新理念大学英语学习大厅第三册单元测试答案 联系客服

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3. True 4. False 5. False Oral test

Directions: Look at the picture below. SET 1

Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer. If possible, try to say something about the

relationship between the Earth and the Universe. You may even talk about some crises our planet is

facing and propose possible solutions to those problems. SET 2

Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer. If possible, try to say something about the

peculiarity about the colt? Oral test SET 1

Have you ever dreamed of exploring the space in a spaceship one day? Is there anything that

appeals to you in the space? Why or why not?


It seems that genetic engineering is changing our life. Can you give some examples in this regard?

Do you have any worry about the effect of the changing? Why or why not? 大学英语第三册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 15 - 16 Comprehension

Directions: Listen to the short conversations and choose the correct answers to the questions you

hear. The conversations and questions will be read ONLY ONCE. SET 1

1. A. In a laundry. B. In an elevator. C. In a library. D. In a bakery.

2. A. Buy a birthday present. B. Wait too late. C. Pass the time.

D. Bring some food to the table. 3. A. Join her friend.

B. Stay inside. C. Sketch the tree. D. Look for a job.

4. A. He wrote it last semester. B. He'll finish it in a few minutes. C. He never does assignment early. D. He isn't going to write it.

5. A. They are too heavy and she can't carry them. B. They are too heavy and she can't read them all. C. They are too many. D. She feels too tired to read. Answer: 2 1 2 3 3 SET 2

1. A. At a church. B. At a library. C. In England. D. At a theater.

2. A. Every day. B. Frequently. C. Occasionally. D. Very rarely. 3. A. Buy some paper. B. Do some typing. C. Change the typewriter. D. Ask the woman to type. 4. A. He is not prepared. B. He is well prepared. C. He is almost ready. D. He will soon start. 5. A. Next stop is New York. B. He wants to go to New York. C. What time the train gets to New York. D. What time the train gets to Philadelphia. Answer: 2 3 1 1 3

Listening Comprehension