T68卧式镗床PLC控制系统设计 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章T68卧式镗床PLC控制系统设计更新完毕开始阅读521d035c26284b73f242336c1eb91a37f1113204





学 生:周 克 强

专 业:机电一体化

指导老师:何 莉

摘 要

本课题主要介绍了T68卧式镗床PLC控制的分析设计,也简单介绍了PLC控制的基本知识,其主要目的是熟悉镗床控制系统的结构和工作原理后,采用可编程序控制器 对镗床传统的电气控制系统进行改造,在实际生产线上有着明显的效率,这也使整个生产系统带来推动的力量。可编程序控制器对电气控制系统的改造设计提高了镗床电气控制系统的可靠性和抗干扰能力。通过学习镗床控制系统方法和步骤,提高自己分析问题和解决问题的能力,将自己所学的理论知识应用到实际工作生产中,培养实际动手能力,同时让我们了解制造业的发展,为以后工作做准备。

关键字 T68卧式镗床 可编程序控制器 PLC控制系统 梯形图


In PLC technology application, electrical engineer are no longer spend too many times on the hardware, they can only considered that the control push-button or the examination sensor connection in the PLC entrance point, and than they will be linked with contactor or the relay in the point outputing to control the high efficiency the starting outfit through the PLC internal treatment. The output of low-power devices can be connected directly to it.

With the rapid development of the automation technology, computer technology and network communication technology, the PLC function increases day by day. It is not only able to control the stand-alone, but also realize much machine controlling. At the same time as the PLC technology development, PLC has played a very important role in the field of automation technology. Due to many functions of PLC are better than relay so that the PLC gradually replace the relay. This enabled the automated control of PLC have the further development, it is more convenient, no matter for the operation, the service, maintains or line's simplification. It's merit even more prominent.

This article based on the merits of the PLC on T68 boring machine to carry out electrical lines transformation.'s Original machine tool operation the same way, the machine's main circuit unchanged, so that the machine control circuit simplifies the machine to reduce the failure rate. Was first proposed to improve the circuit The overall idea of the design of the PLC ladder and wiring diagram, a key part of the analysis of the circuit debugging process.

Key Words: T68 boring machine Control Line

PLC control PLC Programming


