最新人教版九年级英语全册Unit14单元测试题及答案(精品试卷) 联系客服

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many different kinds of jobs as possible, go to the library and read books, magazines and newspapers for information. Ask your friends 55______ the work they do.

Finally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking! It is your own life, just find the job you really enjoy doing.

( )41: A.It’s saying B.It’s say D.It says

( )42: A.same B.as same D.the same

( )43: A.suitable B.fitted D.like

( )44: A.take B.play D.choose

( )45: A.Jobs B.life D.works

( )46: A.feel B.realize D.to realize

( )47: A.helps B.makes D.help

( )48: A.both B.Between D.among

( )49: A.art B.music C.It is said C.so good

C.able C.have C.study C.to feel C.make C.from C.sports


( )50: A.ride B.feed C.draw D.treat

( )51: A.success B.skill C.hobby D.fact

( )52: A.good B.the best C.better D.best

( )53: A.examine B.have examined C



( )54: A.find out B.look out C.find D.look at

( )55: A.what do they think of B.how do they think of C.what they think of D.how they think of IX. 选词完成填空(10分)

deep watch happen school others nothing accident few or from School is where we learn, make friends and grow up. But56:_______ happen daily in schools across the world. We hear reports of students falling down 57____:__ buildings while cleaning windows. Other students are hit by football on the playground. Three years ago, some students fell down on the stairs and were stepped on by 58______:__, with terrible results. We feel 59_______ sorry for the loss of lives.

There is60____:__ we can do to bring the students back, but we can try to prevent (防止) such things from 61________ again. You should do the following things to prevent a stampede (踩踏)。After class or school, don’t rush out at the same time. Wait until there are62_________ people trying to leave.When you walk with a crowd of people, stay alert (警惕的) and 63_______your steps. Don’t play around. Be familiar with your 64__________ and learn where the safety exits are. When there’s pushing and squeezing (挤),don’t move and try to hold on to something. 65_____ ___ stay in a corner until the crowd leaves.



X 阅读( 20分)A

Family Picture 1. We visited grandma last week. 4. We listened to grandma talk, She went to her bedroom. She “There’s little Bonita, “ she brought down old books of said. “She had long , curly, pictures. We looked at the old brown hair and big brown eyes.” pictures. Grandma touched the page.. 2. We sat at the kitchen table. A 5. We listened to stories about mother, a grandmother, and a aunts, uncles, cousins, mothers, daughter looked at photos of fathers, sons and daughters. I mothers, daughters.. 3. We turned the yellow pages of the books. The pictures were old. They had men, women and children I don’t remember. ( )66. Which word is repeated at the beginning of each stanza(诗节)?

A. Books B. Grandma C. Remember D. We

( )67. Where does grandma keep her books of photos ?

A. In her bedroom B. In the kitchen C. On the table D. On the sofa

( )68. In which stanza does grandma describe Bonita ?

A. Stanza2 B. Stanza3 C. Stanza 4 D. Stanza 5

( )69. Where does this poem take place ?

A. At the writer’s home B. At a school C. At grandma’s home D.At a library

( )70.What is the writer’s message in this poem ?

grandmothers, and don’t remember them. But from the stories I know them.