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Opponent: Judge: Proponent: Judge: Proponent:

time of the collision? Objection, no foundation. Sustained. Your Honor, may I approach the bench? Yes.

Your Honor, I am having problems here. I think that the witness’s testimony would be admissible if I could put the questions in the proper form. Could you give me some guidance about how to proceed?

Text A

Build up your vocabulary.

I. Match the items in the following two columns.

1. b 2. g 3. f 4. j 5. a 6. l 7. d 8. h 9. i 10. k 11.c 12.e

II. Fill in the Blanks with the words or expression given below. Changing the form if necessary: 1. credibility 2. establish 3. testify

4. adverse party 5. subpoena 6. demeanor

7. physical exhibits 8. identify 9. veracity

10. cross-examine


substantive, factfinder, determination, establish, prescribed, trial judge, submitted, party, sufficient, grant, producing


1. 当对一方当事人或为某一目的具有可采信性但对另一方当事人或为另一目的不具有可


2. 一切相关证据都具有可采信性,《美国宪法》、《国会法案》或联邦最高法院,依法授权


3. 《美国法典》第18编第3500条刑事诉讼中另有规定的除外,若证人为作证之目的借助




4. 在科技或其他专业知识可以帮助事实审理者理解证据或决定争议的事实的情况下,掌握


5. 文字材料、录音带或照片因体积大不方便在法庭进行验证时,其内容可以以图表、总结


Text B

Check your understanding

1.f 2. t 3. t 4. f 5. t 6.t 7.t 8.f 9. t 10.f 11.f

Build Up Your Vocabulary

I.Give the corresponding translation of each of the following terms: English Chinese conclusive evidence 确凿证据/结论性证据 relevance 相关性 probative value 证据力 hearsay 传闻证据 admissibility of evidence 证据的可接受性 negligence evidence 过失证据 immaterial evidence 非实质性证据 testimony 证言 the absence of proof 缺乏证据 reliable evidence 可靠证据 exclusion of evidence 证据的排除 invalidate 使无效 II. Put the following terms into Chinese: the opposing lawyer 抗辩律师 leading questions 诱导证人回答的讯问 direct-examination 直接询问 judicial notice审判认知 cross-examination 交叉询问 identification 鉴定 the fact-finder 事实审查者 character evidence 品格证据 presentation of evidence 出示证据 authentication 认证,鉴定 circumstantial evidence 间接证据 direct evidence 直接证据 tangible evidence 实物证据 real evidence 实物证据 demonstrative evidence 确证 exculpatory evidence 开脱罪责的证据 preponderance of the evidence 占有优势的证据 proffered evidence 提供的证据,出示的证据

presumptive evidence 推定证据 prima facie evidence 表面证据/初步证据



1. Pursuant to section 2 of article 64 of the Civil Procedural Law of the PRC, the people's court

shall investigate and collect evidence

(1) which litigants and their representatives cannot collect because of objective reasons, (2) which the people's court deems necessary for the hearing.

(3) which conflits with the evidence produced by the other and is therefore inadmissible, or (4) which the people's court deems necessary to collect itself.

2. Evidence falls into the following categories : documentary evidence; material evidence;

video and audio material; testimony of witnesses; statement by litigants; conclusion of expert corroborations; records of inspection. 3. Litigants shall produce evidence for their assertions. The people's court shall investigate and

collect evidence which litigants and their representatives cannot collect because of objective reasons, or evidence which the people's court deems necessary for the hearing. The people's court shall, in accordance with the legal procedure, examine and verify the evidence fully and objectively. 4. Evidence can not be admitted as a basis for deciding a case before it is produced, checked,

and examined at the hearing. The testimony of a witness who appears in court can be admitted only after the witness is examined and cross-examined by the public prosecutor, the victim, the defendant and the defense counsel. The testimony of a witness who does not appear in court shall be heard and verified before being admitted. If a court discovers through investigation that a witness has intentionally given false testimony or concealed criminal evidence, it shall handle the matter in accordance with law.

Unit Eleven Intellectual Property Law Listening

I. The laws of the United States relating to patents, trademarks, and copyrights protect the various kinds of intellectual property. Sometimes more than one form of protection applies to a single type of property; however, one form of protection is usually more suitable than another.

Patents, for example, are granted on manufactured articles, machines, compositions of matter, and industrial processes. Copyrights generally apply to literary and artistic works of authors and artists, while trademark owners have the exclusive right to use a specific mark, word, or symbol to identify their products and services.

We have prepared this overview to summarize the various forms of intellectual property protection available in the United States. It is not intended as a comprehensive review of the law, but as a reference tool to help you understand the types of intellectual property protection available and to aid you in differentiating among them.


II. As with all business-related activities, economics plays a large role in determining whether to protect intellectual property. Companies must weigh the potential value of an intellectual property right against both the probability of realizing that value and the costs of securing, enforcing, and maintaining that right. There are no hard and fast rules that determine the potential value of a given intellectual property right. What is valuable to one individual or company may be worthless to another. There are certain obvious factors that contribute to the potential value of the intellectual property, including the potential value of exclusive or other rights, assignments, or licenses, cross-licenses, enforcement against infringers, and as collateral for securing financing.

Text A

Build up your vocabulary

I. Match the items in the following two columns

1.b 2.g 3.j 4.c 5.i 6.d 7.h 8.e 9.a 10. F

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. public domain 2. Issuance 3.reasonable precaution 4.monopolies 5.misappropriation 6. review 7. patented 8. patent examiner 9. term 10. filing


expiration, patents, monopoly, issuance, invention, filed, article, prior, term,, patented


1. 商业秘密是指获得现实或潜在独立经济价值的信息,它不被那些能够通过该信息的披露

或使用获得经济价值的人所普遍知道,也不能通过正当手段获得。它包括配方、图案、汇编、程序、设计、方法、技术、工艺的信息。 2. 实际或潜在的商业秘密侵占是可以禁止的。当商业秘密不再存在时,可以通过向法院申

请,终止禁令,但是,允许在合理期限内禁令继续有效,以防止否则有人通过侵占获得商业优势。 3. 目前的专利期限是20年,自提出专利申请之日起。过去是自专利局核准专利之日起17

年。在如遇到干扰或上诉反对等特定情形下,专利期可延长最多五年。 4. 任何人,若销售专利机器、产品、专利产品的化合或构成产品的零件、或为使用专利技

术所需的材料或设备,构成发明的主要部分,且知道是为特别制造该发明或为侵犯专利权使用特别进行改造,无适合实质性非侵权使用的主要零件或商品的,应当承担共同侵权责任。 5. 一项发明,虽然并不与本编第102条所规定的被披露或描述的情形完全一致,但若申请
