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FD Free docks 待租泊位 FE Far east 远东 FEB February 二月

FEC Foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券 FEFC Far East Freight Conference 远东水脚公会 FFA Free from alongside 船边交货 FH First half 前半部

F/I Freight insurance 运费保险 FI Free in 船方不负担装船费 FIB Free into Bunkers (燃料)船上价格 FIB Free into barge (燃料)油驳价格

FILO Free i & liner(term) out 船方不负担装费,负担卸费 FIO Free in and out 船方不负担装卸费用

FIOS Free in, out and stowed 船方不负担装卸、积载费用

FIOST Free in , out, stowed and trimed 船方不负担装卸、积载和平舱费用 FI. Floor 楼层 FLWG Following 如下 FLWS follows 如下 FL/EM Full/empty 满/空 FM From 从,由

FMC Federal Maritime Commission 美国联邦海事局 FMR From maintenance and repair 坏箱修复回收

FO For orders 等待指示 FO Firm order 实盘 FO,FLO. Fuel oil 燃料油 FOB Free on board 离岸价格 FOC Free of charge 免费 FOC Flag of convenlence 方便旗 FOD Free of discharge 免付卸费 FOQ Free on quay 码头交货价格 FOR Free on rail 铁路交货价格 FOT Free on truck 卡车交货价格 FOW First open water 解冻前首次派船 FP Floating (Open) policy 未定船名保单 FPA Free of particular average 不保单独海损 FPT Fore peak tank 前尖舱

FRC Fire resisting construction 防火建筑 FRI Friday 星期五 FRT Freight 运费 FT Feet 英尺 FWD Forward 向前

FWE Finished with engine 停机

FCC Free of charterers’ commission 免付承租人租金 FYG For you guidance 供你参考

FYI For you information 供你参考 G/A General average 共同海损

G/A general average contribution 共同海损分摊 GC general cargo 杂货

GDBC geared bulk carriers 带吊机的散装船

GENCON Uniform General Charter of the Baltic and international Maritime Conference 金康,波罗的海国际海运公会统一杂货合约 GL German Lloyd’s 德国船级社

GMBH Company limited (德)有限公司 GM metacentric height 定额高度

GMT Greenwich mean time 格林威治时间 GP Geographical position 地理位置 GR Geographical rotation 地理顺序 GRT Gross registered tonnage 总登记吨位 GT Gross tonnage 总吨

GW Gross Weight 总重量(毛重) GW Gale warning 大风警报

GV Grande Vitesse(express train) 快车