外研版六年级英语下册全册教案[1] 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章外研版六年级英语下册全册教案[1]更新完毕开始阅读52aeae76670e52ea551810a6f524ccbff021ca07


1 Greetings: T—Ss Ss—Ss 2 Warm up

Do a chant“what do you want to eat” 3 Leading A: Review :

What are you going to do this weekend? T: I’m going to go to a bookstore

I am going to buy some books, what about you, S1? S1: I’m going to play the piano. S2: I’m going to … S3: I’m going to … T: Let’s watch PPT?

B: Learn words: shine everyone out of wrong send sing

Target: To make students master the structure. He is playing with dogs. We are watching TV now. I am singing now. 4 Presentation: a. Ss open their books. b. Listen to the tape.

c. Look at the PPT again and answer questions. Question1: Where are the birds singing? Question2: What are the ducks eating? Question3: What is Lingling sending? Question4: Who loves picture books? 5 Read after the tape. Under line the key words. 6 Homework: A: Copy the new words. B: Dictation tomorrow.

C: Read and listen the text three times.

Unit 2

I am looking out of the window

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一.教学准备与分析 1、 Teaching material:

Students Book:Module3Unit 2Activity1, 2, 3 2、Teaching aim and demand

Using Ability task: Using present continuous tense: be + doing Describing scenes. A.Basic Demands:

Vocabulary:sleep mountain train station out of words ending in -ing B.Further Demand:

1. Students can describe things that is happening. 2. Students can describe the text according to the picture. C.Revision

The using way of present continuous tense: be + doing

3、Teaching difficulties: be + doing to describe things that is happening 4、Teaching aids:Tape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt. 二、课堂教学程序{ Period One}第三课时 1、Warm up

⑴Greetings: T—Ss Ss—Ss (2)Free Talk:

Topic: What do you like doing?

T: I like reading story books, what do you like doing? S1: I like watching TV. S2: I like playing … 2、 导入 (Leading )

A.1 T: I like dancing, look what am I doing Help students say: You are doing something.

2. Now, look at PPT, look at the pictures and tells what is he or she doing. Students read the phrase together:

Reading singing dancing running eating playing Ask students say: He is reading.

She is singing. ….. 3. Game: Guessing game

One student does action, the other says what is she or he doing 4. PPT

Show some scenes and give an description for example: In this photo, They are in the park, they are rowing a boat.

T: Simon, Daming and Simon’s mom had a special weekend, do you want to know where did they go and what happened? (1)Ss open their books

(2)Listen to the tape, students pay attention the blanket.

(3) According to the listening material, students finish the blankets. B. Practicing

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Students do dialogue in pairs with sentence structures on the board A: In this photo, we’re having a picnic. B: You are in the park. A: That’s right. C. Homework

1. Read the text fluently. 2. Prepare the photos.

Module 4 Unit 1

I`m making Daming`s birthday card



1.学习目标语句:I’m making Daming’s birthday card. 学习词汇:card, careful, balloon, fly away

2.学会运用I’m making Daming’s birthday card.并能口头运用说明自己正在做某事因此不能做另外的事。

3.识别词汇:card, careful, balloon, fly away书写单词card, cake. 二、预习学案 自主学习

1.通过听录音、网络等方式预习本单元将要学习的新单词、课文。将不会读的单词和句子进行标注,不明白的地方找出来。 2.了解生日歌和生日蛋糕的起源。 3.学会下列短语

在超市________________ 买东西____________

举行生日聚会______________ 生日卡片___________________ 小心______________ 飘走 ____________ 4. 阅读课文,小组讨论并回答下列问题: (1)Where is Simon’s mum? (2)What is she doing ? (3)Can Simon help his mum? (4)What is he doing?

(5)Who can help Simon’s mum? (6)What are happening?

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(一)课前延伸——预习检测 1.小组长带领检查预习单词情况。 3.学会下列短语

在超市________________ 买东西____________

举行生日聚会______________ 生日卡片___________________ 小心______________ 飘走 ____________ (二)课内探究 1. 自主学习



(1)Where is Simon’s mum? (2)What is she doing ? (3)Can Simon help his mum? (4)What is he doing?

(5)Who can help Simon’s mum? (6)What are happening? (3)个人学习

学生在学习新单词后,自主学习新课文。遇到不懂得地方可在小组内交流解决。记录好重点、难点。 2. 合作探究


(2)讨论如何用句型Who can help me 向别人寻求帮助,且给寻求帮助的人以回答。 (3)讨论一下P15 Activity 3的图片,并在小组内相互交流。 3.精讲点拨

(1)Fly away与fall down的区别。

(2)现在进行时句子的结构:主语+be+动词的ing。 四、课堂检测 (一)单项选择

1. Who can help ? Yes, ______ can. A. me, me B. I, I C. me, I

2. We ______ going to have a picnic in the park. A. is B. are C. am 3. _______ sun is shining. A. A B. An C. The

4. The ducks are eating ______picnic. A. our B. we C. I

5. It’s going to _______hot in Beijing. A. is B. be C. / (二)连词成句

1. am, going to, I, have, birthday, party, a (?)

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