重庆医科大学实验诊断试题集 联系客服

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1. 实验诊断(Laboratory diagnosis)

2. 全程质量控制(total quality management, TQM) 3. 循证医学(evidence based medicine, EBA) 4. 危急值(critical value)

5. 医学决定水平(medical decision level) 6. 红细胞计数 (red blood cell count, RBC)

7. 红细胞比容 (hemotocrit, Hct;packed cell volume, PCV) 8. 网织红细胞计数(reticulocyte count, Ret)

9. 红细胞体积分布宽度(red blood cell volume distribution width, RDW)10. 白细胞绝对值(absolute value of WBC) 11. 白细胞分类计数(Differential count, DC) 12. 靶型红细胞(target cell) 13. 球形红细胞(spherocyte)

14. 嗜多色性红细胞(polychromatic erythrocyte) 15. 高色素性红细胞(hypochromic erythrocyte) 16. 嗜碱性点彩(basophilic stippling) 17. 染色质小体(Howell-Jolly) 18. 卡波氏环(Cabot rings)

19. 有核红细胞(nucleated erythrocyte) 20. 中毒颗粒(toxic granulation) 21. 空泡(vacuole degeneration ) 22. 杜勒小体(Dohle bodies)

23. 核变性(degeneration of nucleus) 24. 棒状小体(auer bodies)

25. 异形淋巴细胞(atypical lymphocyte) 26. 核左移 (nuclear shift to left) 27. 核右移(nueclear shift to right) 28. 分裂池(mitotic pool) 29. 贮备池(storage pool) 30. 边缘池(vessel wall)

31. 类白血病反应(leukemoid reaction)

32. 红细胞沉降率Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR) 33. 骨髓穿刺(bone marrow puncture) 34. 骨髓增生程度(proliferative degree)

35. 粒红比(myeloid erythroid ratio, M∶E) 36. 细胞化学染色(cyto-chemical stain)

37. 过氧化物酶染色(peroxidase stain, POX)

38. 中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶染色(neutrophil alkaline phosphatase stain, NAP) 39. 骨髓纤维化(myelofibrosis, MF)

40. 骨髓增生异常综合征(myelodysplastic syndrome, MDS)


41. 巨幼细胞性贫血(megaloblastic anemia, MA) 42. 再生障碍性贫血(aplastic anemia, AA) 43. 出血时间(bleeding time, BT)

44. 束臂试验(capillary fragility test, CFT) 45. 血块退缩试验(clot retraction test, CRT)

46. 大血小板比率(platelet large cell ratio, P-LCR)

47. 活化部分凝血活酶时间(activated partial thromboplastin time, APTT) 48. 凝血酶原时间(prothrombin time, PT) 49. 凝血时间(clotting time, CT)

50. 国际标准化比值(international normalized ratio, INR) 51. 血浆纤维蛋白原测定(Fibrinogen assay, FBG) 52. 凝血酶时间测定(thrombin time, TT) 53. D-二聚体(D-dimer, DD)

54. 纤维蛋白(原)降解产物(fibrinogen degradation product, FDPs)

55. 血浆鱼精蛋白副凝固试验(plasma protamine paracoagulation, 3P试验)56. 原发性纤溶(primary hyperfibrinolysis) 57. 继发性纤溶(secondary hyperfibrinolysis) 58. 血型(blood group)

59. ABO血型物质(ABO blood group substance) 60. (血型)天然抗体(blood group natural antibody)

61. (血型)免疫抗体(blood group immunologic antibody) 62. 交叉配血(cross matching)

63. 成分输血(component blood transfusion) 64. 随机尿(random urine) 65. 餐后尿(urine after meal) 66. 新鲜尿(fresh urine) 67. 多尿(polyuria) 68. 少尿(oliguria) 69. 无尿(anuria)

70. 肾前性少尿(prerenal oliguria) 71. 肾性少尿(renal oliguria)

72. 肾后性少尿(postrenal oliguria) 73. 暂时性多尿(temporary polyuria) 74. 血尿(hematuria)

75. 肉眼血尿(gross hematuria) 76. 镜下血尿

77. 均一性血尿(homogenicity hematuria) 78. 非均一性血尿(heterogeneity hematuria) 79. 肾小球源性血尿(glomerular hematuria)

80. 非肾小球源性血尿(non-glomerular hematuria) 81. 血红蛋白尿(hematoglobinuria) 82. 肌红蛋白尿(myoglobinuria) 83. 胆红素尿(bilirubinuria) 84. 乳糜尿(chyluria)


