2007江苏省专转本英语真题以及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2007江苏省专转本英语真题以及答案更新完毕开始阅读5a0a163e68dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd127ff422f

the ministry. (Passage Four) 85. (英语类学生必做)

Just as th curriculum of the academy grew out of that of the Latin grammar school, so the curriculum of the public high school developed out of that of the academy. (Passage Four) Section B

86. 使他吃惊的是,她不仅没有表扬他,反而批评了他。 87. 陈大夫整个晚上都在为伤员做手术。 88. 我们提议对计划作修改。

89. 他那么细心不会不注意到这一点的。

90. 很难说这两个人中谁年龄大些,看上去他们年龄差不多。 Part V Writing (共15分)

Directions: In this part you are required to write an essay about making the most of our school days. You should write at least 120 words (files come from www.dinyuan.cn) and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below. 1. 生命是短暂的,时间是宝贵的。 2. 在校学习的时间更短暂。 3. 应该充分利用在校时光。




21-25 BDCDB

41-45 DDBAB

61-65 CABBD

A. 英译汉

6-10 BABBA 16-20 DBABD 26-30 ACBAD 36-40 BABCC 46-50 DBCDC 56-60 BCDAB 66-70 ADCAC 76-80 BBADC

11-15 ACABD

31-35 CDABD

51-55 DBCAA

71-75 BDACD

81. 他们用的是无线电波而不是声波,因为电波能穿透云雾。

82. 因为战争频繁,其中许多的发明仅仅是对他们所熟悉的希腊武器的设计做些改进。 83. 过去,许多人担心,因特网把我们同他人隔绝开来,使我们把太多的时间花在了电脑的虚拟世界里。


84. 暑期和父亲在一起总是非常快乐。游泳、远足、划船、垂钓——这些日子还不够从事所有的这些活动。

85. 似乎总没有足够时间去做礼拜,这使我们一些朋友和亲戚感到不安。


84. 课程主要有古典语言,这种学校的主要目的就是为男孩上大学做准备,其中大多数人将被培养适应从事神职工作。

85. 正如学院的课程是基于拉丁语法学校课程一样,公立学校的课程是在学校课程的基础上发展起来的。

B. 汉译英(5×3’=15分)

86. To his surprise, she criticized him instead of praising him.

87. Dr. Chen went on operating on wounded soldiers throught the night. 88. We propose that some changes (should) be made in plan. 89. He is too careful not to have noticed it.

90. It’s hard to tell which of the two is older. They look about the same age.

Part V 书面表达(共15分) 参考例文

Life is short. Generally speaking, humans can only live to 100 years at most. It is a very short time. An old saying goes “Art is long, but life is short”. We have only limited time to acquire unlimited knowledge.

School life is still shorter. Usually we go to primary school at 6 and graduate from university at 22. This is the most precious period of our life-time, which belongs to everyone only once. If we idle away this period of time, we’ll have no better days for study.

We students are the future builders of our country. We (files come from www.dinyuan.cn) must make the most of our school days to form a positive worldview, develop our communicative skills, improve our health and get rich knowledge, so that we shall be of service to the society.

三、但愿有一天你会记起,我曾默默地,毫无希望地爱过你。我这扇门曾为你打开,只为你一人打开,现在,我要把它关上了。 四、你看我的时候我装做在看别处,你在看别处的时候我在看你。 五、陆上的人喜欢寻根究底,虚度很多的光阴。冬天担忧夏天的迟来,夏天担心冬天的将至。所以你们不停到处去追求一个遥不可及,四季如夏的地方,我并不羡慕。 六、没想到的是,一别竟是一辈子了。 七、朋友们都羡慕我,其实羡慕他们的人是我。爱你,很久了,等你,也很久了,现在,我要离开你了,比很久很久还要久…… 八、Do something today that your future self will thank you for. 从现在开始,做一些让未来的你感谢现在的自己的事。