毕业论文 新浪微博对大学生影响的研究 联系客服

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姓 名: 学 号: 学 院: 班 级: 指导教师:

文 法 学 院

二〇一三 年 六 月





关键词:微薄、 大学生、 影响、 对策

Sina weibo's influence on the contemporary college students

and countermeasures research - in the xxxxxxxfor example


With the growing popularity of the Internet and the rapid development, many new network tools and carrier appear constantly. The rise of weibo is popular at home and abroad a new kind of network communication way. Microblog information acquisition have very strong independence, selectivity, weibo users according to their own needs to choose their own want to focus on people, and to all of the attention to sorting; The user can according to your needs to send words and pictures, video, etc,this brief, without a long article, more favored by the majority of users welcome.With the wide use of weibo, contemporary college students community is one of the main groups of using weibo nature; Through weibo, on one hand, university students can easily see the latest information on the Internet, know the latest situation of the focus; Motley collection of information on weibo on the other hand, tend to lack the discrimination ability of college students was illusory and confusion, a small part of the college students on weibo deliberately spread some bad information, the world outlook, the outlook on life and values of college students have a negative impact, is not conducive to students learning career developed, and the ablation effect of the ideological and moral education. Research on weibo influence on college students, especially the negative impact of targeted guidance countermeasures, become the important topic for the ideological and political workers in colleges and universities.

Key words:Small, college students, influence ,countermeasures



一、绪论 ……………………………………………………………………………6 (一)选题目的及研究意义????????????????????6 1 选题目的??????????????????????????6 2 研究意义??????????????????????????6 (二)研究现状?????????????????????????9 (三)研究重点、方法及创新???????????????????9 1 研究重点、方法???????????????????????9 2 创新之处??????????????????????????9 二、微博的含义、发展情况及特点………………………………………………10 (一)微博的含义???????????????????????10 (二)微博的发展情况?????????????????????10 (三)微博的特点???????????????????????10 1 传播信息的便捷性?????????????????????11 2 内容的丰富性???????????????????????11 3 交流方式的创新性?????????????????????11 4 用户身份的相对真实性???????????????????12 三、微博使用现状研究结果及心理分析…………………………………………12 (一)微博使用现状研究结果??????????????????13 1 微博注册情况???????????????????????13 2 微博登陆次数及使用时间??????????????????13 3微博主要浏览及发布内容???????????????????13 4主要关注的对象???????????????????????14 (二)对微博的心理分析????????????????????14 四、微博对大学生的影响………………………………………………………14 (一)对大学生思想政治教育的影响???????????????14 1 消极影响?????????????????????????15