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tennis and many other sports. Such people play because they want to. A few people are paid for the sport they play. These people are called professional sportsmen. They may be such sportsmen for only a few years, but during that time the best ones can make a lot of money.

For example, a football player in England earns more than 50 000 pounds in a year. Of course, only a few sportsmen can earn as much money as that.

It is possible for middle class people to engage in sports like golf, tennis and motor-racing. Perhaps the most surprising thing about sportsmen and money is this; the stars can earn more money from advertising than from sport.

An advertisement for sports equipment does not simply say “Buy our things” It says, “Buy the same shirt and shoes as?” Famous sportsmen can even advertise things like watches and food. They allow the companies to use their names or photo of them and they are paid for this. Sport is no longer just something for people?s spare time.

11. The word “sport” now usually means .

A. something done by sportsmen in their spare time B. hunting wild animals and birds C. organised games D. school sports and games 12. A professional sportsman is someone who . A. makes money in his spare time B. play all the time

C. earns money by playing a sport D. play for his country and the people 13. Most people spend a lot of their spare time playing a sport because they . A. would like to B. have to do so C. want to earn some money D. will be stars 14. Famous sportsmen perhaps earn more money from .

A. sport B. advertising C. football D. his country 15. Why do the companies pay the famous sportsmen? Because they . A. like the sportsmen B. are asked to do so C. would buy the same shire D. want to sell more of their things

Passage 4

One of the well-known American writers is Samuel Clemens, whose pen name is Mark Twain. Born in 1835, Twain grew up in the Mississippi River town of Hannibal, Missouri. As did many other boys of his day, Twain dreamed of traveling on river boats and of someday becoming a riverboat pilot. Twain used his memories of a river town in his two most famous books, Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer.

As a young man, Twain held many jobs. He was a printer, a good miner, and, for a time, he was a riverboat pilot. During his pilot days, he adopted the name Mark Twain. This was a term used by the boatmen to mean that the water measured two fathoms(噚 — 长度单位), or twelve feet, which was deep enough for safe passage.

Finally Twain became a successful writer. He traveled a great deal, writing and speaking, and became very popular both in the United States and in Europe.

Twain?s style of writing was simple and direct. Among the things he wrote about were superstitious(迷信的)people and people who were easily fooled. He used his unusual gift for humor to write about many things of importance.

56. Generally speaking, this article is about . A. a riverboat pilot B. a printer C. a gold miner D. a famous writer 57. When he was a boy, Mark Twain dreamed of .


A. traveling on river boats to become a riverboat pilot B. traveling on river boats to gather material for his books C. traveling on river boats to make money D. traveling on river boats to enjoy himself

58. The name ?Mark Twain? came from . A. a safe passage B. a term used by the boatmen C. his boyhood D. his measuring tool 59. Which one of these sentences is NOT true?

A. Twain was successful in writing at last. B. Twain was a famous humorist.

C. Twain?s writing style was easy to be understood. D. Twain wrote many poems about Mississippi. 60. Mark Twain became famous in .

A. The Asia B. the United States C. Europe D. Both B and C

V. Writing

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a short composition in about 80 words according to the following outline. Write your composition on your ANSWER SHEET.







Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. A. grammar B. damage C. cable D. package 2. A. physics B. cycle C. nearby D. myself 3. A. greedy B. genius C. guilty D. guarantee 4. A. spread B. steady C. steal D. threaten 5. A. catch B. child C. march D. machine 6. A. continue B. true C. due D. value 7. A. humble B. hotel C. honesty D. horizon 8. A. trouble B. touch C. young D. house 9. A. channel B. personnel C. label D. travel 10. A. insure B. leisure C. measure D. pleasure

II. Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

11. Make greater efforts, and you?re sure to reach your goal ________.

A. eventually B. especially C. effectively D. endlessly 12. The melting of snow has caused flooding of ________ rivers. A. increased B. expanded C. overgrown D. swollen

13. It suddenly ________ him that he could find a better way to work out the problem.

A. struck B. occurred C. woke D. remembered 14. My grandma can?t remember ________ her medicine when she actually did. A. to take B. took C. having taken D. taken

15. Without air, there would be no atmosphere to protect us ________ the sun?s deadly rays.

A. from B. under C. to D. in 16. “________ will Dr. Lee stay in Leeds? ”

A. How much B. How C. How often D. How long 17. There ________ some mistakes in your composition.

A. have B. has C. seems to be D. seem to be 18. She set out soon after dark ________home an hour later.

A. arriving B. to arrive C. having arrived D. and arrived

19. ________ from outside, the house seemed to be very shabby but its interior was luxurious.

A. Seen B. Seeing C. To see D. Saw 20. He has ________$ 1,000 in less than a week.

A. got through B. got out of C. given out D. gone over 21. My brother had a cold last week, so ________ I. A. had B. did C. am D. have

22. He won the first ________ in the competition. A. prize B. price C. reward D. money

23. Computers are used ________ people in all kinds of fields. A. to helping B. helping C. to help D. to be helped


24. They are great friends, each sharing ________ money.

A. others B. the other?s C. another?s D. each?s 25. I still remember the place ________ he visited last summer. A. when B. in which C. that D. at

26. I?d rather ________ a cup of tea instead of milk. A. having B. to have C. had D. have 27. We will start as soon as our team leader ________. A. comes B. will come C. come D. coming 28. Do you have any difficulty ________ English literature?

A. reading B. for reading C. on reading D. to read 29. I don?t think I could ________ another night without sleep.

A. stand B. support C. put up D. carry 30. I happened ________ when the telephone rang.

A. out B. to be out C. being out D. be out

III. Cloze

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

One Monday afternoon Mrs. Joan, dressed for going out, took her handbag with her money and her key in __31__, pulled the door __32___ her to lock it and went to the Over 60s Club. She always went there _ 33 _. It was a nice outing for an old woman who lived __34___. At six o?clock she came home let __35___ in and at once __36___ cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke in her house? How? How? Had someone got in? She __37__ the back door and the windows. All were ___38__ or fastened, __39__ usual. There was no __40__ of forced entry.

31. A. it B. its C. her D. hers 32. A. in front of B. beside C. behind D. before 33. A. Monday B. on Monday C. Mondays D. on Mondays 34. A. single B. lonely C. alone D. only 35. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself 36. A. smell B. smelling C. smelled D smelt 37. A. notice B. saw C. checked D. looked through 38. A. locking B. locked C. closing D. closed 39. A. like B. look like C. as D. the same as 40. A. sight B. sign C. scene D. signs

IV. Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

Once there was a king who never ate a meal unless there was a dish of fish with it, but one day there was a big storm and the fishermen were not able to go out to catch fish, so the king had no breakfast and no lunch. Then he ordered his servants to tell everybody in his capital that if anyone brought him a fish, he would give him anything that he asked for.

At last a fisherman caught a big fish late in the afternoon and hurried to the king?s palace with it. But the king?s prime minister would not let him in until he promised to give him half of whatever the