英语国家概况-美国部分清晰完整版 - 图文 联系客服

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b. cowboys, which refers to ranch-hands or workers. ⑦dairy farming

a. Dairy Belt (milk) – Midwest

b. rank of milk production: Wisconsin, New York state.

⑧fruit: Washington ranks 1 in the production of apples in America. 4. Problems:

Farming is a tricky business; it is influenced by those factors: ① varies rainfall ② unexpected hailstorm ③ insect pests ④ changeable price ⑤ government’s support spend a lot of money Ⅳ.American Industry 1. General feature

Manufacturing accounts for about 1/4 of the GDP, about 1/4 of the national income, and over 1/5 of the work force.

2. Midwest round the Great Lakes. ① general feature:

a. the nation’s leading center of heavy industry b. It is most important in the production of motor vehicles and other transportation equipment, nonelectrical machinery, and fabricated metals. ② factors for industrial leaders

a. raw material b. Mineral

c. cheap and convenient transportation d. skill labor home market 3. Middle Atlantic States ①general feature

a. highly industrialized region b. produce chemicals, machinery, electrical equipment, textiles, and metal goods.

②factors: a. location; b. skilled workers supply and a good home market; c. transportation and shipping facilities; d. materials. 4. South

①general feature: newly developed industrial region;

②factors: a. rich natural resources and raw materials; b. good labor supply and a large home market; c. good transportation; d. seacoast provide good harbors for industrial expansion.


③fastest growing cities: Huston (the third busiest port in U.S.), New Orleans (the second, the first is New York), Atlanta, Dallas, Louisville, Birmingham, Miami, and Norfolk (the sixth) ④major cities:

a. North and South Carolina and Georgia are the South’s leading textile manufacturing states b.Birmingham is an important iron and steel producing city of the South c.Texas is the country’s leading state in oil and natural gas deposits

d. Houston is now the greatest commercial center of the Southwest and the chemical capital of the world (a center of petrochemical and synthetic rubber production / the home of the space center) 5. Pacific Coast

①general feature: a. the land of opportunity; b. California state, the most populous state, first in manufacturing, second in instrument making and lumbering and petroleum refining ②major cities:

a. Los Angeles, the Pacific Coast’s largest and busiest commercial city b. San Francisco, the second largest city in California, is in an excellent position to trade with the Far East and the islands of the pacific. Ⅴ.Foreign Trade

1. General situation: The United States is the largest importer in the world, and it’s exports are about 15% of the worlds total.

2. Reasons: It imports about 13% of all world imports, for the heavily dependent on foreign sources for a number of essential primary products. 3. Countries:

a. Canada is the largest single source of goods imported by the U.S., accounting for nearly 30%

of the total.

b. Europe is the largest source of imports with about 30%.

c. Asia provides about 18% of American imports, with smaller percentages from Latin America,

Africa, and Australia.

Ⅵ. Problems in the U.S. Economy

Problems: Unemployment, inflation, financial deficit, and trade deficit.


1. Monetarist policies(货币主义政策)

Since the American economy was plagued by stagflation, in the early 1980s, the traditional


Keynesian theory (传统的凯恩斯理论)was replaced by new monetarist, which sought to fight inflation by increasing supply and reducing demand. On one hand, taxes were cut to increase economic dynamism. On the other hand, interest rates were raised to reduce the supply of money.

2. Briefly discuss the factors that contributed to the fast growth of the American economy. 简要论述


The fast growth of the American economy has been contributable to many factors:

1> The geographical location of the U.S. provides very good conditions for the country to grow and become strong.2>the U.S has been by being a land rich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil, together with a moderate climate.3>American has been fortunate in having enough people to provide the labor necessary for a constantly expanding economy.4>The U.S has a skillful and willing labor force. The American labor force is not only hard-working ,but also willing to experiment, to change and to learn new technology.

Chapter 19 Political institution政治制度


















Ⅰ.The U.S. Constitution

1. The Constitution of the United States is the basic instrument of American government and the supreme law of the land. It is the oldest written constitution in the world. 2. How was it drafted?

①After the War of Independence, the thirteen colonies became thirteen independent nations. ②They don’t want to give up their independence, so they set up a loosely knit organization. ③At the Second Continental congress, they adopted a constitution, the Articles of Confederation.


④But, they found there were weakness within it. ⑤They try to revise this weakness, but they failed. ⑥This turned out to be a new constitution.

⑦The new constitution was officially adopted on March 4, 1789. (first passed by Delaware in 1787)

3. Federal system 联邦制