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1.下列有关伯罗奔尼撒战争的说法中,不正确的是( )

A.它是发生在两个同盟即伯罗奔尼撒同盟和提洛同盟之间的争霸战争 B.在高加米拉之役,雅典海军被全部歼灭



2.下列有关伯罗奔尼撒同盟的说法中,不正确的是( )

A.入盟的各邦一般不能保持独立地位 B.斯巴达掌管召集会议的权力

C.斯巴达是同盟的领袖和核心 D.它属于军事性的同盟

3.下列不属于伯罗奔尼撒战争的事件是( )

A.十年战争 B.羊河战役 C.萨拉米湾海战 D.《尼西阿斯和约》

4.雅典与斯巴达为争夺希腊的领导权掀起长期内战,然而“鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利”,谁扮演了“渔翁”的角色( )

A.屋大维 B.凯撒 C.腓力二世 D.亚历山大

5.古希腊在经过多年的内战后终于被下列哪个国家统一( )

A.波斯帝国 B.亚述帝国 C.马其顿王国 D.罗马帝国

6.马其顿王国真正强大是在哪一时期( )

A.腓力一世 B.亚历山大一世 C.腓力二世 D.亚历山大三世

7.使希腊文明迅速传播到古老的东方,成为古代世界文化交融的典范的战争是( )

A.希波战争 B.布匿战争

C.亚历山大东征 D.伯罗奔尼撒战争

8.亚历山大大帝掀起外对扩张战争,建立了一个地跨欧亚非三洲的亚历山大帝国。结合下图,判断准确反映亚历山大扩张线路的是( )


B.两河流域—→印度—→小亚细亚—→波斯帝国—→埃及 C.两河流域—→小亚细亚—→印度—→埃及—→波斯帝国 D.小亚细亚—→埃及—→两河流域—→波斯帝国—→印度

9.亚历山大帝国是一个跨越亚、非、欧三洲的大帝国,它的前身是( )

A.罗马帝国 B.马其顿王国 C.波斯帝国 D.古巴比伦

10.埃及北部尼罗河三角洲有个世界著名的亚历山大海港,与之相关的重要人物是( )

A.亚历山大 B.大流士一世 C.马可?波罗 D.汉谟拉比

11.亚历山大帝国是在灭掉哪一个帝国后才正式建立的( )

A.波斯帝国 B.古埃及 C.加尔底亚 D.亚述帝国

12.公元前300年,一位雅典商人谈起自己的事业:“我发现自从亚历山大东征后,我的生意蒸蒸日上,特别是与波斯人的贸易,让我赚更多钱。”他成功的原因最可能是( )

A.由于埃及受到希腊人统治,使埃及商人无法与雅典商人竞争 B.雅典与波斯之间不再有政治障碍,进行远距离贸易更为便利



13.当你在看《亚历山大大帝》电影时,你可以在电影中看到哪一景象( )

A.建立希腊式城市,推广希腊文字与文化 B.亚历山大学习印度实施种姓制度 C.亚历山大禁止与异族通婚 D.在圆形竞技场观赏人兽搏斗

14.希腊化世界的形成,与下列哪些事情有关( )

①亚历山大在各地建希腊城市; ②波斯人攻打希腊地区,带回希腊文化;

③亚历山大鼓励通婚; ④亚历山大在征服地区推动希腊法律; A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②③④

15.亚历山大大帝称霸后,建立起横跨三洲的大帝国,缔造“希腊化时代”,这个时代的代表精神是( )

A.种族歧视 B.民主思想 C.城邦意识 D.世界一家

16.历史上有名的“希腊化时代”是介于哪两大帝国之间( )

A.波斯帝国和亚历山大帝国 B.马其顿王国和亚历山大帝国

C.罗马帝国和东罗马帝国 D.亚历山大帝国和罗马帝国

17.若想寻访希腊化时代的遗迹,必须到哪些地方去( )

