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你有这所房屋的房契吗? (8) funeral n.

ceremony for burying or burning a dead body 葬礼 a state funeral 国葬

attend a funeral 参加丧礼 hold a funeral 举行葬礼

(9) … and a stack of envelopes neatly wrapped in red paper. ……和一叠用红纸整整齐齐包着的信封。

In this sentence, the past participle phrase (过去分词短语) “neatly wrapped in red paper” is used as the post modifier for “a stack of envelopes.”

本句中,过去分词短语neatly wrapped in red paper作后置定语,修饰a stack of envelopes。

(10) … your Grandmother left you her diamond engagement ring, hoping you’ll make good use of it soon.

……你的外婆把她的订婚钻戒留给了你,希望你不久就能好好地派上用处。 In this sentence, the present participle phrase (现在分词短语) “hoping you’ll make good use of it soon” is used as an adverbial of attending circumstances (伴随性状语).

本句中,现在分词短语hoping you’ll make good use of it soon作伴随性状语。 (11). make use of: use or benefit from 使用;利用 Make good use of your time. 好好利用你的时间。

She was making full use of this opportunity. 她正在充分利用这次机会。

(12). keep one’s distance: stay away (from sb./sth.); be cool (towards sb.); avoid being friendly (to sb.)(与某人/某物)保持距离;保持冷淡; 保持疏远 Over the years I have kept my distance from him. 多年以来,我一直和他保持着距离。

(13) … a guidebook that will teach you how to love a woman, how to understand people, and how to respect and maintain your integrity.


In the attributive clause that modifies “a guidebook,” the verb “teach” has three parallel infinitive phrases (不定式短语) as its direct objects. Parallel structures, usually arranged from the shortest to the longest, serve to emphasize and make the sentence sound more rhythmic and appealing. 修饰a guidebook的定语从句中,动词teach的直接宾语是三个并列的不定式短语。并列结构一般从短到长排列,


(14). To understand your grandfather’s soul, read his loving letters to me. 要了解外公的内心世界,读一读他写给我的情书吧。 本句中,不定式短语表示目的,置于句首,起强调作用。

(15). While his love is now a memory, it is also a real dream that never ends. 尽管他的爱现在已经成了回忆,但它也是一个永远不会结束的真实的梦。 In this sentence, the conjunction “while” means “though/although” and introduces an adverbial clause of concession (让步状语从句).


(16) You can enjoy its beauty each time you stare at it in wonderment. 每当你惊奇地凝视它时,你都能欣赏到它的美。

In this sentence, “each time” functions as the conjunction that introduces an adverbial clause of time (时间状语从句).

本句中each time作连词,引导时间状语从句。

(17). as for: in regard to; speaking of; concerning 至于;说到;关于 Kitty has become so thin. And as for Carol, she always seems to be ill. 基蒂变得这么瘦。至于卡罗尔,她看上去总是病恹恹的。

(18) … the old stamps are worth far more than the rest of my estate. ……这些老邮票的价值远远超过了我的其他财产。

The phrase “be worth” in this sentence means “have a value in money.” The adverb “far” modifies the comparative degree(比较级) of adjectives and adverbs, meaning “to a great degree.” 本句中,词组 be worth 表示值多少钱。副词 far,修饰形容词和副词的比较级,表示程度上的递进,“更…得多”。

“How much is this bicycle worth?” “It’s worth £50.” “这辆自行车值多少钱?”“值50英镑。” She is far better than me at writing. 她写作比我好得多。

(19) … the personal handwritten note from General Pershing is even more valuable than the stamps.


The adverb “even” is used with the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs to emphasize that someone or something is bigger, better, etc. 副词even表示“比…更”,与形容词或副词的比较级连用,加强语气。 It was cold yesterday, but it’s even colder today. 昨天很冷,但今天更冷。

4. Let the students give the summary of this text. 5. Exercises after text A

7 Rewrite the following sentences after the model, using “while”. (1). Although the car is old, it still runs well. While the car is old, it still runs well. (2).Although we are a small company, we produce over 10,000 machines a year. While we are a small company, we produce over 10,000 machines a year. 8 Study the following example and complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English, using an “even + a comparative” structure.

(1)The news was even worse than we had expected. (甚至更糟糕)

(2) It seems that you know even less about the matter than I do. (甚至更少) 9) Translate the following sentences into English.

(1)在那位士兵的葬礼上,将军授予士兵的妻子一枚勋章和一面美国国旗。 At the soldier’s funeral, the general presented his wife with a medal as well as an American flag.

(2) 这些老邮票比我其他所有的财产都更加值钱。至于这枚钻戒,它是无价之宝。

These old stamps are even more valuable than all the rest of my estate. As for the diamond ring, it is priceless.

(3) 尽管他的爱已经成了回忆,但每当我凝视他的照片,我都能充分感受到他深深的爱。

While his love is now a memory, each time I stare at his photo, I can fully appreciate the depth of his love.

(4) 母亲经常告诉我要好好利用宝贵的时间,远离那些我不信任的人。

Mother often tells me to make good use of my precious time and keep my distance from those I mistrust. (5) 直到读了他的信,我才理解到成熟的友谊可以丰富我们的人生。

I didn’t understand that mature friendship could enrich our lives until I read his letter.

iii. Practical writing (1 period): Envelopes

1. The format of the writing

How to address an envelope when you write a letter in English

The physical appearance of a letter consists of the paper and the envelope. The first thing a recipient sees is the envelope. It is essential that it should be of suitable quality with the name and address spelt correctly.

The name and address of the recipient should be centered on the envelope or in

the lower right part of the front. Make sure the address begins far enough down on the face of the envelope so that it will not be covered by the postmark. Things to include in a mailing address:

Line 1. The receiver’s name, followed by the courtesy title, job title or rank. Line 2. The name of the company, college, institution or the building. Line 3. The street, with the house number before it.

Line 4. The city and state (or province), followed by the zip code. Line 5. The country itself.

When using an envelope with a printed return address, you must type or write the name of the writer of the letter immediately above the printed information. Align the writer’s name on the left with this information. If desired, the writer’s job title may be included after his or her name. If you are using a plain envelope, you must add the return address in the upper left corner. Start typing or writing on the third line down from top of the envelope. The return address must include the name of the writer (your name); the name of your company, college, etc., the street address or a post office box number; and the city, state (or province), and zip code.

2. Let the students complete the letters in Exercise 11.

3. Homework: let the students write an envelope, and give them the suggested answers.

Chen Xiang, Sales manager

Suton International Shipping Limited 88 South Changjiang Road Shanghai 200441 P.R. China

Mr. James Green General Manager Green Industries Inc. 999 Park Avenue Rockford, IL 61101 USA

iv. Workbook ( 1 period) (略)