[初中英语]江苏省南京市玄武区2015-2016学年度第二学期九年级测试英语试卷(二) 人教版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章[初中英语]江苏省南京市玄武区2015-2016学年度第二学期九年级测试英语试卷(二) 人教版更新完毕开始阅读53722639e55c3b3567ec102de2bd960590c6d9c0


英 语


? 本试卷共8页,全卷满分90分,考试时间为90分钟。试卷包含选择题和非选择题。


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1.I have studied here for nearly 3 years and I feel so proud _______ my school. A.of




2.—Who is that girl standing _______ by the window? —Well, her name is Jenny. A.friendly




3.Seasons in Australia are different from those in the USA. When it is fall in New York, it is

_______ in Sydney. A.summer




4.Nearly two-thirds of dogs are lucky enough to _______ a gift from their masters for their birthday and Christmas. A.raise




5.It’s better to ________ your notes before you do your homework every evening.

A.look through B.look for C.look after D.look around 6.It is reported that nearly_________ foreign kids joined a British boarding school last year,and a third of them came from China. A.nine thousand C.nine thousand of

B.nine thousands D.nine thousands of

7.— When ________ you ________, Nancy?

— I’m not sure. There is a lot of traffic on the road today. A.have; arrived arrive

8.If we cannot reach an ________ on the program, we will have to vote. A.agreement


9.—______ I see your ID card, sir? —No problem. Here you are. A.Can




10.—What beautiful flowers! I can’t decide________ for my mom. —For Mother’s Day, it can’t be better to buy some carnations.



B.did, arrive

C.do, arrive


A.when to choose B.which to choose C.how to choose D.to choose what


11.The ________ you work, the more trust and praise you will get from your workmates. A.more careful careful

12.Don't touch the instruments in the laboratory ________ the teacher allows you to do that. A.unless




13.— Why is Sandy absent from school today?

—He is in hospital.He hurt ______ when doing DIY at home yesterday. A.his




14.My American friend Sam is quite interested in Nanjing. He wonders _______.

A.when was the Confucius Temple built

B.How high is the Purple Mountain

C.that Nanjing was very rich in ancient times D.who built Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum 15.—________! I left my camera in the cafe and it’s still here.

—Lucky you! You should take good care of your things during the trip. A.Well done

B.Thank goodness

C.Forget it

D.My pleasure

B.more carefully

C.most carefully



Most people who celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day aren’t Irish. Every year on March 17, hundreds of thousands of people celebrate this Irish 16 all over the world. There are parades in New York, London, and Tokyo. There are all-night parties in Argentina. People 17 and have fun in the streets of Australia and New Zealand. And of course, there are some celebrations in Ireland, too.

What is Saint Patrick’s Day? Saint Patrick was a priest hundreds of years ago who made many Irish people 18 Christianity(基督教). He was actually born in Britain, but he has become an important 19 in Irish culture. There are many stories about him, 20 killing all the snakes in Ireland and speaking with Irish ancient kings. Saint Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday to remember 21 , but today it is also a day for celebrating Ireland and Irish culture in general. So 22 do people celebrate it? The most 23 way is to wear something green. Green is one of the colors of the Irish flag, and Ireland is also famous for its beautiful green countryside. If you forget to wear green, you may get pinched(捏、掐), 24 pinching people who forget to wear green is another Saint Patrick’s Day tradition. But perhaps the second most common way to celebrate, if you are 25 enough, is to drink lots and lots of Irish beer. Remember only adults can drink beer. Otherwise, you will be punished for being too young. 16.A.habit 17.A.drink 19.A.soldier 21.A.her 22.A.how

