江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语 复习练习49 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语 复习练习49更新完毕开始阅读51c5c84ccaaedd3383c4d377

江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语 复习练习49 人教新目标版

一. 补全对话: (首字母已给)


Andy: Hi! Welcome to my house, Millie! Let me shom you a__________ it. Millie: Thanks, Andy. I saw the v__________ of your hous. It’s really great. It’s d__________ from my flat in Beijing. Andy: Come here. This is my bedroom.

Millie: Oh, it very big. You have b__________ in your room. That means you can stay

with your friends.

Anday: Yes, and I have a wardrobe. It’s b__________ the desk and the window. Millie: Where is your s__________?

Andy: Come with me. We have many things in it, such as TV, safa etc. Millie: Where doyou do your homework?

Andy: In my study. Look, I have a computer. It can h_________ me with my lessons. Millie: Do you have your o___________ bathroom?

Andy: Yes, it’s over there. Let’s go to the garden.

Millie: Oh, there are so many k________ of beautiful flowers. Who g________ them? Andy: My mother.

Millie: I hope to have a house like yours. 答案:

1. around 2. redio 3. different 4. bunkbeds 5. between 6. sittingroom 7. help 8. own 9. kinds 10. grows


A: Kate, shall me go c_________ on the hill next Sunday? B: That’s a good idea. But I don’t know the w_________. A: Don’t w_________. I went there l_________ year. B: Is it f_________ from here.

A: No. It’s q__________ near. We can go by bus.

B: Shall we go o___________ a bridge on the way t___________ the hill? A: Yes. And we must t__________ something to eat and drink. B: Ok. Let’s m__________ at the school gate. 答案:

1. camping 2. way 3. worry 4. last 5. far 6. quite 7. over 8. to 9. take 10. meet 二. 根据要求, 完成作文:





1. 我的家乡是一个安静的小镇。


2. 它很干净,空气污染少

3. 镇上有一个青年中心,很多餐馆和三个大卖场 4. 我最喜欢的地方是公园。 三. 星期天我常和朋友们一起去划船 四. 任务型阅读

Millions of people do their shopping in malls all over the country. The malls include supermarkets and large department everyone. Gift shops sell all kinds of things from chep pencils, hair clips to expensive things, like watches, even diamonds. There are also many art and picture shops. It’s very interesting to walk in these stores. If you like music, there are record shops around every corner. Can, tapes, any, star, hot, you, buy, CDs, or, of.

Shopping mall has other services, too. Health center helps you to keep fit and build your bodies. Eating—places are good places to have a good meal. If you get tired, you can go to see a film in the cinema. 几乎每一家购物中心都有一个大电影院。Shopping mall can satisfy almost all of your needs. 1. What’s the Chinese meaning of “include”?

___________________________________________________________________ 2. What do gift shops sell?

___________________________________________________________________ 3. 将黑体部分组成一个完整的句子。

___________________________________________________________________ 4. 翻译“几乎每一家购物中心都有一个大电影院”。

___________________________________________________________________ 5. 将划线句子翻译为中文。
