2018版高考英语译林通用大一轮复习考点突破练 第一部分 模块七 Unit 1 课下作业 含答案 精品 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2018版高考英语译林通用大一轮复习考点突破练 第一部分 模块七 Unit 1 课下作业 含答案 精品更新完毕开始阅读58969fb0cf2f0066f5335a8102d276a2002960ad


1.The Red Cross has started ________ food and blankets to villages in the flooded area.

A.distributing C.dismissing 答案 A

2.Not all parts of the interior (腹地) of Australia are easily ________,because it is very hot and not many people live there. A.admirable

B.available D.accessible B.dividing D.exporting

C.adjustable 答案 D

3.—Shangri-la Hotel!May I help you?

—I’d like to ________a double room with a sea view for two nights. A.observe 答案 B

4.We have very strict quality control and anything imperfect is ________ ,so customers feel secure about our products. A.denied 答案 B

5.Even though she has gone abroad,we still ________ each other by e-mail. A.put up with C.keep in touch with 答案 C

6.Michael has delayed ________ the bike to me till today. A.returning

B.to return D.being returned B.keep up with D.catch up with

B.rejected C.deserted D.refused B.reserve C.deserve D.preserve

C.to have returned

答案 A

7.It is ________ of him to set his aim high but do little, so he is always leaving things undone. A.specific C.flexible 答案 B

8.—Mind if I sit here? —________. A.Suit yourself C.Never mind 答案 A

9.It was not until near the end of the letter ________ she mentioned her own plan. A.that 答案 A

10.A lot of new difficulties ________ when the tax system came into existence. A.raised 答案 C Ⅱ.完形填空

Before reading McCarty’s story I had thought that a smile just invited unwanted attention.Afterwards I had a__1__opinion.I found that smiling could __2__ myself and the people around me.

Recently I became a(n) __3__ in my son’s school.The more I drove the more I heard the other drivers __4__about a new crossing guard, the person who __5__ the flow of traffic so that cars can get in and out of the school area __6__ and safely.The guard, not having much __7__, seemed unsure when he made a decision, which often __8__ long lines of heavy traffic.Most days he looked worried.I saw cars pass by him with the __9__ drivers.I wanted to do something just to make the guard __10__.

Then I realized I did have the __11__ to change at least one interaction (互动) in his day.One morning when the crossing guard gave me a(n) __12__ to pull into the school, I moved my car forward.Then, just before I began my __13__, I gave him







B.Behave yourself D.Help yourself

B.typical D.widespread

a big smile.He saw me, and then his face __14__.He smiled back at me as I continued my turn.

That’s it.That’s all it took.I knew I had made a __15__ in his day.And __16__ I have yet to speak a word to this man, I know he __17__ me because we smile to each other every time he sees me behind the wheel.

Now, I __18__smile toward people around me.I can’t speak for the people who have __19__ these smiles, but I can say my life is so much __20__, so much more joyous, that I can’t imagine how I lived without such a smile.I hope I can make others share their happiness just as freely.

【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作者通过一个小故事告诉我们应该多向他人微笑。 1.A.poor 答案 B 2.A.change 答案 A

3.A.teacher B.cleaner 答案 C 4.A.ask 答案 D

5.A.admits B.controls C.breaks 答案 B

6.A.quickly B.closely 答案 A

7.A.interest C.experience 答案 C

8.A.drew C.followed 答案 D

9.A.careless C.drunk

B.impatient D.dangerous B.reduced D.caused B.discussion D.consideration

C.quietly D.lately





C.driver D.adviser







答案 B

10.A.relaxed C.nervous 答案 A

11.A.truth C.power 答案 C

12.A.address C.report 答案 D

13.A.work C.test 答案 B

14. A.softened C.darkened 答案 A

15.A.speech C.decision 答案 D

16.A.now that C.even though 答案 C

17.A.believes C.supports 答案 B

18.A.always C.hardly 答案 A

19.A.sent C.collected

B.proud D.confused

B.message D.program B.gift D.sign B.turn D.journey B.reddened D.hardened B.mistake D.difference B.as if D.only if B.recognizes D.interviews B.never D.sometimes B.enjoyed D.received