2014文都考研何凯文作文预测班讲义 联系客服

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growth/social progress, which will draw our attention /enlighten us persistently. The author’s real purpose is not

the fact itself, but to lead us to find what hides behind the iceberg. /Simple as the picture is, the informative information is revealed in it. (56 字)

映入我眼帘的这幅漫画真的很有意思。如图画中所展示的那样,这样令人深思的场景在我们的日常生 活中很常见,并且通常随着社会的快速发展会越来越常见,这将一直引发我们的关注/这将持续的启发我们。

作者的目的不是图画本身,而是指导我们找到其背后的含义是什么/尽管图画很简单,但是一种有启发意义 的信息却展现了出来。 第二段




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With our adequate exploration of the meaning of the picture, the hidden problem that lies beneath the surface

will unfold and definitely get a lot of publicity. 充分的思考这幅图画的含义,这幅图画下面隐藏的问题将会展现出来,并一定会得到大量的关注。 The reasons for this problem, if enumerated one by one, may be numerous. 至于这个问题的原因,如果一个个都列出来的话,可能是数不清的。

Nevertheless I hold that the leading causes derive from the specific social and economic circumstances.


As we all know, our nation is expected to realize its goal of becoming a moderately prosperous country,

which is required to establish a economy system where the market plays a “decisive”role to bring about sustained social progress



So, inevitably, the market economy system is revealing its ugly faces

regretfully, among which are not only

environmental pollution but also cheating, and such problems as food safety, corruption, taking bribes,

compromising their conscience, plagiarism and the like.

与此同时市场经济体制的负面影响正在凸现,诸如欺诈,良知的缺失等等。 The problem reflected in the picture is just one of them. 而图画所反映的问题就是其中一个。 第三段:


In summary, despite of the social and environmental challenges facing us, we should have the abundant

confidence in our ability to address such problems. Firstly, it is imperative that corresponding laws and regulations

be introduced and enforced to harness and curb this urgent problem. Secondly, it is high time that the campaign

was initiated by authorities to raise people’s awareness of this grim reality. In retrospection of our long history, we, Chinese people, have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautiful homeland and developed a

great and dynamic culture. With our shared efforts, it will only be a matter of time before the problem becomes things of the past,I firmly believe. 总的来讲,尽管我们面对着这些环境和社会的挑战,我们应该有信心去解决这样的问题。首先,引入





1. It is imperative that our legislative body include this social issue into the law-making agenda; otherwise it

will upset stability of this nation in the long run. 我们的立法机构必须把这一社会问题纳入立法进程之中,否则长期以来会破坏社会的稳定。

2. Legal means constitute the major effective countermeasure to address this serious problem.

法律手段构成了能解决这一严重问题的唯一有效手段。 3.为了期待一个不受此问题纷扰的世界,我们需要制定并实施相应的法律来解决这个问题。 5. To anticipate a world free of this concern, we need to make and implement corresponding

laws dedicated to curb and harness this serious problem.

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有形社会话题(正负)科技发展所带来的影响:(环境,手机,互联网,微博,名人代言) 第二段:

第一句: The picture does illustrate a distinctly obvious fact that our ordinary life is reshaped / has been

greatly influenced by the mobile phone/internet/microblog/celebrity endorsement.


Of all changes that have taken place in daily communication, during the past quarter-century, perhaps the

most far-reaching has been the invention/introduction of____. 第三句: 具体影响 Mobile phone have indeed made communication convenient and quick, but they have also brought about

negative consequences. For example, students obsessed with apps perform poorly in school. Moreover, some

college students waste hours, lavish days and even squander years for indulgence with some time-consuming

games. Even some adults become estranged from relatives and friends because of their obsession with __. Those

who are unaware of the bad effects can hardly fit into society, let alone establish their careers. That is not to say that mobile phone alone is to blame for the sorry state of affairs. However were the situation to continue as it is, we would pay the high price.


Come what may, in one form or another, ___ is here to stay; the risks of running/employing/living with it are

far less threatening than the dangers of closing it down/abandoning it away, an act which would not only be

impossibly unpopular, but also would be as counterproductive as draining a pond to catch fish and burning down

the forest to hunt game. So, we must treat it socially, economically and culturally, with the essence absorbed and the drawbacks neglected. 无论如何,(主题)都将会以一种形式,或者另一种形式存在于我们的生活之中,经营它/使用它/或者


的副作用将好比是涸泽而渔,焚林而猎。 环境问题: 第二段:


The author of this picture is trying to reveal a well-known but little acted-upon crisis that our environment is

gradually destroyed by air pollution and other damaging human activities.


的污染和其它的有害的人类行为而被破坏。 第二句: As we all know, our country has been under this growing pressure, as PM2.5, a key indicator of air pollution,

increasingly hits the new record and even the smog smothers almost all large cities.


新纪录,雾霾甚至窒息了我国的主要城市。 或者 As we all know, the environment degradation is accelerating at an alarming rate, with the soil under our feet

soaked by chemical discharge and citizens choked by the smog. 环境正以骇人的速度恶化;土壤被工业废液浸透,我们被雾霾窒息。 第三句:

In recent years, smog, has captured wide media attention, constantly occupying the headlines, sparking

heated discussion on its potential health hazards and wreaking horror among concerned parents.

近年来,雾霾,吸引了媒体的广泛关注,不时地占据新闻头条;它对健康的不良影响引起了全民讨论, 关切的父母为之忧惧。

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Some researchers claim that pollution of this kind not only has direct adverse effects on our lungs but can

undermine other crucial functions of human body 一些研究者声称,这种污染不仅会直接影响我们的肺,还会破坏其它重要的身体机能.

Others do not agree with this tone to the letter, but still admit that some health problems do directly result

from the smog, lung cancer, one of the most prominent, for instance. 其它研究虽然不完全同意这样消极的论调,但仍承认一些健康问题确实是由雾霾引起的,肺癌就是最 显著的例子。

Others do not agree eye to eye with this tone, but still admit that some