新理念大学英语学习大厅第三册单元测试答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章新理念大学英语学习大厅第三册单元测试答案更新完毕开始阅读51f23d92340cba1aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a889a

Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill in the form below with no more than three

for each blank. The conversation will be read TWICE. SET 1

EVER FASHION CATALOG OF PRODUCTS Item Catalog No. Quantity Unit Price running shoes (1 100 (2 $ casual shoes (3 (4 (5 $ travel bags TB32 (6 (7 $

Notes: 1. (8 % discount for orders exceeding $5,000 in value; 2. Prices in the catalog stand for (9 days. 3. Delivery in (10 days. Answer: 1. RS85 2. 10 3. CS27 4. 100 5. 30 6. 50

7. 160 8. 10 9. 60 10. 28 SET 2


Keep weight (1 to prevent distortion in the spine's shape. Don't bend to (2 just your spine and

back muscles.

Always bend the (3 when bending down. Don't bend just the spine when bending down, especially when (4 and children.

Measure (5 and worktables before buying and check that they are the correct height. Don't delay

in (6 if back pain is persistent.

Take time to choose the right bed that should be (7 , but not hard. Don't use a (8 chair if you

spend a lot of time at desk.

Place a (9 or small cushion in the narrow part of your back to support your spine. Exercise (10 so that they give extra support to the back.


1. evenly distributed 2. overuse 3. knees and hips 4. lifting heavy items 5. kitchen units 6. consulting your doctor 7. firm and supportive 8. curve-backed

9. folded towel 10. your stomach muscles

Listening Comprehension

Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are True or False.

The passage will be read ONLY ONCE. SET 1

1. Many critics think the current welfare regulations contribute to the problem of family dissolution.

True False

2. Critics argue that all poor families should receive assistance grants. True False

3. Most unhappily married couples choose to separate according to this passage. True

4. The benefits and costs of marriage to a large extent affect the formation of the family. True False

5. Family performs certain functions which are important to society. True False Answer:

1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True SET 2

1. A woman was seen killed by her neighbors yet only a few of them helped her. True False

2. It is very easy to tell that you are faced with a real emergency if you see a middle-aged man fall to the sidewalk. True False

3. If a person doesn't feel personally responsible, he won't give help to people in emergency. True
