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the Pacific Coast are the major industrial regions of the U.S.五大湖区周围的中西部,大西洋中部各州,南部和太平洋沿岸为美国主要的工业区。

必背解释: Monetarist policies(货币主义政策) Since the American economy was plagued by stagflation, in the early 1980s, the traditional Keynesian theory (传统的凯恩斯理论)was replaced by new monetarist, which sought to fight inflation by increasing supply and reducing demand, On one hand ,taxes were cut to increase economic dynamism. On the other hand, interest rates were raised to reduce the supply of money. Briefly discuss the factors that contributed to the fast growth of the American economy. 简要论述美国经济迅速增长的几个因数: The fast growth of the American economy has been contributable to many factors: 1> The geographical location of the U.S. provides very good conditions for the country to grow and become strong.2>the U.S has been by being a land rich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil, together with a moderate climate.3>American has been fortunate in having enough people to provide the labor necessary for a constantly expanding economy.4>The U.S has a skillful and willing labor force. The American labor force is not only hard-working ,but also willing to experiment, to change and to learn new technology Chapter 19 Political institution(政治制度) 1.The American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world. It was draw up in 1787 and went into effect in 1789.美国宪法是世界上最早的成文宪法,它起草于1787年,生效于1789年。 2.In 1787,Congress called for a meeting of delegate from all the states to revise the Articles of Confederation.1787年,国会召开各州代表参加的大会,主要目的是修改有明显缺点的《联邦条款》。 3.The government is divided into three branched: the legislative ,the executive ,and the judicial. Each branch has part of the powers but not all the power.美国政府被分为3部分:立法机构,行政机构和司法机构。 4.In either case, amendments must have the approval of three-fourths of the states before they enter into force.有两种情可以提出修改宪法条款,但不管是哪种,修正案必须经过3/4的批准才能生效。 5.The President of the U.S is the head of the executive branch and the head of the state elected by the whole nation. The Constitution requires the President to be a natural-born American citizen at least 35 years of age. The president election was held every 4 years .宪法规定总统必须是美国本土出生的美国公民,至少年满35岁,总统选举每四年举行一次。 6. In American ,the “winner-take-all” system applies in all states expect Maine.在美国,嬴者全赢的制度适用于除缅因州外的各州。 7.The electors of all fifty states and the District of Columbia-a total of 538 persons-comprise what is known as the Electoral College. To be successful, a candidate for the Presidency must receive 270 votes.50个州加上哥伦比亚特区共有538位总统候选人,他们组成选举团,要成为美国总统,候选人则要获得270票。 8.The presidential term of 4 years begin on Jan 20 following the November election, The president publicly takes an oath of office, which is administered by the Chief Justice of the U.S. A president can be elected to office only twice.美国总统任期为4年,每位总统任期最多只能两届,总统宣誓就职仪式是由美国首席娃哈哈官主持的。 9. Article I of the Constitution grants all legislative power of the federal government to a Congress composed of two chambers, a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Senate is composed of 2 members from each state, Membership in the House is based on population and its size is therefore


not specified in the Constitution.国会由参议院和众议院组成,参议院由各州派出两名议员共同组成,众议院成员数则按各州人口及大小而定,因此众义员数宪法没有具体规定。 10. The Constitution requires that U.S. Senators must be at least 30 years of age, citizens of the U.S for at least 9 years, and residents of the states from which they are elected. The senatorial term is 6 years, and every 2 years one-third of the Senate stands for re-election.宪法规定美国参议员必须是年满30岁有美国公民资格9年以上的公民,并且是选其为议员的州的居民,参议员任期为6年,且每月年改选1/3的议员。 11. Menber of the House of Representative must be at least 25, citizens for 7 years, and residents of the states which send them to Congress. Today, the House is composed of 435 members. Since members of the House serve two-year terms, the life of a Congress is considered to be 2 years.宪法规定美国众议员必须是年满25岁有美国公民资格7年以上的公民,并且是选其为议员的州的居民,现在,众议院由来35名议员组成,由于众议员任期为2年,所以国会任期往往被认为是2年。 12. Each hours of the Congress has the power to introduce legislation on any subject, except revenue bills which must first come from the House of Representatives.除了税收法案必须首先由众议院提出,国会的两院各自有权就任何提议立法。

