大班幼儿建构区角活动中合作行为的观察研1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章大班幼儿建构区角活动中合作行为的观察研1更新完毕开始阅读58b79400b307e87101f696de



关键字:幼儿 合作行为 区角活动



Every parents long to see her herself. This is also the expectation of education workers. Hope every taught students achievement. In the course of the growth of children, young children is a very important stage, at this stage the child belongs to the process of passive to accept something completely, so education is particularly important. In modern life, especially in the cities, the one-child, children lack the opportunity to work with people, many young children to be self-centered, not good at and peer cooperation, lack of cooperation consciousness and cooperation ability, it is difficult to establish oneself in society and the development in the future. In recent years, with the development of pedagogy and psychology research, a growing number of education experts and psychologists began to pay attention to preschool education field, especially pay attention to the development of quality early childhood good behavior, the development of children's social behavior research is gradually becoming the hot spot in the field of education. So the cooperative behavior research is particularly important. Early childhood is the critical period of social development, and cooperative behavior is an important part of social behavior, therefore cultivate children in preschool period cooperation consciousness, get into the habit of be good at working with people, and will lay a solid foundation for the


development of children's life.

Key words: children's cooperative behavior Angle of zone activity


目 录

中文摘要及关键词..............................................I 英文摘要及关键词...............................................II 1.绪论...........................................................5 2、区角活动的概念.................... ...............................5 2.1、区角活动的概念.......... ..... ..................................5 2.2、 区角活动的内容................... ............................5 2.3、 区角活动的影响因素...................... .....................5 3、幼儿行为的研究方法.............. ... ..............................6 4、区角游戏记录(以青浦区某幼儿园为例)............ ................. 6 5研究结果.............................. ............................7 6、结果分析............................. ............................8 6.1、性别在区角活动中的影响..........................................9 6.2、行为的意愿......................................................9 6.3、合作行为中的语言表现...........................................10 6.4、合作行为过程中的角色体现.......................................10 6.5、合作行为过程中的时间持续情况...................................11 6.6、团结协作对活动的影响...........................................11 7、幼儿区角活动的启示...............................................12 8、幼儿的教育建议...................................................13 9研究反思.........................................................14 参考文献...........................................................15