with the 70-year-old critic, asked about his faults, and sought the older man’s advice on how to correct them.

Then he canceled (取消) the rst of his tour, returned home, and spent the next six months studying under really able teachers. He practiced hours upon hours to overcome (克服) his fauts. Finally, he returned to his concert and, when only 26, became the sensation (轰动的人或事) of Europe. (240 words) 1. Which of the following statement is true? ______ A) Ole Bull’s father wanted him to follow his footsteps.

B) Ole Bull was not allowed to play his violin because he didn’t do well in study. C) Ole Bull is an example of success by learning from criticism. D) Ole Bull was prepared for his concert when he started his concert tour. 2. In the fourth paragraph, the underlined word “astounded” means ______. A) very surprised B) friendly C) angry D) polite 3. How did Ole Bull react when he was criticized? ______ A) Ole got very angry with the Milan newspaper critic.

B) Ole went to see the critic and asked for his advice on how to make improvment. C) Ole neither got angry about the criticism nor wanted to learn from the criticism. D) Ole canceled the rest of his tour and went back home. 4. Why did he canceled the rest of his tour and return home? ______ A) Becase he wanted to continue with his violin study. B) Becase he wanted to spent half a year at home.

C) Becase he wanted to return home and study under his former violin teachers. D) Becase he wanted to study under competent teachers and overcome his shortcomings.

5. Which of the following statement is not true? ______ A) He finally returned to his concerts.

B) He canceled the rest of his tour to give his concerts in Europe. C) He spent a lot of time on violin practice to overcome his fauts. D) He became very successful at the age of 26. 答案: C^A^B^D^B