2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit3AtasteofEnglishhumour课后达标检测新人教版必修4 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit3AtasteofEnglishhumour课后达标检测新人教版必修4更新完毕开始阅读50f23b05370cba1aa8114431b90d6c85ed3a8805

(2020·济南高三质检)When I was young, my understanding of life was simple. This made it __1__ for me to deal with the world around me. As I grew up, things seemed more __2__, which made life more challenging. Now, middle-aged, I find my __3__ of the world is returning to the simple.

When I try to teach my daughter important __4__ about life, I will break complicated things __5__ into small pieces. One of those basics is __6__, for yourself, and for others. I teach my daughter to __7__. To fail feels bad, __8__, but not to have tried feels worse, because you can’t respect yourself for it. And as the saying __9__, if you don’t respect yourself, no one else will.

When I was seven or eight, I played at my cousin’s house with his toys. His family was better off than mine, and he had many more toys. There was one __10__ that I’d always wanted, and I __11__ it into my pocket. But a moment later, I __12__, even at that age, that I would never enjoy playing with the toy. I would always know I had __13__, and my opinion of myself would __14__. When his mother dropped me off later that day, I shamefacedly __15__ out the toy and gave it back. She knew, I’m sure, what had happened, __16__ she thanked me and never spoke of it again.

I hope to help my daughter avoid similar __17__. She first has to gain self-respect __18__ she can start respecting others. I believe in respect, because __19__ it we’re all enemies. I’m not __20__ in this regard, far from it. But I try my best, and I respect others for trying their best in this changing world.

【解题导语】 作者由儿时偷拿别人玩具的经历认识到尊重自己的重要性;于是,作者教女儿要尊重自己、尊重他人。

1.A.funnier C.safer

B.easier D.deeper

B 解析:根据上文中的“my understanding of life was simple”可知,那时“我”对生活的理解很简单,所以应付周围的事情就更加容易(easier)一些。故选B。

2.A.important C.fragile

B.awkward D.complex

D 解析:根据空后的“more challenging”可知,随着不断地长大,事情似乎更复杂(complex)了,这让“我”的生活更具挑战性。fragile意为“易碎的”。

3.A.view C.aim

B.experience D.expectation

A 解析:根据本文第一句中的“understanding”可知,进入中年以后,“我”发现“我”对世界的看法(view)又重归简单。


4.A.basics C.subjects

B.facts D.choices

A 解析:根据下文的“basics”可知,此处表示当“我”在教女儿一些重要的生活基本原则(basics)时,“我”将复杂的东西分解成一个个小块。

5.A.away C.down

B.off D.out

C 解析:参见上题解析。break sth. down意为“分解某物”。 6.A.passion C.respect

B.love D.desire

C 解析:根据下文的“you can’t respect yourself for it”和下文多次重复出现的关键词“respect”可知,“我”教女儿的基本原则之一便是尊重(respect),尊重自己,尊重他人。

7.A.forgive C.share

B.accept D.try

D 解析:根据下文的“not to have tried”可知,我教女儿去尝试(try)。 8.A.certainly C.personally

B.eventually D.willingly

A 解析:根据下文中的“not to have tried feels worse”可推知,失败的确(certainly)让人感到很糟糕,但是不去尝试会让人感觉更加糟糕。

9.A.runs C.writes

B.goes D.follows

B 解析:该空后面的“if you don’t respect yourself,no one else will”表示你不尊重自己,没有人会尊重你,是一句俗语,故用“as the saying goes”表示“常言道”。

10.A.for fun C.with care

B.in particular D.at random

B 解析:根据下文的“and gave it back”可知,“我”当时一直特别(in particular)想要其中的一件玩具,于是“我”就将它悄悄塞进了“我”的口袋里。

11.A.fetched C.slipped

B.arranged D.fitted

C 解析:参见上题解析。slip意为“悄悄塞”。 12.A.doubted C.questioned

B.promised D.sensed

D 解析:根据下文中的“that I would never enjoy playing with the toy”可知,但是不久一会,即使那时那么年幼,“我”也能感觉到(sensed),“我”再也不会喜欢玩这个



13.A.lied C.changed

B.stolen D.cheated

B 解析:根据下文的“shamefacedly”可推知,“我”会一直记得自己偷了(stolen)东西,这让“我”对自己的看法变差(suffer)。

14.A.suffer C.fade

A 解析:参见上题解析。 15.A.gave C.pulled

B.left D.handed B.improve D.spread

C 解析:根据空后的“gave it back”可推知,“我”羞愧地将玩具拿出来归还给她。pull out意为“拿出,掏出”。

16.A.so C.for

B.or D.but

D 解析:句意:她那时明白所发生的事情,但还是感谢我,并从未再提起这件事情。 17.A.accidents C.results

B.mistakes D.habits

B 解析:在文章第三段,作者讲述了自己当时的一个小的错误,即拿走了别人的玩具,因此作者希望自己能帮助女儿避免类似的错误。

18.A.before C.in case

B.until D.now that

A 解析:根据空前的“first”可知,她应该在学会尊重他人之前,首先学会尊重自己。 19.A.upon C.without

B.beyond D.despite

C 解析:根据文章最后一句可知,“我”尽“我”最大的努力,在这个变化的世界,“我”尊重其他人,因为他们也在尽最大的努力尊重“我”。由此可推知,如果没有尊重,人与人之间就都变成了敌人。

20.A.honest C.curious

B.casual D.perfect

D 解析:根据上题解析可知,在尊重他人方面,“我”不是完美的,且远远达不到,但是“我”会尽最大努力去做。故选D。




注意:1.词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数); 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Lisa,

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Yours, Li Hua

One possible version: Dear__Lisa,

I’m delighted to know you are going to take part in a Chinese poetry reciting contest. The fact that you are so interested in Chinese culture makes me happy. Now I’d like to offer you some practical advice.

You should have a thorough understanding of what you are going to read. Only by doing this can you appreciate its beauty. Moreover, correct your pronunciation by listening to Chinese radio programs because all the announcers speak standard Chinese. What’s more, it is a good idea to make some Chinese friends and communicate with them as often as possible, which can improve your spoken Chinese.

Wish you good luck and success.

Yours, Li__Hua