85. 乳糜血尿(hemotochyluria) 86. 脂肪尿(lipiduria) 87. 脓尿(pyuria) 88. 菌尿(bacteriuria) 89. 蛋白尿(proteinuria)

90. 选择性蛋白尿(selective proteinuria)

91. 非选择性蛋白尿(non-selective proteinuria) 92. 肾小球性蛋白尿(glomerular proteinuria) 93. 肾小管性蛋白尿(tubular proteinuria) 94. 混合性蛋白尿(mixed proteinuria)

95. 溢出性蛋白尿(overflow proteinuria) 96. 本周蛋白(Bence-Jones protein) 97. 组织性蛋白尿(histic proteinuria)

98. 假性蛋白尿(false proteinuria, pseudoproteinuria) 99. 糖尿(false proteinuria;pseudoproteinuria)

100. 肾性糖尿(renal glucosuria, renal glycosuria) 101. 酮尿(ketonuria)

102. 尿比密(urine specific density) 103. 红细胞淡影(blood shadow)

104. 脂肪颗粒细胞(fatty granule cell) 105. 管型(cast)

106. 透明管型(hyaline cast) 107. 颗粒管型(granular cast) 108. 细胞管型(cellular cast)

109. 肾小管上皮细胞管型(renal tubular epithelial cell cast) 110. 红细胞管型(red cell cast) 111. 白细胞管型(white cell cast) 112. 混合管型(mixed cast) 113. 蜡样管型(waxy cast) 114. 脂肪管型(fatty cast) 115. 宽幅管型(broad cast) 116. 细菌管型(bacterial cast) 117. 结晶管型(crystal cast)

118. 微量清蛋白尿(trace quantity albuminuria)

119. 滤过钠排泄分数(fractional excretion of filtrated sodium, FeNa)120. 亚硝酸盐试验(nitrites test) 121. 柏油样便(tarry stool)

122. 白陶土样便(acholic stool) 123. 米泔样便(rice water stool) 124. 脓血便(stool with blood and pus) 125. 隐血试验(occult blood test)

126. 夏科-莱登结晶(Charcot-Leydenerstal) 127. 脑脊液 (Cerebrospinal fluid, CSF) 128. 黄变症 (xanthochromia)


129. Pandy试验(Pandy test)

130. 浆膜腔积液(serous membrane fluid) 131. 漏出液(transudate) 132. 渗出液(exudate)

133. 粘蛋白定性试验(Rivalta test) 134. 乳糜性渗出液 (chylous exudate) 135. 脓性渗出液(purulent exudate )

136. 血性渗出液(hematodes exudate) 137. 脑脊液细胞蛋白分离现象

138. 精液液化时间(semen liquefaction time) 139. 无精子症(azoospermia) 140. 无精液症(aspermia)

141. 精子活动力(sperm motility) 142. 精子活动率(sperm activate rate) 143. 精液(semen)

144. 畸形精子症(teratospermia) 145. 阴道清洁度(cleanness)

146. 阴道分泌物(vaginal discharge) 147. 前列腺液(prostatic fluid)

148. 心肌肌钙蛋白(cardiac troponin, cTn) 149. 肌红蛋白(myoglobulin, Mb) 150. 肌酸激酶(creatine kinase, CK) 151. 利钠肽(natriruetic peptides, NP)

152. B型利钠肽(B type natriuretic peptide, BNP) 153. 氮端前B型利钠肽(NT-pro-BNP) 154. 前清蛋白(Prealbumin, PA)

155. 清蛋白/球蛋白比值(albumin/ globulin, A/G) 156. 间接胆红素(indirect bilirubin, IBIL) 157. 直接胆红素(direct bilirubin, DBIL)

158. 结合胆红素(conjugated bilirubin, CB) 159. 总胆汁酸(total bile acid,TBA)

160. 丙氨酸氨基转移酶(alanine aminotransferase, ALT) 161. 门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(aspartate aminotransferase, AST)162. AST/ALT

163. 碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosohate, ALP)

164. γ-谷氨酰基转移酶(γ-glutamyltransferase, γ-GT/GGT) 165. Ⅲ型前胶原氨基末端肽(procollagen-Ⅲ-peptide, PⅢP)166. Ⅳ型胶原(collagen type Ⅳ, CⅣ) 167. 透明质酸(hyaluronic acid, HA) 168. 层粘连蛋白(laminin, LN)

169. 胆酶分离(enzyme bilirubin separate) 170. β-γ桥(β-γ bridge)

171. 肾小球滤过率(glomerular filtration rate, GFR) 172. 肾清除率(clearance rate )