模具加工承揽合同(2013版)中英文版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章模具加工承揽合同(2013版)中英文版更新完毕开始阅读56b2780ecc1755270722085d

Tooling Purchase Contract Rev.2013 模具加工承揽合同(2013版)

possession anytime. Party B shall pay late fee 50000 RMB per day for not performing return duty upon Party A’s notice. Party A in entitled to claim for loss meantime. 11.4乙方不得将本合同权利和义务转让给第三方。

Party B may cannot delegate and/or assign all or part of the performance of its rights and obligations hereunder to its Affiliated Companies or to any third party to which it has outsourced the performance of its activities unless approved by Party A with written words. 11.5乙方的法定代表人及在本合同上签名的乙方授权代表对乙方在本合同所有应履行义务承担连带保证责任。

Party B’s Legal representative and the person undersigning this Contract is duly authorized by Party B, both are fully aware of this Contract and agree to assume joint and several guarantee liability under this Contract.


This Contract shall be valid and come into force after being signed and stamped by both parties.


Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein. 11.8本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,同具法律效力。当本合同中文文本与英文文本发生歧义时,应以中文文本为准。

The contract is in duplicate, with each party holds one. Each one shall have equal validity. The Chinese version of this contract will prevail if there is any conflict between the Chinese version and English version of this contract.


Party B shall provide Business License, VAT and Organization Code Certification to Party A for file backup.


(No text stipulated under, below is the section for signature and seal only.)

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Tooling Purchase Contract Rev.2013 模具加工承揽合同(2013版)

甲方 乙方 (Party A) (Party B)

法定代表人 法定代表人(保证人)

Legal Representative Legal Representative(Guarantor)


Authorized representative(Guarantor)

(公章) (公章) (Company Seal) (Company Seal) 日期 日期 Date

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