新PEP小学五年级英语下册第1-2单元单元测试题-1【含答案】 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章新PEP小学五年级英语下册第1-2单元单元测试题-1【含答案】更新完毕开始阅读517359450540be1e650e52ea551810a6f524c8e8

新版小学五年级英语下册第一二单元测试题(Unit 1-2)

听力部分(40分) 一、听辨单词。(每小题读两遍,10分) ( )1. A. snow B. spring C. salad ( )2. A. which B. why C. when ( )3. A. late B. lovely C. leaf ( )4. A. fall B. favourite C. forest ( )5. A. pink B. paint C. picnic ( )6. A. breakfast B. busy C. best ( )7. A. cave B.clean C.clever ( )8. A. autumn B. always C.also ( )9. A.need B.nature C. next ( )10. A. exercise B. eat C.elephant 二、听音选图。(每小题读两遍,10分)

( )11. A. B. ( )12. A. B. ( )13. A. B.


C. C.

( )14. A. \\

B. C.

( )15. A.

B. C.


( )16. ( )17.

( )18. I like summer best because of Children’s Day.

( )19. There are lots of beautiful flowers everywhere in Spring. ( )20. Chen Jie often goes to bed at about 9:20 in the evening. 四、听问句选答语。(每小题读三遍,10分)

( )21. A. It’s Saturday. B. It’s yellow. C. At eight o’clock. ( )22. A. Winter. B. PE class C. Sunday.

( )23. A. Because the colours are pretty. B. He is thin and tall.

C. I’m a PE teacher.

( )24. A. I often play sports. B. I like maths. C. I am at home. ( )25. A. No, I can’t. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.



五、选出与所给单词不属同一类的那个词。(10分) ( )1. A. dinner B. driver C. lunch ( )2. A. season B. summer C. autumn ( )3. A. leaf B. flower C. pick ( )4. A. sometimes B. always C. sports ( )5. A. snow B. sunny C. rainy 六、选择最佳答案。(10分)

( )1. My parents always go to work_____ 7:20 a.m.

A. in B. on C. at

( )2. The girls often go ____ on the weekend. A. shop B. shoping C. shopping ( )3. We can see ____ flowers everywhere.

A. a lot B.a lot of C.lot of

( )4. I like fall because the colours _____ pretty. A. are B. is C. Be

( )5. ______ do you like winter? Because the snow is beautiful. A.Why B. Which C. What 七、从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。(10分) A. Why do you like winter? B. Which season do you like best? C. My favourite season is summer. D. It’s too cold. E. I can swim in the lake, too. Ann: Hello, Zhang Peng! ___1____ Zhang Peng: I like winter best. Ann: Oh, _____2_____

Zhang Peng: Because I can play with snow and make a snowman. Ann: I don’t like winter. ____3_____ Zhang Peng: What’s your favourite season? Ann: ______4______ Zhang Peng: Why?

Ann: Because I can eat ice-cream and watermelons. ______5______


( )1. When do you do morning exercises? ( )2. Which season do you like best?

( )3. What do you do on the weekend?

( )4. Do you often go on a picnic on the weekends? ( )5. What’s the weather like in summer? A. It’s very, very hot. B. No ,we don’t. But we often play sports.

C. I like autumn best. D. I often clean my room , sometimes I go for a walk. E. At six fifty in the morning. 九、连词成句。(10分)

1.finish when do class your you ? morning the in

2.which do you best season like ?

3.at I school to go seven usually .

4.do do you ? what on weekend the

5.like I winbter . vacation much very

十、阅读短文,判断对“T”错“F”。(10分) Zip: What do you do on the weekend?

Dog: I usually climb mountains. Sometimes I go shopping. What about you? Zip: Usually I go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. Zoom: I often play football. But not this weekend. Zip: Why?

Zoom: The weather report says it’s going to rain this Saturday.