13. The Constitution provides that the Vice president shall be president of the Senate. He has no vote, except in a case of a tie. The House of Representatives choose its own presiding officer-the Speaker of the House.宪法规定由美国副总统担任参议院议长,议长不参加投票,除非出现两派票数相等的情况,众议院则选出他自己的主持官员,-众议院议长。 14. According to the Constitution, the judicial power of the U.S shall be vested in one Supreme Court. The judicial system has evolved into the present structure: the Supreme Court, 11 court of appeals, 91 district courts, and 3 courts of special jurisdiction. U.S.judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.根据宪法规定,美国的司法权属于最高法院,司法体系结构为:最高法院,11个上诉法院,91个地方法院,3个有特殊司法权的法院,美国的法官是由总统任命并由参议院批准的。 15. The Supreme Court is the highest court of the U.S and is the only organ which has the power to interpret the Constitution The Supreme Court at present consists of a Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices.最高法院是美国最高等的法院,也是惟一有权解释的机构,目前法院由一名首席娃哈哈官和颜悦色名助理法官组成。 16. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in only two kinds of cases: those involving foreign dignitaries, and those to which a state in a party.高等法院最初只对两种案件拥有司法权:涉及国外达官贵人,一个州为一方当事人。 17. In general, American has a two-party system. There are two major political parties in America: the Democrats and the Republicans. There have been four periods in the history of political parties in American.一般说来,美国实行的是两党制,两大主要政党为:民主党和共和党,美国政党的历史可分为四个时期。 18. The first period of the party system in American refer to the appearance of the Federalists and the Anti-federalists. The third phase of the two-party system ran from the 1860s to the 1920s with the Republican Party dominating the political scene for most of the time.美国政党制的第一阶段出现了两个主要党派,联邦派各反联邦派,第三阶段从容不迫9世纪60年代到达9世纪20年代,绝大部分时间是共和党执政。(2002,21题) 19. In the 28 terms of the House of Representatives from 1933 to 1989,the Democrats enjoyed a majority of 26 terms, in the Senate, the Democrats had a majority for 23 terms.


从1933年到1989年的确届众议院中,民主党在于6届中拥有多数席位,在参议院中民主党在于23届中拥有多数席位。 20. After the 1828 election of Andrew Jackson, the Democratic-Republican party split. The main faction, led by Andrew Jackson, called themselves the Democratic Party, while the faction opposed to Jackson formed the Whig party in 1834.1828年安德鲁。杰克逊当选总统后,民主共和党分裂,由安德鲁。杰克逊领导的主派自称为民主党,反对杰克逊的一派于1834年另立辉格党