B.holiday B.smoke B.hand in B.hero B.him B.why

C.parade C.fight C.hunter

D.game D.swim D.believe in D.king D.such as

18.A.take in 20.A.for example

C.bring in C.instead of

B.along with

C.them C.when




23.A.interesting B.special C.common

24.A.though 25.A.brave





B.old C.strong




1. Posted by: Monica, Canada April 24 10.41 Black bread with honey— A friend of mine stayed in a hotel in India and the manager gave this to her for stomachache. It really worked. Just take a piece of bread and toast it until it’s black. Then put honey on the bread and eat it. It doesn’t look good, but it can really help. So if you get stomachache, try this therapy. 2. Posted by: Norma, USA April 24 9.25 An onion—If you get a high temperature, use an onion. It sounds strange but it helps. Cut one large onion into halves and tie the half onion to the bottom of each of your feet. You shouldn’t wear socks of course! I use this on my kids and it works every time. The therapy came from a relative from down south. 3. Posted by: Hell, Australia April 23 18.03 A wet teabag—Here is my tip for toothache. You should put a wet teabag on the sore tooth. I always have a wet teabag in the fridge so it’s there when I need it. 4. Posted by: Lameed, England April 23 16. 15 Salt water—When I was a child, I got a lot of headaches and my grandmother always did this for me. Put a few drops of warm salt water in your ears. Don’t use really hot water. Do this three or four times for both ears. Then lie down and close your eyes for about ten minutes. 26.The above advice is about ________. A.home problems

B.home therapies


May 21 Dear Editor, Dogs are working animals, not pets. They belong to the farm, rounding up sheep and cattle. In the city they are just a kind of smelly, noisy trouble. If we must have dogs in the city, they need to be trained properly. There are homeless dogs and the barkers, there are also the chasers and the bounders (野狗). These terrible creatures rush up and almost knock you down before you have time to decide if they are greeting you or attacking you. Farm dogs earn their keep, but these city ones have too much from their owners. Their food’s not just dog food. It’s delicious dog food which the city dogs can eat happily from their doggy bowls. They also have a home-visit haircut which makes them different from common dogs and fur-lined baskets which they lie down and have a good sleep in. C.food and drinks


27.________ gave a tip for a fever. A.Hell from Australia

C.A friend of Monica’s

B.Lameed’s grandmother D.Norma from America

28.According to the postings, you can ________ if you have a toothache. A.tie half an onion to your feet C.eat a piece of bread with honey

B.drop warm salt water in your ears D.put a wet teabag on your sore teeth

May 28 Dear Editor, Yes, Sarah Williston (May 21), we do give dogs a good life, but they pay us back generously, with affection and intelligence and good humour. Dogs are loyal and can be wonderful companions (同伴). They will play safely with the kids, or stay with patients and old people all day long. Dogs are increasingly being used in nursing homes and hospitals as a companion, and in some places, teachers even have a pet dog in the classroom. It is true that training a dog takes considerable time and effort, but it is worth it. Taking care of a dog builds character, as well as offering a lot of pleasure. Sincerely, John Bonavista 29.According to Sarah, which of the following dogs is worth keeping? A.Barkers.


C.Farm dogs.

D.Homeless dogs.

30.Both of the two people think that ________. A.dogs should have good food

B.dogs should be properly trained D.dog owners should play with kids

C.dog owners spend too much on dogs A.Dogs can work well on farms. B.City dogs can have a home-visit hair-cut. C.Dogs may appear in the classroom in some places.

D.City dogs cannot be trusted when they are left alone.


Florida teen band The Garbage-Men is performing on the stage. The band has five members. They are Jack Berry, Ollie Gray, Harrison Paparatto, Austin Siegel and Evan Tucker. The five teens are making music from waste. The Garbage-Men band’s instruments are made from recycled things. The guitars are boxes. A horn(号) is made from pipes. The keyboard is formed from old bottles.

The band started about two years ago. Jack Berry who was in eighth grade at the time decided to make a playable, home-made guitar, after some trial-and-error(反复试验), he ended up building it from a cereal box, a yardstick and toothpicks. After Jack showed his creation to his friend Ollie Gray, Ollie had the idea to form a band using other home-made instruments as a way to improve recycling. “We want to show people there is more to recycling than throwing things away in the bin.” Jack, 16, told TFK. “You can actually reuse materials.”

Last year, the Garbage-Men played at local events, including festivals, farmer’s markets. Typically, the teens set up on the street and performed popular songs from the 1960s, including classic Beatles and crowd favorite “Wipe Out”. They talked about recycling and offered tips for

31.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the two passages?