新理念大学英语学习大厅第三册单元测试答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章新理念大学英语学习大厅第三册单元测试答案更新完毕开始阅读51f23d92340cba1aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a889a

D. Certain diseases will never befall people who eat natural foods. 4. A. Natural foods do not contain chemical additives. B. We can in fact do without sugar.

C. Sugar provides us with energy in the form of calories. D. There are vitamins, minerals and fiber in sugar. 5. A. Eating Habits Are Changing B. Healthy Eating

C. Natural Foods and Chemical Additives D. How to Go on a Diet Answer: 4 1 3 4 2 SET 2

1. A. More than ten. B. More than twenty. C. More than thirty. D. More than forty. 2. A. Fly-path. B. Flight path. C. Fly-past.

D. Flight past.

3. A. The close economic relationship between the USA and Europe. B. The close political relationship between the USA and Europe. C. Political differences between the USA and Europe. D. Economic differences between the USA and Europe. 4. A. They were the most important guests. B. They took pride in attending the ceremony. C. They marched proudly at the ceremony. D. They were greeted by world leaders. 5. A. Germany's Chancellor Schroeder. B. US President Bush.

C. British Prime Minister Tony Blair. D. France's President Chirac. Answer: 2 3 2 1 3

Listening Comprehension

Directions: Listen to the passage TWICE and fill the blanks with the missing words SET 1

The United States Space Agency, NASA, says that a newly discovered asteroid, thirty meters in diameter, is about to make the closest approach to Earth ever (1 . This report is from

Helen Briggs.

The asteroid will (2 past our planet within the orbit of the Moon coming as close as the orbit

of many satellites. It should be (3 through binoculars from parts of Europe, Asia and most of the

Southern Hemisphere as a (4 star-like object moving slowly across the sky. The asteroid was (5

on Monday during an automated (6 by a pair of NASA (7 .

Similar-sized objects are believed to pass close to the Earth every two years or so but aren't (8

detected in advance. NASA says there's no danger of this asteroid hitting the planet. And even if it

did, at 30 meters across, it would probably break up in the (9 and only small pieces would reach

the ground.

It's a reminder, nevertheless, of the risks of near-Earth objects -- there are believed to be more

than a thousand asteroids with the (10 to collide with the planet at some point in the future.

Answer: 1. recorded 2. brush 3. visible 4. faint 5. spotted 6. survey 7. telescopes 8. normally 9. atmosphere 10. potential SET 2

The majority of Australia's state and central governments have signed a deal to safeguard

the country's water resources. A multi-million dollar scheme to revive one of its most important

river basins has also been approved.

Australia is the world's driest (1 . There's general agreement that the country has to use water

more (2 . In many parts supplies are in crisis.