Chapter 20 Education 教育 1. It is a general view that every American has the right and obligation to become educated. American believe that ,through education, an individual acquires the knowledge, skill ,attitudes and abilities which will enable him to fit into society and improve his social status. Education helps to shape the society and develop the national strength。在美国,人们普遍认识是,每一个人都有受教育的权利和义务,通过受教育,人们可以更好的适应社会,提高自身的社会地位,教育有助于塑造社会,增强国家实力。(2000,46题,一句话回答) 2. Formal education in the U.S consists of elementary ,secondary and higher education, Elementary and secondary education,which forms public education, is free and compulsory.美国正规的教育由初等,中等和高等教育组成,初等,中等教育属公立教育,是免费和义务的。 3. In American ,there are more public elementary and secondary schools that private ones, while private colleges and universities outnumber public ones.在美国,公立中小学比私立多,而私立大学比公立大学多。 4. Under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S Constitution, education was included among the responsibilities which were “reserved to the states or the people:.根据美国宪法第十修正案,教育是:保留给各州或人民:的责任之一。 5. There is not a national system of education in the United States, It is the state that establishes policies for the education within its boundary, so many variations can be found in the education system of the 50 states.美国没有全国统一的教育体制,而是由各州为自己辖区内的学校制订政策,所以50个州的教育体制相差很大。 6. Elementary and secondary education in the U.S covers 12 years for ages 6 through 18, All the states have laws that require children to go to school, generally until the age of 16, unless they are severely handicapped.美国初等和中等教育共12年,从6岁到期8岁,所有州要求孩子们上学上到期16岁,除非他们严重残疾。 7. In American, the total support for public schools is about 186 billion a year, about 7% of the gross national product(GNP)在美国,给公立学校的财政资助一年约1850亿美元,约占国民生产总值的7%。 8. Each local school district of American has a governing board whose major responsibilities are 1>the hiring of professional and support staff, 2>determining the most suitable local curriculum, 3>and developing and approving a budget to carry out educational programs. Usually the board of education employs a superintendent of school, who is the chief executive officer at the local level.每个地方学区都有一个由选民选举产生的管理委员会,它主要有三个职责,1。聘用教师和学校员工,2。决定适合当地的课程,3。制定和批准执行教育计划的预算,通常,教育委员会要选一位督学,作为地方一级的重要教育行政官员。 9. The typical organizational pattern for elementary and secondary schools is that of graded schools. Usually, the elementary school covers grades 1-8 and the high school 9-12.美国中小学典型的组织模式是年级制,通常,小学包括1到8年级,中学包括9到12年级。 10. There is a certain degree of similarity in the American elementary school curriculum. It mainly consists of mastery of the “basics” such as reading, writing,


and arithmetic of mathematics.美国各小学的课程有某种程度的相似之处,要是对“基础课的掌握,这些基础包括阅读,写作,和算术或数学等。 11. Higher education of the U.S began with the founding of Harvard College in 1636.美国的高等教育始于1636年哈佛学院的建立。(2001,22选择) 12. The system of higher education in the U.S has three principal functions: teaching, research and public service.美国高等教育有三大职能:教学,研究,和公众服务。 13. In American, there are the best research universities such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia and MIT in the east, as well as Stanford and Berkeley on the west coast.美国最好的科研型大学有位于东部的哈佛,耶鲁,普林斯顿,哥伦比亚,和麻省理工大学,位于西海岸的斯坦福大学和伯克利大学。 14. The administration of most colleges and universities is quite separate from that of the school. But there are three State board that set policy for education at all levels in respective state, They are the State Boards of New York, Rhode Island ,and Michigan.大多数学院和大学的行政管理是与中小学分开的,但有3个州例外,它们是纽约,罗得岛,和密歇根州。 15. Except for some college sponsored by the Catholic Church, all college and universities in the U.S ,public or private, are governed by a board of trustees composed primarily of laymen.除了一些由天主教会赞助的大学外,美国所有的大学都是由一个主要的由外行人员组成的托管委员会管理。 16. The community college calls for education to serve the good of both the individual and society. It embodies Thomas Jefferson’s belief that an education should be practical as well as liberal.社区学院奉行教育既为个人又为社会服务的宗旨,它包含了托马斯。杰斐逊教育既是实用的又是自由这一信仰。 17. By the mid-1980s, a wave of education reform swept the country. These reform had two focuses:1>the raising of the standards of teaching and learning;2>the restructuring of the schools.到80年代中期席卷全国的教育改革的浪潮有两个重点1》提高教学标准2》学校的结构改革。 18. In 1983, a report entitled “A Nation At Risk” was issued which cited high rates of adult illiteracy, declining SAT scores, the decline of educational standards. The report put forward five proposals.1983《危险中的国家》发表,引用了成人文盲比例高,学生技能下降,教育水准下降等例子,该报告提出了五点建议。 19. On April 18,1991, President Bush issued his plan” American 2000:An Education strategy” which set six goals.

I. Direction: Read the following unfinished statements of questions carefully. For each unfinished statement of question four suggested answers A; B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the

corresponding space on your answer sheet (25%)

1. There are ______ political divisions on the island of Great Britain.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

2. Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses of which the most important matters could be seen in

three of the following except _______.

A. no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council;