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It wasn’t, however, until the late 18th century that fancy young men introduced a more colorful, flowing piece of cloth that eventually became known as the tie. Then, clubs, military, institutions and schools began to use colored and patterned ties to indicate the wearer’s membership in the late 19th century. After that, the tie became a necessary item of clothing for British gentlemen.

But now, even gentlemen are getting tired of ties. Anyway, the day feels a bit easier when you wake up without having to decide which tie suits you and your mood. 51. The tie symbolizes all of the following except __________. A) respect B) elegance C) politeness D) democracy

52. What did Jim Callaghan say about the tie?

A) He thought the tie wasn’t a must for appearance.

B) He would die if his children were seen in public without a tie. C) He believed that the tie was a sign of being complete. D) He said that even the civil servants may stop wearing ties. 53.Which of the following is NOT a social occasion? A) Going to church.

B) Going to work in the office. C) Staying at home. D) Going to a party.

54. Who brought the Frenchmen’s neckwear to Britain? A) Tony Blair. B) Charles II. C) Jim Callaghan. D) Andrew Turnbull.

55. When did the tie become a necessary item of clothing for British gentlemen? A) After the late 19th century. B) In the 1630s. C) In 1660.

D) In the late 18th century.

Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.

You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

长城的建设始于公元前7或8世纪,持续2000多年,是古代最宏大的防御工事之一。长城拥有宁静的风景和重大的历史价值。我们今天看到的长城大部分是建于明代,其中保存最完好以及最负盛名的是于位北京境内的八达岭长城。如今的游客都知道这样一句话:―不到长城非好汉‖。长城是世界文化遗产(world cultural heritage)之一,是中华民族的象征。


PARTI Writing 【范文】

An Eye-witness Account of a Theft

①The theft happened at about 11:00 A.M., July 3rd. I was selecting some biscuits in the shop when it happened. ②A young mother quickly poured the water into a milk bottle and then tried to get the milk powder at the back of the baby carriage. Suddenly, I noticed a man got a purse from the front of the pram and disappeared into the crowd in a flash. It was so quick that I cannot even say a word. When I regained consciousness, I shouted loudly and the woman figured out what happened so we went to the police station for help.

③Three factors contributed to the theft. The robber’s low moral quality was definitely ④the main one. ⑤And also, the mother was too careless. She should have put her purse in a safe place. ⑥Moreover, since it was the first time for me to experience such kind of thing, I took me a moment to find out what happened. As a result, we miss the critical time to chase the thief instantly. 【精彩点评】

①对事件进行总体概述。 ②详述整个事件发生的过程。 ③分析事件发生的原因。

④⑤⑥the main reason, and also, moreover从三方面对原因进行分析,清晰明了并且不重复。 【加分亮点】

disappear into the crowd消失在人群中 in a flash瞬间;立刻 say a word说句话

regain consciousness苏醒;恢复知觉 critical危急的;危险的;决定性的 【主题词汇】

theft act盗窃犯 ; 盗窃罪法 ; 盗窃犯窃 guard against theft防盗

deception欺骗,欺诈;骗术 bear witness证明,作证 victim受害人 【句式拓展】

1. Every student, not lying, deception, theft, and will never tolerate other people to do so. 每个学员不撒谎,不欺骗,不盗窃,也决不容忍其他人这样做。

2. Let me, as a witness, tell them what happened so that they will not be wrongly informed. 让我这个目击者来告诉他们所发生的事情,也免得以讹传讹。

3. In fact, in this case, the same person could be both a victim and a witness in a particular theft. 事实上,在本例中,同一个人在一个具体的盗窃案例中可以同时作为受害人和目击者。 PARTIIListening Comprehension 听力原文 Section A

News item 1

The U.S. military calls the weapons Improvised Rocket-Assisted Munitions and uses the acronym IRAM. One report refers to them as flying roadside bombs. Several IRAMs can be packed in the back of an open truck, and launched by remote control.

―It is a home-made, multiple-launch rocket system. And it is very dangerous.‖ That is Major General Michael Oates, commander of U.S. and coalition forces in central Iraq, south of Baghdad.

U.S. officials have accused Iranian agents of providing equipment and training for high-powered roadside bombs that have killed several U.S. troops. The Iranian government has denied the charge.

