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Another important factor contributing to this phenomenon is the advancement in communication technology. For example, mobile phones and the Internet have increased work efficiency on one hand, but on the other hand they have reduced the time people spent with those they care about. In the past, we would visit our parent’s home and stay with them for several hours during a traditional festival. Later, as mobile phones became popular, we might only give them a two-minute call; now we could express our regards by sending a message in just a few short seconds.

Of course, this issue is bringing some negative effects to both family life and society. The husband and wife may be too tired to have quality time together after work; when they come back home too late, they might not be able to talk and play with their sleeping kids. While material wealth is accumulated, the emotional bonds between people get weaker. The problem many families already have is a social concern. Although many countries deem a higher GDP as the indicator of social progress, I personally do not think this figure can fully represent the happiness and well-being of those members of society.


In some countries, young people are richer than ever before. However, they are less happy. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 提纲及原文

原因1 父母太忙,家庭感弱化。 原因2 缺少动力和成就感。 解决 Answer

It is noticeable phenomenon that adolescents are becoming unhappier, even while being much richer. And I believe there are two major reasons behind this.

In the past, parents came back home from work earlier, at which time the whole family could have dinner together or chat and laugh while watching TV. This seemingly ordinary life did make everyone happy. Nowadays, however, parents often work overtime due to keen competition in the workplace, so teenagers indulge in various social websites, which provide them a sense of belonging. But no doubt, these virtual experiences cannot improve their emotional well-being.
