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Chapter1 Introduction

invasion from the Roman Empire and its influences,

the ancestors of the English and the founders of England: the Anglo-Saxons

King Alfred the Great and his contributions (founded the first “public” schools for the sons of noblemen and magistrates. He also began what we now call the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the 1st historical record composed in English. the Norman Conquest and its influences (ppt):

The Tower of London (built by William the Conqueror)

the Hundred Year’s War, the Wars of Roses, the English Civil War,

Chapter 2 the Government of the UK

The UK today is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy.

The parliament: it was first used officially in 1236 to describe the gathering of feudal barons and representatives from counties and towns which the king occasionally summoned if he wanted to raise money.

The three institutions in the British parliament (the Queen, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons) are interdependent as they are all involved in the process of legislation.

The foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Defense and the Treasury are involved in making foreign policy.

The current British government is the first coalition government since World War II.

Chapter 3 The UK Economy The Industrial Revolution (ppt)

Britain’s physical isolation has long been reduced by the development of airlines and more recently by the opening of Channel Tunnel, which links Britain to continental Europe.

Thatcherism (ppt)

Chapter 4 British Education System Red Brick Universities

The two oldest universities in Britain are Oxford (University) and Cambridge (University).

The 1944 Education Act of the UK (P105) made entry to secondary schools and universities “meritocratic”.

Chapter 5 British Foreign Relations

Institutions involved in making foreign policy. the British Media

The world’s oldest national newspaper: the Observer (1791)


The UK’s oldest daily newspaper: the Times (1785) The Advertising Code (P132) The quality press and the tabloids The BBC

Chapter 6 Sports, Holidays and Festivals in Britain Football

Trooping the Color (on Queen’s birthday) Christmas Easter

Chapter 7 American Beginning Columbus

Four colonial patterns

1) the settlement in Virginia (the 1st English permanent settlement in North America)

2) Puritan New England--- Massachusetts Bay

3) Catholic Maryland---Lord Baltimore and his feudal plan 4) Quaker Pennsylvania

What legacies did Puritanism in New England leave to Americans? (P39)

Founding fathers: 1.George Washington 2. Thomas Jefferson 3. Benjamin Franklin John Locke

New York, known as The Big Apple, is a city full of opportunities.

Chapter 8 the Political System in the US and American Economy America’s first constitution

the Constitution of the United States

two major political parties: the Democratic Party, formed before 1800; the Republican Party, formed in the 1850s, by people in the states of the North and West.

The Congress of the United States is divided into two houses: the House of Representatives that comprises lawmakers who serve two-year terms and the Senate that comprises lawmakers who serve six-year terms. the power of the American president

Industrial Revolution in America (P83):

The best-known stock exchange is New York Stock Exchange, located in Wall Street area of New York City.

Chapter 9 American Literature

Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, Ralph Emerson and his Nature, Edgar Alan Poe’s role in American literature, Nathanial Hawthorne and his the Scarlet Letter Ernest Hemingway and his major works (P109) John Steinbeck Theodore Dreiser Henry James


Mark Twain and his The Gilded Age Sinclair Lewis

The ten years between 1919 and 1929, usually called the “Roaring Twenties” or the “Jazz Age”, a time of carefree prosperity, isolation from the world’s problems, bewildering social changes and a feverish pursuit of pleasure. The masterpiece of T.S. Eliot

Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993, the first Afro-American writer to receive this honor.

Chapter 10 American Education the ladder education system

What contributions did Puritans make to American education? The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, or GI Bill of Rights the development of American higher education (ppt)

Chapter 11 Social Movements of the 1960s

The civil rights movement, together with the youth’s anti-war movement, and women’s movement during the 1960s had been deeply rooted in US history. the true beginning of the civil rights movement

The Civil Rights Movement:When? Why? How? What consequences?

Chapter 12 Foreign Relations of the United States the Louisiana Purchase, the Monroe Doctrine

Chapter 13 Canada

French colonists first came and settled Canada.

Around the beginning of the 20th century, Chinese laborers came to Canada to build the Canadian Pacific Railroad. Bilingualism Multiculturalism

Chapter 14 Australia

Australia’s practice of racial segregation The gold rush

the massive post-war immigration program