IRAMs have been launched into several small American bases, killing 3 U.S. troops and wounding 15. But the most deadly IRAM incident involved an aborted attack in early June, in which several of the bombs exploded prematurely, killing 16 Iraqi civilians and two attackers. 1. What is mainly discussed in the news report?

2. What’s the most deadly IRAM incident mentioned in the news report?

News item 2

A group of researchers from Boston University and Massachusetts General Hospital are working together to make automated blood glucose control a reality.

It all started with a father whose son was a diabetic. This particular father, Damiano also happens to be a biomedical engineer and that gives him the tools to try to come up with a solution to the challenges faced by his son. His son’s pancreas doesn’t work correctly so it doesn’t release the insulin or glucagon into his system to manage his blood sugar.

Damiano and his team came up with a system that uses a dual insulin/glucagon pump coupled with a constant blood sugar monitoring implant that communicates with a smart phone. This could make people with diabetes have almost completely normal lives with this bionic pancreas. It all started with one father saying, ―What if…?‖ 3.Who is Damiano in the news report? 4. What did Damiano and his team do?

News item 3

Dan Wright is the founder of Tree Top Builders, and has built more than 400 tree houses since he started the company in 2003. Wright’s company holds workshops on building your own tree house.

Bala Sundar and his wife Lakshmi built a tree house for themselves. ―We wanted to build something at a secluded place where we can come and relax. It was more of what I wanted the space more than for the kids.‖

With beds, tables and windows, it’s a welcoming, comfortable place to spend a summer night. 60-year-old Bob Miracle wants to build one for his grandchildren. Sandy Kiefer is a cello instructor. Her dream is to build three tree houses and use them for a bed and breakfast. Installing the special tree bolt is the most important part of the work. ―As the tree grows, sometimes you need to move parts of the structure or cut parts of it away to give the tree room to grow each year.‖

The base is then lifted on top of the tree bolts. It will soon become the foundation of a great tree house, so kids or adults can enjoy playing in the treetops. 5. Why did Bala Sundar and his wife build a tree house?

6. Who wants to build a tree house for his/her grandchildren according to the news report? 7. Which part is of the greatest importance in building a tree house? Section B

Conversation 1

M: Did you watch the ―Television Special‖ about the adhesive features of barnacles last night? W: No, I missed it. What did you learn about them?

M: That they glue themselves to rocks in the ocean, shortly after birth. They also stay in the same place forever. W: Right. Have you ever tried removing one of those things? It would be easier to chip the rock away

than to get the barnacle off.

M: Exactly! And that’s why scientists are trying to figure out what the barnacle’s glue is made of. It’s

considered one of the strongest adhesives in nature.

W: And it would have the advantage of being able to work on wet surfaces, too. M: Precisely. And because it’s a natural protein, it probably wouldn’t be harmful to people like so many

synthetic glues in use today.

W: Think of all the ways doctors and dentists could use such glue. Mending broken bones, fastening false teeth. M: There could be countless uses. Scientists hope to learn soon exactly what the glue is made of so that

people can make use of it.

8. What is the main topic of the conversation? 9. What did the man learn about the barnacles?

10. According to the conversation, what are scientists trying to discover?

11. Which advantage of barnacle’s glue is NOT mentioned in the conversation?

Conversation 2

M: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long? W: About ten minutes.

M: Did you notice whether the No.7 bus has gone by?

W: Not while I’ve been standing here. I’m waiting for the No.7 myself. M: Good. Hot day, isn’t it?

W: Yes, it is. I wish that it would rain and cool off.

M: Me too. This is unusual for March. I don’t remember it ever being so hot and dry in March before. W: You’re from Florida then.

M: Not really. I was born in New York, but I’ve lived here for ten years now. W: My mother and I have just moved here from Indiana. M: Pretty cold in Indiana, isn’t it?

W: Yes. That’s why we moved. But we didn’t know that it would be so hot here in Florida. We should have gone to California. Do you think that we’ve missed the bus? M: No, it’s always a little late.

W: I have twenty to one, but my watch is a little fast.

M: Don’t worry. It never comes exactly on the half-hour like it should. 12. What is the woman waiting for?

13. According to the conversation, what kind of weather is usual for March? 14. Where does this conversation take place?

15. How often is the bus scheduled to pass their stop? Section C

Passage 1

As prices and building costs keep rising, the ―do-it-yourself‖ (DIY) trend in the U.S. continues to grow.