①小亚细亚; ②埃及; ③两河流域; ④意大利半岛;

A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④

18.亚历山大大帝所创造的希腊化文化结合了哪三处的文明( )

①西亚文明; ②埃及文明; ③爱琴海文明; ④希腊文明; ⑤罗马文明; ⑥波斯文明; A.①②③ B.①②④ C.④⑤⑥ D.③④⑤

19.历史课上,老师让大家绘制一幅亚历山大帝国的疆域图,下列哪一城市将不能出现在帝国的疆域内( )

A.巴比伦 B.开罗 C.罗马 D.雅典

20.历史上有许多著名的帝国、王朝虽然国运短暂、昙花一现,但却在历史上产生重大的影响,比如( )

①亚历山大帝国; ②古罗马帝国; ③中国秦朝; ④中国隋朝; A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④


21.阅读下列材料,回答问题: 材料一


Alexander began his war against Persia in the spring of 334 B.C. by crossing the Hellespont (modern Dardanelles) with an army of 35,000 Macedonian and Greek troops; his chief officers, all Macedonians, included Antigonus I, Ptolemy I, and Seleucus I. At the river Granicus, near the ancient city of Troy, he attacked an army of Persians and Greek mercenaries totaling 40,000 men. His forces defeated the enemy and, according to tradition, lost only 110 men; after this battle all the states of Asia Minor submitted to him (see Battle of Granicus). In passing through Phrygia he is said to have cut with his sword the Gordian knot.

Continuing to advance southward, Alexander encountered the main Persian army, commanded by King Darius III, at Issus, in northeastern Syria. The size of Darius's army is unknown; the ancient tradition that it contained 500,000 men is now considered a fantastic exaggeration. The Battle of Issus, in 333 B.C., ended in a great victory for Alexander. Cut off from his base, Darius fled northward, abandoning his mother, wife, and children to Alexander, who treated them with the respect due to royalty. Tyre, a strongly fortified seaport, offered obstinate resistance, but Alexander took it by storm in 332 B.C. after a siege of seven months. Alexander captured Gaza next and then passed on into Egypt, where he was greeted as a deliverer. By these successes he secured control of the entire eastern Mediterranean coastline. Later in 332 B.C. he founded, at the mouth of the Nile River, the city of Alexandria, which later

became the literary, scientific, and commercial center of the Greek world. Cyrene, the capital of the ancient North African kingdom of Cyrenaica, submitted to Alexander soon afterward, extending his dominion to Carthaginian territory.

In the spring of 331 B.C., Alexander made a pilgrimage to the great temple and oracle of Amon-Ra, Egyptian god of the sun, whom the Greeks identified with Zeus. The earlier Egyptian pharaohs were believed to be sons of Amon-Ra; and Alexander, the new ruler of Egypt, wanted the god to acknowledge him as his son. The pilgrimage apparently was successful, and it may have confirmed in him a belief in his own divine origin.

Turning northward again, he reorganized his forces at Tyre and started for Babylon with an army of 40,000 infantry and 7,000 cavalry. Crossing the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers, he met Darius at the head of an army of unknown size, which, according to the exaggerated accounts of antiquity, was said to number 1 million men; this army he completely defeated in the Battle of Gaugamela, on October 1, 331 B.C. Darius fled as he had done at Issus and was later slain by one of his own satraps. Babylon surrendered after Gaugamela, and the city of Susa with its enormous treasures was soon conquered. Then, in midwinter, Alexander forced his way to Persepolis, the Persian capital. After plundering the royal treasuries and taking other rich booty, he burned the city during a drunken binge. His domain now extended along and beyond the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, including modern Afghanistan and Baluchistan, and northward into Bactria and Sogdiana, the modern Western Turkistan, also known as Central Asia. It had taken Alexander only three years, from the spring of 330 B.C. to the spring of 327 B.C., to master this vast area.

——《Alexander’s conquests in the east》



