高三英语完成句子之动词时态专题训练1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章高三英语完成句子之动词时态专题训练1更新完毕开始阅读556046f8c8d376eeaeaa315f

risk becoming a dinosaur.

A. delightedly B. practically C. constantly D. properly

8. The workers agreed to ______ strike for improving working conditions if their demand was immediately satisfied.

A. call for B. call out C. call up D. call off

9. Some of the most important concepts in physics ______ their success to these mathematical system.

A. due B. owe C. contribute D. thanks

10. Nowadays, a beautiful scenery alone is not enough to ________ a boom in tourism. Quality of accomodation plays a crucial role.

A. guarantee B. apply C. provide D. afford

11. Tibet has been one of the hottest places for visitors, as it _______ visitors to not only the typical high land landscape, but a colorful ethnic cutural diversity as well. A. presents B. treats C. shows D. offers

12. With the economic crisis over, the following years are likely to ____ a rise in production. A. promote B. suffer C. see D. hit

13. Local charity workers are joining a nationwide drive to raise public ______ of AIDS, a disease for which there is no effective cure.

A. conclusion B. impression C. awareness D. judgement

14. Since my bike was broken, my friend let me use his bike, saying that he lived near the school and could _______ it.

A. deal with B do with C. go without D. go with15. It’s true that the old road is less direct and

a bit longer. We won’t take the new one, ______, because we don’t feel as safe on it. A. somehow B. though C. therefore D. otherwise

16. Jenny Wang came out first in the English Speech Competition. What makes her ______ in learning English is enough practive, I suppose.

A. break out B. make out C. pick out D. stand out

17. Affected by the global financial crisis, our situation of economy ________ to be very serious in the next few years.

A. proves B. suggests C. promises D. hopes

18. It’s really disappointing that lots of people should just _____ when they saw the drowning girl struggling in the river.

A. looked away B. looked on C. passed down D. passed on

19. Most educators agree that the time a person spends at high schools usually helps to ______ his or her future.

A. make B. lay C. shape D. form

20. Though influenced by the bad weather, the football match is _____ to take place at the fixed time.

A. about B. due C. likely D. sure

21. Three months after the terrible eathquake, everything returned to normal and people are _____ their daily routine regularly.

A. going about B. going through C. going out D. going over

22. Natural disasters, instead of letting us down, have _____ the best in Chinese people, who are more firmly united to overcome any difficulty.

A. brought about B. brought out C. brought in D. brought down

23. Unfortunately, his car broke down half way to the destination. To make matters worse, it was so late, he had to _____ at a roadside inn for the night. A. put in B. put off C. put up D. put down

24. Whatever _____ us in the future, we must get down to fundamental—doing what we

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A. turns against B. goes with C. becomes of D. prepares for

25. The traditional way of judging someone _____ their diploma is not always the best way to recognize someone really talented.

A. in spite of B. in ways of C. in favor of D. in terms of

26. Further investigation showed that lots of high officials were also ______ in the case, which surprised the court.

A. included B. connected C. involved D. related

27. Finally, the workers agreed to ______ strike if their demand for a rise was immediately satisfied.

A. call for B. call out C. call up D. call off

28. The author had qualified as a doctor but later gave up the _____ of medicine for full-time writing.

A. prescription B. procedure C. treatment D. practice

29. Although the necklace is not made of real crystal, The shape and its size it still _____ most young people to buy it.

A. appeal to B. fit for C. go with D. apply for

30. To keep up with the changing society, we should ______ ourselves with a wide rang of knowledge.

A. equip B. supply C. apply D. furnish

31. The _____ of air and water explains why there is no life on Mars though the temperature in certain parts is acceptable.

A. absence B. shortage C. lack D. state

32. My parents always remind me to make sure the gas is turned off after a bath, which would ______ cause danger.

A. somehow B. meanwhile C. otherwise D. furthermore

33. The story of Harry Porter was ____ by a young wizard J. K. Rolling met on a train. A. imagined B. created C. inspired D. discovered

34. The newly-built airport will be ______ to all kinds of vehicles from all directions. A. available B. accessible C. comfortable D. Covenient

35. Some new avidences about the case _____ recently, which led to the arrest of the criminal.

A. came to life B. came to light C. came into effecet D. came to power

36. It wasn’t long before we ____ ourselves on the island and then came the problem how we could come into contact with our family and friends. A. noticed B. realized C. thought D. found

37. The poor mother, who had been ill in bed, had to have her little son ______ at his uncle’s. A. adapted B. adopted C. adjusted D. applied

38. The world is moving fast and you need to show employers that you can ____, so as to keep the position.

A. keep away B. keep up C. keep out D. keep back

39. The stronger the ____, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. That is to say, it is up to whether he has an interest in the foreign language. A. inspiration B. ambition C. motivation D. aspiration

40. The government must be very ____ about setting policies and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one.

A. particular B. concerned C. cautious D. certain

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动词时态专题训练高考原题答案: 1、what he is talking about 2、had arrived for him

3、that he has failed (for) several times 4、whether he has been abroad or not 5、will help be given to 6、 have they played 7、in which /where I grew up 8、It cost me

9、what my hometown will be/look like 10、 are being transported 巩固练习答案:

1、have taken place 2、was spent

3、There have been 4、have passed the information (on) 5、is being applied to 6、hasn’t been used to living 7、was offered 8、will have got to 9、have been studying English 10、have acted in 11、is working 12、will see my uncle off 13、had learned 14、was raining

15、got up 16、What surprised me most

17、shares my interest 18、How we will make/work out the plan 19、that/which he told me 20、Where he had obtained the information 21、that the prisoner would be set free 22、He had been told many times 23、has gone to 24、agreed with 25、that our team had won 26、It was raining 27、had been in prison for ten years 28、was listening to 29、had been robbed of bags 30、Ihave visited 31、had I arrived 32、showed up 33、The harder you work 34、get to

35、was/is to blame 36、had enjoyed 37、the earth moves

12套参考答案1 1. polluted air

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2. in a frightening voice 3. calling themselves 4. suspected of taking

5. half the time (that /which was) allowed 6. still hadn’t passed 7. got stuck

8. cool boiled water 9. is to blame

10. wasn’t surpried at the news 参考答案2

1. themselves trapped by

2. to have his English improved 3. (who had been )invited to 4. It is to the king’s credit 5. (which are )based on

6. two new roads constructed 7. have been influeced by 8. make their voice heard 9. keep me imformed/told

10. when members aren’t certain of 参考答案3

1. Given/ If given more attention

2. Having suffered such heavy pollution

3. to be recycled and reused/ recycling and reusing

4. lacking working experience/ the lack of working experience 5. followed by some officials 6. taken into consideration 7. should have won

8. asked about the murder

9. Attracted by the beauty of nature 10. Measures must be taken 参考答案4

1.(that /which are) being discussed 2.Pressed a hundred times 3.(should )be ackowlegded 4.(who was ) dressed in 5.had taken into account 6.Badly damaged 7.that she would come 8.found himself tied

9.his eyes fixed on 10.Not(being/having been) strict about 参考答案5

1.did he explain 2.had he got 3.of taking drugs 4.will we use 5.neither does your (younger ) brother 6.did he get a book published 7.delighted were the customers 8.including all the children / all the children included

9.making it the most popular 10.couldn’t have attended 参考答案6

1.as (they were ) told 2.(to be ) pretty/ fairly/ rather nice 3.keeping it clean 4.hope to

5.There is no doubt that 6.there is neither weight nor gravity 7.what is called 8.with which to buy

9.will be driving me 10.Under/ With the aid of the teacher/

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