2018-2019年常州市武进区湖塘桥实验小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2018-2019年常州市武进区湖塘桥实验小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案更新完毕开始阅读52aa4571988fcc22bcd126fff705cc1754275f72


第 5 页,共 8 页


1. 书包 a. sharpener 2. 学校 b. bag 3. 转笔刀 c. book 4. 铅笔盒 d. school 5. 书 e. pencil-case

四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31.翻译。 1操场__________

2.餐厅,食堂__________ 3. that_______ 4.花园__________ 5.first_______ 6.this 7.teacher’s office___________ 8.TV room

9.computer room 第 6 页,共 8 页

32.你是一个男孩。(汉译英) _____________________________ 33.单词拼写 (1)家庭________ (2)爸爸________ (3)妈妈________ (4)哥哥;弟弟________ (5)祖父;外祖父________ (6)祖母;外祖母________ 34.翻译。


________, ________ ________. (2)是,他是。

________, ________ ________. 35.根据汉语拼写单词 It's________(好极了).


36.看图判断对错,对打“√”错打“×” ( ) 1.Touch your head.

( ) 2.Wave your arm.

( ) 3.Touch your head.

( ) 4.Shake your foot.


38.画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同 ________

A. B. C.

第 7 页,共 8 页

39.Show me your pen.句子和图片是否相符,是打“√”否打“×”( )



Hello! My name is Jenny. I'm ten years old. I have a sister and a brother. My sister's name is Lynn. She is six years old. She is young. Her hair is red. She is short. My brother is very tall. His name is Bob. He is a student. (1)What is Jenny's sister's name?( )

A. Bob. B. Lynn. C. Jenny.

(2)How old is Lynn?( )

A. Six. B. Nine. C. Ten. (3)Is Bob tall or short?( )

A. Tall. B. Short. C. Tall and short. (4)How old is Jenny?( )

A. She is eight years old. B. She is nine years old. C. She is ten years old. (5)Is Lynn old or young?( )

A. She is young. B. She is tall. C. She is old.


Hello, my name is Kitty. I’m a student. I have a new classmate .Her name is Alice . She is a girl .She is from Shanghai. She is tall and thin. Her eyes are not big. Her hair is long. She can dance well. And she can run fast. But she cannot fly a kite. We often (经常) play together(一起).We are very happy. We are friends now. ( )1,Who is new ?

A. Kitty B. Alice C. Joe

( )2,Alice’s eyes are ___________ .

A. big . B. small C. not small. ( )3,Alice is ___________.

A. short and thin B. tall and big C. tall and thin . ( )4,What can Alice do ?

A. She can dance. B. She can fly a kite . C. She can dance and run. ( ) 5. Now we are ___________. A. friends B. teachers . C. boys

第 8 页,共 8 页