上海教育版英语六年级上册Unit 7《Seeing a film》word教案 联系客服

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牛津版六上《Seeing a film》教案


1.能听、说、读、写本课的核心词汇:shall, police, exciting,boring, next time

2.能熟练掌握核心句型:--Shall we go and see a film this weekend? --Sure.

What would you like to see? What is it about?

3.能礼貌地向别人发出邀请或建议。 重点难点:


2.能用句型Shall we… ? 邀请别人参加活动或征求意见,同时能对别人的邀请作出适当反应。 教学用具:

录音机、自制课件、照片等 教学过程:

StepⅠWarm up and revision(热身与复习) 1. Sing a song。 2. Talk about the films.

Step ⅡPresentation and practice (自主探究) 1.生词关

T: Please write the meanings on your paper

film______ story______ forest________ princess________ next______ weekend_________ about_______ policeman ______ 2. T:Show the films and learn the new words. Ss:read these words after teacher.

3. Work in groups to read the new words. Recite the new words, and then recite in groups。

4. Watch the screen and learn to say the sentences. --Shall we go and see a film this weekend? --Sure.

T: Shall we have a picnic this weekend?

Ss: Sure. / OK.

5. Ask pupils to talk about their plans for the weekend in groups . Sept Ⅲ Learn the story (学习课文) 1、观看课文动画,理解课文。 2、听录音,跟读两遍。

3、组内交流,翻译句子,然后互查。 4、我会总结本课的重点句型。

5、做47页练习题:Complete the sentences. Step Ⅳ Show(展示交流) Task1: 识记单词和短语。

Task2:熟练地朗读课文并尝试背诵。 Task3:Act out the conversation in groups.