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basketball 篮球

bath n. 1. act of washing the whole body at one time 洗澡

2. container in which one sits to wash the whole body 浴盆; or: bathtub 浴缸;浴池 have(take) a bath 洗澡;冲凉

bathe vi.洗澡 vt. 给……洗澡 n. 海(河,湖)水浴 bathing suit n. piece of clothing worn when swimming游泳衣 battle n. a fight between enemies 战斗;战役 vi. fight 战斗 campaign 指大的战役 battle 指中等战斗或战役 fight 指小的战斗 in battle 在战斗中

battlefield 战场,激烈争执所在 bay n. wide opening along a coast 海湾 bC n. before Christ 公元前 AD 公元

be v.(am, is, are, was, were, being, been) 是,成为 beach n. a shore of a sea, lake or a river 海(湖、河)滩 beach 多指海滨浴场

shore 大自然的海(河、湖)岸 seaside 海边,尤指渡假之处

bean n. seed of any of various plants esp. used for food 豆,豆类 green beans 青豆

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peas 碗豆 soybean 黄豆 mung bean 绿豆 bean curd 豆腐

bear n. large heavy furry animal 熊 vt. 1. suffer or accept 忍受 2. give birth to 出生 (多用被动态) I was born in London in 1980. bear … in mind 牢记

beard n. hair on the face below the mouth (下巴上)胡须 moustache 嘴唇上的胡子 whisker 腮须 beat v.(beat, beaten) 1. hit many times 打 2. punish by hitting 欧打

3. hit regularly 规律性的拍击;(心)跳动; 4. defeat 打败 beat .. to death 打死

beauty n. 1. quality of being beautiful 美丽

2. someone(usu. female) or something beautiful 美人;美的事物 beautiful adj. 美丽的 pretty adj. 美丽的, 漂亮的 handsome adj. 英俊的

beautiful 和 pretty 多指女性的美,handsome 多指男子的英俊,亦可指物,意为美、雅、壮观等

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What a handsome old building it is! He earned quite a handsome salary for his work.

because conj. for the reason that 由于;因为;(接从句) because of 由于;因为(接名词、代词或短语) become v.(became; become) come to be 变得;成为 bed n. furniture to sleep on 床

go to bed 上床睡觉(go to sleep = fall asleep入睡) make the bed 整理床铺 bedclothes 床上用品 bedroom 卧室

beer n. a type of bitter alcoholic drink made of grain 啤酒(一般为不可数名词,但表示―份‖,―杯‖时为可数名词)

beef n. the meat of farm cattle 牛肉 been. stinging insect that makes honey 蜜蜂 beehive 蜂箱

before prep. adv. & conj. in front of 在前面;earlier in time than 在……前 before long 不久后 : long before …很久以前

Work hard and before long you will catch up with your classmates. The house had been built there long before I was born. beforehand adv. 预先

beg v. to ask humbly for (food, money..) 乞丐;乞求;恳求 beg one's pardon 请原谅 beggar n. 乞丐

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begin v. (began, begun, beginning) start 开始 begin with 从……开始

at the beginning of 在……开始时

behind prep. & adv. at the back of 在……之后 behind 多指位置之后,不说 behind six o'clock fall behind 落在后面

being n. a living thing 生物;人 a human being 一个人 come into being 产生

believe[ ] v. consider … to be true 相信,认为 belief n. 信仰;信条 believe 相信……说的话

believe in 信任(某人) ( =trust )

John didn‘t believe me. = John thought what I said was untrue. We all believe in you. Just go ahead. = We all think we can rely on you. bell n. metal object that makes a ringing sound 钟;铃 ring a bell 打铃

belong v. be the property of 属于 belong to 属于;是……的成员 below prep. & adv. lower than 在下面

below 指位置低于某物,但不一定在其正下方,反义词为 above under 指在某物的正下方,反义词为 over

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