2019版高考英语一轮基础达标选题Unit2Poems(含解析)新人教版选修 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019版高考英语一轮基础达标选题Unit2Poems(含解析)新人教版选修更新完毕开始阅读522488895b8102d276a20029bd64783e09127dad

11.A.tidied B.entered

C.designed D.equipped 12.A.brief B.serious

C.sincere D.practical 13.A.spill B.spoil

C.boil D.freeze 14.A.upstairs B.downstairs

C.outside D.indoors 15.A.sense B.wealth

C.strength D.consciousness 16.A.glad B.fortunate

C.anxious D.busy 17.A.exercises B.needs

C.feelings D.sufferings 18.A.final B.visual

C.smooth D.concrete 19.A.emotional B.expensive

C.effective D.excellent 20.A.gift B.love

C.note D.letter


1.B 考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,此处指父亲第二次肺炎发作。A项意为“经历”;B项意为“发作,侵袭”; C项意为“灾难”;D项意为“疼痛”。故选B项。

2.C 考查名词辨析。根据空格后的“but had to return to our jobs by Monday morning”可知,此处指“我”和丈夫周末陪父亲。A项意为“工作日”;B项意为“晚上”;C项意为“周末”;D项意为“假期”。故选C项。

3.A 考查副词辨析。根据空格后的“prepare his meals and take him to his doctor appointments”并结合四个选项可知,此处指亲戚们定期地去家里看望父亲,给他准备吃的,带他去看医生。A项意为“定期地,有规律地”;B项意为“很少”;C项意为“突然”;D项意为“偶尔”。故选A项。

4.D 考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,此处指“我”渴望让父亲知道“我们”也关心他,甚至在“我们”不在他身边的时候。A项意为“发生”;B项意为“梦想”;C项意为“同


5.B 考查动词辨析。上文提到亲戚们会定期去家里看望父亲,照顾他,此处承接上文,指“我”渴望让父亲知道“我们”也关心他。A项意为“害怕”;B项意为“关心,关怀”;C项意为“使镇静”;D项意为“后悔,遗憾”。故选B项。

6.C 考查名词辨析。根据下文内容可知,此处指一个家庭的传统。A项意为“爱好”;B项意为“游戏”;C项意为“传统”;D项意为“生意”。故选C项。

7.A 考查动词辨析。根据下文“They hid notes somewhere.”可知,此处指每个孩子在屋子都会藏一张爱的纸条。A项意为“藏,隐蔽”; B项意为“写”;C项意为“复制,抄写”;D项意为“离开”。故选A项。

8.D 考查动词辨析。根据下文中的“their grandparents would ________ as they discovered these reminders of our love”可知,此处指当“我们”离开后,“我”的父母会找到这些爱的纸条。A项意为“回忆”;B项意为“记得”;C项意为“喜欢,享受”;D项意为“找到,发现”。故选D项。

9.B 考查名词辨析。根据上文中的“after we were gone”可知,此处指当我们离开后的几天里。A项意为“交换”;B项意为“离开”;C项意为“到达”;D项意为“逃跑”。故选B项。

10.C 考查动词辨析。根据空格后的“as they discovered these reminders of our love”可知,此处指当他们找到这些爱的纸条后,会露出笑容。A项意为“哭泣”;B项意为“叹气”;C项意为“微笑”;D项意为“尖叫”。故选C项。

11.A 考查动词辨析。根据语境并结合四个选项可知,“我”整理父亲的房间时,开始写纸条。A项意为“整理,使整洁”;B项意为“进入”;C项意为“设计”;D项意为“装备”。故选A项。

12.D 考查形容词辨析。根据下文中的“Dad, I put the milk in the fridge so it wouldn't ________.”可知,一些纸条的内容是实用的。A项意为“简洁的”; B项意为“严肃的,严重的”;C项意为“真诚的”;D项意为“实际的,真实的”。故选D项。

13.B 考查动词辨析。根据常识和语境可知,此处指把牛奶放在冰箱里,这样它就不会变质了。A项意为“溢出,泼出”;B项意为“变质,变坏,腐败”;C项意为“烧开,煮沸”;D项意为“冷藏”。故选B项。

