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Unit 1 Art


1.__________ n.努力;尝试;企图 vt.尝试;企图 →_____________(adj.)未遂的

2.__________ n.签名;署名→__________ vt.签名 3.__________ n.巧合→__________ adj.一致的;巧合的

4.__________vt.拥有;具有→____________________n.财产;所有 5.__________ adj.荒谬的;可笑的→_____________ adv.荒谬地;可笑地 6.__________ adj.确切的;特定的→_____________ adv.特别地;明确地 7.__________ vi.有感染力;呼吁 n.呼吁→_____________ adj.吸引人的 8.__________ adj.典型的;有代表性的 →__________ adv.典型地;有代表性地 →_________ (n.)类型;典型

9.__________ vt.预言;预测→____________ n.预言;预测 10.____________ vt.更喜欢;宁愿→_______________ n.喜爱;偏爱 11.__________ vt.采用;采纳;收养→__________adj. 收/领养的 12.________________ adj.明显的→____________ n.证据;证明; 13.__________ n.目标;目的 vt.& vi.瞄准;目的在于 →____________ adj.没有目标的;无目的的

14.__________ n.信任;信念;信心→__________ adj.忠诚的;忠实的


1. The project aims ________(get) kids to a stage called “deep reading”, where they

can read to learn.

2. This activity is aimed at__________ (improve) the students' ability of listening and speaking.

3. Project ORBIS also aims at ________ (promote) peaceful _________ (cooperate) among countries.

4. To talk without thinking is to shoot ____________(aim).

5. The government has taken measures, ________ (aim) to cut down the cost. 6. I am writing to sincerely invite you ________ (join) the table tennis team in our school aimed at ________ (develop) our interests and improve our skills. 7. She was forced to have her baby ________ (adopt).

8. It ________ (predict) that the weather will get better tomorrow. 9. It is ________ (evidence) that he has made a mistake. 10. He has an income of six ________ (figure).


a great deal ;a great deal of; a great number of;in possession of ;in the possession of 1. The girl needed _________ sleep, but she had to take part in__________activities. 2. Lazy sheep sleeps _________. So a great deal of his work isn’t finished. But he eats _________ faster than others.

3. Beijing University, founded in 1898, is home to _________ outstanding figures. 4. ---Who was ________________the boat “the Black Pearl”? ---The boat was __________________ Captain Jack.


typical; possess; hold; figure out; predict; aim; adopt 1. The women wanted _________ the baby 2. It is impossible _________ what will happen..

3. Then a discussion will _______, which _______ to improve mutual understanding. 4. I always dream that I _________ a luxury car one day. 5. I can't ________ why he quit his job.

6. ____________, she had forgotten her keys again.


1. The baby ________________(试图) collect herbs.

2. Lily __________________ (尝试) picking the apples on the tree, and she finally got one ______________________ (在她第2次尝试).

3. This advertisement _________ (旨在) keeping people away from smoking. 4. He ________ (力求) be the best student in his class, and he works very hard in order to _____________ (达到目的).

5. After a certain age, you have to work hard _____________ (保持你的体形). 6. Jack is late again. _____________ (他一贯) to keep others waiting.


1. This visit aims ____________ (strength) sound friendship, unity and cooperative relations between the two countries.

2. It is evident that his life seems__________ (aim).

3. He studied hard,__________ (aim) to pass the examination. = He studied hard,__________ (aim) at passing the examination. =He studied hard,__________ the aim of passing the examination. 4. Having been cheated by that company, he lost all his _______ (possess). 5. Nadal, the famous tennis player, _______________(possess) of great perseverance. 6. In the meeting all the workers agreed ________ (adopt) a new idea to reform the company.

7. The woman was forced to have her new-born ________ (adopt). 8. I passed my driving test ____ the first attempt.

9. He attempted ________ (escape) from the prison,but he couldn’t find anybody to help him.

10. _____ is typical ____ him _______ (play) jokes_____ others. 11. She works out every day to have _____ good figure. 答案: 一、

1. attempt attempted 2. signature sign 3. coincidence coincident 4. possess possessions 5. ridiculous ridiculously 6. specific specifically 7. appeal appealing