2019-2020年人教版英语七年级下册Unit8--Section A(1a-1c)导学案(无答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2019-2020年人教版英语七年级下册Unit8--Section A(1a-1c)导学案(无答案更新完毕开始阅读541d8b21b5360b4c2e3f5727a5e9856a57122677

* 牛刀小试:There _______a lot of students and a teacher in the classroom. 3、there be的否定式通常在_______后加not构成,有some的要变成_________。 2019-2020学年人教版英语七年级下册 *******Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?

****第一课时Section A(1a-1c)(P 43)

*****小组 组内编号 学生姓名

***组内评价 教师评价 **【使用说明与学法指导】 * 线 1. 根据单元标题和图片等,预测新课内容; * 2. 自学课文第43页,勾画出重点和疑惑 **【学习目标】 **** 1、知识与技能 ①重点单词及短语post, office, police, hotel, restaurant, bank, *** hospital, street, pay, near. post office, police station, pay phone. *** ②.重点句型:Is there a hospital near here? Yes, there is. It’s ... ** 2、过程与方法:会用英语问路和指路;学习there be 句型 **** 3、情感态度价值观:在生活中有礼貌地问路和指路,培养礼貌且乐于助人的品质。 **【学习重点】 1. 学习常见的地点词汇; ** 2. There be 句型 --I s there a… near here? -- Yes, there is. It’s …. 钉【学习难点】 学会在街上问路和指路的表达。 *** *** 【课前预习案】 ***一、自主学习 自主探究 ***(1)认真预习1a-1c新单词并识记,完成下面的汉译英。 1. 小组练习,互相提问。 ***1.邮局 2警察局 **3餐馆 4旅馆 *2. 我的疑惑____________ **5.街道 6.公园 ***7.银行 8.医院 ____________ **9.在这附近 10.付费电话 ____________ **(2)读1a部分内容,把地点名词与图画一一对应 *** ** 装 * 【合作探究案】 ***探究一:(5分钟)我的疑问。(对预习后的疑惑,小组结对兵练兵,实现二次探究) ***探究二:(15分钟,分配到每一个探究点中)重难点。 ***(一)There be句型 定义:There be 结构主要用以表达\某处有___________. *** 1.there be 结构中的谓语动词be在人称和数上应与其后的主语___________。 ** 主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用______,是复数时用_____。 *** There is a flower in the bottle. There are many books in the bag. ** 2.若句子中有几个并列的主语时,be要与离其________的主语保持一致。即所谓的就近 * 原则。 There is a boy, a girl and two women in the house. There are ten students and a teacher in the classroom. There aren't any children in the park. 4. there be的一般疑问句是把be提到_______。肯定答语是_____, there is / are; 否定答语为No, there ______ / aren't. Is there any water in the bottle? Yes, there is. 5、对主语提问:当主语是人时,用 “Who’s + 介词短语? 当主语是物时,用 “What’s + 介 词短语?”。 (无论主语是单数还是复数,对其提问一般都用is) There is a bird in the tree. →What’s in the tree? There are some bikes over there. →What’s over there? There is a little girl in the room. →Who is in the room? (二)pay v&n 付费 pay phone 付费电话 pay for +物 “付钱买某物” pay + 钱+for +物 “付多少钱买某物 I pay ten yuan for the book.=It takes me ten yuan to buy the book. 探究三、(1)听听力完成1b。(5min.) (2)运用本节知识点完成1c,以组为单位编一段对话并表演。(10min) 当堂检测(10min) 一.用is和are填空 1.There _____ a lot of children in the zoo. 2. There _________some water in the glass. 3. There__________ many students and a teacher in our classroom. 4. There_____a bed and two chairs in Betty's room. ********************* 二.句型转换 装 1. There is a woman in the park.(变复数)_____________________ 2. There are some buses on the hill.(变否定句)____________________ 3. There are some apples on the tree.(变一般疑问句) _________________________________________________ 4.There is a car in the garden. (就划线部分提问) 5.He pays 5dollars for the coat.(同义句) _____ _____ _____ 5 dollars to buy the coat. 【知识小结】 ******************************** 【教/学后记】 钉 教师寄语:Nothing is too difficult, if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人 *********************** 线 ***