14.B 考查副词辨析。根据下文中的“but one note I hid upstairs under his pillow”可知,此处指“我”把大多数纸条放在了楼下。A项意为“楼上”;B项意为“在楼下”;C项意为“在外面”;D项意为“在室内”。故选B项。

15.C 考查名词辨析。根据下文中的“Dad, if you have found this note,you must be feeling better.”可知,父亲会在楼下待几周直到他体力恢复。A项意为“感觉”;B项意为“财富”;C项意为“体力,力气”;D项意为“知觉”。故选C项。

16.A 考查形容词辨析。根据上下文和常识可知,当得知父亲身体恢复健康后,“我们”都非常高兴。A项意为“高兴的”;B项意为“幸运的”;C项意为“焦急的”;D项意为“忙碌的”。故选A项。

17.B 考查名词辨析。根据下文中的“we, of course, would stay in touch by phone”可知,其他人来照顾父亲的日常需要。A项意为“练习”;B项意为“需要”;C项意为“感觉”;D项意为“痛苦,苦难”。故选B项。

18.D 考查形容词辨析。根据下文中的“reminder of our love and concern for him during this recovery period”可知,这些纸条是我们对父亲的爱的具体表达。A项意为“最终的”;B项意为“视觉的”;C项意为“光滑的”; D项意为“具体的,确实的”。故选D项。

19.A 考查形容词辨析。根据下文中的“would improve his spiritual health”可知,这些情感的维生素改善了父亲的精神状态。A项意为“情感的,情绪的”;B项意为“昂贵的”;C项意为“有效的”;D项意为“卓越的”。故选A项。

20.C 考查名词辨析。根据上文中的“but one note I hid upstairs under his pillow”可知,此处指父亲告诉“我”,他找到了“我”藏在楼上的纸条。A项意为“礼物”;B项意为“爱”;C项意为“便条,短笺”;D项意为“信”。故选C项。

长难句分析:When leaving their grandparents' home after a visit,each child would hide a love note in the house for them to find after we were gone.(第二段第二句)

分析:When引导时间状语从句,此处省略主语each child和be动词;after引导时间状语从句。



1.They ran out off money and had to abandon the project. ______________________________________________________ 答案:off→of run out of “用完……”,相当于use up。

2.Food supplies in the flood-stricken area are run out. We must cut immediately before there's none left.


答案:run→running 当主语是物时,run out是不及物动词,表示“耗尽”,没有被动语态,应改为进行时,表示即将耗尽。

3.With more and more trees cutting down, some animals are facing the danger of dying out.


答案:cutting→cut cut down和trees之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故应用过去分词作with复合结构中的宾语补足语。

4.The baby can't even sit up yet, let out walk! ______________________________________________________

答案:out→alone let out通常意为“发出(大的声音)”;let alone常用在否定句中,意为“更不用说”,根据语境,应改out为alone。

5.I try to make what I want to say easy accepted by children. ______________________________________________________

答案:easy→easily 修饰动词accept应用副词形式,故将easy改为easily。


Not long ago,I was touched by the reply from Tsinghua University to Wei Xiang,which aroused a heating discussion. As Wei Xiang lost his father in a very early age,he was brought up by her mother.Despite of serious illness,he overcame all difficulties and was admit to Tsinghua with high marks.He wrote a letter to Tsinghua to apply for a separate room,where his mother could take care of him in the next four year.In the reply,the school promise to satisfy all his requirements and encouraged him to have strong belief in life.It is not only the inspiring story but also the warmth from the university which attracts the public's attention.From Wei's story,I learned that hard work would final pay off.


Not long ago,I was touched by the reply from Tsinghua University to Wei Xiang,which aroused a heating discussion. As Wei Xiang lost his father in a very early



age,he was brought up by her mother.Despite of serious illness,he overcame


all difficulties and was admit to Tsinghua with high marks.He wrote a letter to


Tsinghua to apply for a separate room,where his mother could take care of him in the next four year.In the reply,the school promise to satisfy all his requirements



and encouraged him to have ∧ strong belief in life.It is not only the inspiring


story but also the warmth from the university which attracts the public's


attention.From Wei's story,I learned that hard work would final pay off.
