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1.Top priority of government is to protect peoples life: Wen

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said on Thursday that the government's top priority is to \people's life.\


2.Panicked buying of bottled water after mine residue contaminates water in southwest China city

Residents have resorted to panicked buying of bottled water after authorities in the southwestern city of Mianyang announced Tuesday that the city's major water source has been contaminated by flood-washed residue from a local manganese plant.


3.Premier Wen speaks to press on fatal train crash while suffering illness

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said Thursday that medical problems delayed his visit to the site of the fatal crash of two high-speed trains in eastern China that killed 39 people


4. Hong KonThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) government said Wednesday

it has approved a grant of 1.4 million HK dollars (around 0.18 million U.S. dollars) to a relief agency to undertake a relief project for flood victims in southwest China's Sichuan Province


5. Study: Drug use linked with 25 percent of traffic deaths in U.S.

Drug use may be responsible for about 25 percent of all traffic deaths in the United States, a new study saysGambian parliament adopts food safety law


6. Gambian parliament adopts food safety law

Deputies at the Gambian National Assembly (parliament) on Friday passed a new bill entitled the \


7. Singapore reports uncommon dengue cases, but no sign for alarm

A form of dengue uncommon in Singapore has hit a local area with more than 60 cases reported, local broadcaster Channel NewsAsia reported on Sunday


8.Lean gene raises risk of heart disease, diabetes

A \

according to a study pulished in Nature Genetics journal on Sunday.


9. Eight Australians exposed to Hendra virus

The latest outbreak of Hendra virus has eight people waiting for test results after they were exposed to a Hendra-infected horse that died in southeast Queensland, local media reported on Thursday.


10.Bolivian govt warns of new type of flu virus

The Bolivian government warned Thursday that a new type of flu virus, which affects the lung, will likely spread in the South American country due to low temperatures


11. S Korea, China to hold first defense strategic talks

South Korea and China are scheduled to hold first defense strategic dialogue this week, the defense ministry said here on Monday

韩国和中国都是先捧防御计划战略对话本周,国防部周一在这里说 12. Let China-Greece friendship take root in childrens heart

As the setting sun sinks, the village of Kalamos feels slightly cold, but the open-air theater in the summer camp is buzzing with activity, with the playing and cheering of children.

当夕阳下沉,Kalamos感觉村稍冷,但露天电影院在夏令营活动,掀起比赛和欢呼的孩子。 13. Smoking may increase risk of prostate cancer recurrence, death: study

A new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and University of California, San Francisco, researchers suggests that men with prostate cancer who smoke increase their risk of prostate cancer recurrence and of dying from the disease.


14. Chinas yuan rises 23 basis points to new high at 6.4898 per USD Friday

The Chinese currency Renminbi, or the yuan,appreciated 23 basis points to an all-time high at 6.4898 per U.S. dollar on Friday, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trading system


15. China, Japan vow to deepen defense cooperation

Visiting Chinese deputy chief of the general staff of the People's Liberation Army Ma Xiaotian met with Japanese Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa Monday in Tokyo, vowing to deepen communication between the two countries' defense departments


16. Senior Chinese, U.S. officials vow to maintain peace, stability in Asia-Pacific Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo and United States Secretary of State Hillary on Monday pledged to maintain and promote peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.


17. China, U.S.to sign MoU on antitrust cooperation

Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of the United States Jon Leibowitz said in Beijing Monday that the U.S. will sign a memorandum of understanding with China on antitrust and antimonopoly cooperation.


18. Finnish study says insomnia may be hereditary

A new Finnish research shows that sleeplessness may be hereditary, and insomniacs are more likely to die earlier than people with healthy sleep patterns

一个新的研究表明,芬兰失眠可能是遗传的,失眠者更有可能早死的人相比,健康的睡眠模式 19. Study: late talkers can catch up as they grow up

An Australian study showed that expressive vocabulary delay is unlikely to have lingering effects on the children's mental health


20. Healthy lifestyle associated with low risk of sudden cardiac death in women: study

Adhering to a healthy lifestyle, including not smoking, exercising regularly, having a low body weight and eating a healthy diet, appears to lower the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in women, according to a study to be published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

坚持一个健康的生活方式,包括吸烟、有规律的锻炼,有一个低体重和吃健康的食物,似乎能降低心源性猝死危险性的女性(SCD),根据一项研究将于星期三发表在《美国医学会杂志》上。 21. Gay men hit hard by HIV/AIDS

Gay and bisexual men account for around one in every three new cases of HIV in China, according to the latest official statistics released by the Ministry of Health


22. Spanish doctor carries out first ever double-leg transplant

A Spanish doctor this Monday finished the first ever double-leg transplant in a hospital located in the city of Valencia


23. Expert urges seafood safety inspections after Bohai Bay oil leaks

\marine life that live on the seabed, such as clams, scallops and some kinds of crabs,\said.


24. Man drinks gasoline for 42 years

Gasoline powers vehicles all around the world, but a sick Chinese man has been drinking the sticky liquid for 42 years under the illusion that it can relieve his physical pain.



25. China-led research team completes potato genome sequence

The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) announced Friday that a group of international scientists has finished sequencing the genetic code of the potato. 中国农业科学院(CAAS)星期五宣布,一组国际科学家已完成测序遗传密码的马铃薯。 26. Obesity rates keep rising in U.S.: report

Obesity prevalence was 30 percent or higher in 12 states of the United States last year, compared to nine states in 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Tuesday.


27. WHO: immediate halt to TB tests

Tuberculosis blood testing kits used to detect activity are unreliable, according to the World Health Organization.


28. Israeli researcher finds connection between backache and genes

A new study carried out by a Tel Aviv University researcher indicates that the common backache may not only be caused by bad positions or aging, but also by your genes. 一项新的研究执行的一种特拉维夫大学研究员表明,普通背痛可能不仅是由于坏的职位或老化,但也被自己的基因所控制。

29. First case of Hendra in dog detected in Australia

Biosecurity Queensland in Australia confirmed on Tuesday a dog from a property near Beaudesert, in southeast Queensland, had been detected with the Hendra virus.


30. New Zealand study lowers risk of behavior problems in pre-term children

Children born early are less likely to develop serious behavioral problems than previously thought because previous studies may have relied too much on the opinions of \parents, according to a controversial New Zealand research


31.China vows to crack down on forgery of military documents, car plates

China on Tuesday publicized a judicial interpretation which sets specific rules for the country's courts to mete out penalties to people who forge military documents, uniforms or car plates. 周二,中国发表了一个司法解释确立具体规定为国家的法院执行处罚那些伪造的军事文件,制服或汽车钢板。

32. Chinese vice premier stresses ethnic unity in visit to southern Tibet
