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because he thinks that Jane do not fall in love with Bingley. Therefore, he persuades Bindley to leave her.

Secondly, the personality of Elizabeth.

The heroine Elizabeth successfully molded reflects the Austin in matters of marriage values. Pride and Prejudice described the eighteen century at the beginning of the nineteen century British women, regardless of in the economic and social or family status, social rank in male attachment, marriage system of equal pay. Like Elizabeth such a middle-class origins and status, the only way is to marry a good man. Anyhow, the marriage is seeking economic security and social status.

Elizabeth is a smart, frank, the thought is agile, humorous and educated young lady. Her love is met at militia self-defense of George Wickham officer, Elizabeth was started a “attractive” George Wickham fascinated by the meter. With her feel George Wickham, poured their own calumniatory Mr. Darcy said: “to be honest, except in Netherfield, my family will go to any nearly. Hertfordshire no one like him, his deputy arrogant manner which saw all hate. You never heard that is good.” The words of wise hopelessly flaunt but without notice, Elizabeth unexpectedly George Wickham nose was blinded by love. She complained about an injustice for George Wickham and blamed Darcy, she said Darcy is an amiable people. Darcy’s pride based on his indomitable personality, because of he speaks damage caused her prejudice, Elizabeth, also because Elizabeth’s self-respect to produce the Darcy prejudice, pride and prejudice have reached the peak. There is a turning point about their relation is that Darcy gave the letter to Elizabeth and told her about the truth. This letter made Elizabeth to seriously, sober herself, the first awareness “her previous too blindly, too, of human existence eccentric bias.”

Elizabeth has several times to Darcy proposed different attitudes, actually reflects the female equal rights for independent personality. Elizabeth witty, have courage, visionary, have very strong self-respect and thinking. This made her love and issues to obtain happiness. Facing the emotion she still has those personalities.

“How despicably have I acted!”she cried. ― “I, who have prided myself on my

discernment! ― I, who have valued myself on my abilities! who have often disdained the generous candour of my sister, and gratified my vanity, in useless or blameable distrust. ― How humiliating is this discovery! ― Yet, how just a humiliation! ― Had I been in love, I could not have been more wretchedly blind. But vanity, not love, has been my folly.” It reflects the personality of Elizabeth, she regrets her behaviour to Darcy when she knew Darcy is right.

Thirdly, the other characters personality.

At that time, people was divided to different social stratum according to their fortune, however, no matter what social stratum, women were had a low social status. Therefore, it is the phenomenon that most men seek wealth. In Pride and Prejudice, which best carries these qualities are Mrs.Bennet, a foolish woman who talks too much and is obsess with getting her daughters married. Mrs. Bennet is a miraculously tiresome character. Noisy and foolish, she is a woman consumed by the desire to see her daughters married and seems to care for nothing else in the world. Ironically, her single-minded pursuit of this goal tends to backfire, as her lack of social graces alienates the very people (Darcy and Bingley) whom she tries desperately to attract. Austen uses her continually to highlight the necessity of marriage for young women. Mrs. Bennet also serves as a middle-class counterpoint to such upper-class snobs as Lady Catherine and Miss Bingley, demonstrating that foolishness can be found at every level of society. In the end, however, Mrs. Bennet proves such an unattractive figure, lacking redeeming characteristics of any kind, that some readers have accused Austen of unfairness in portraying her—as if Austen, like Mr. Bennet, took perverse pleasure in poking fun at a woman already scorned as a result of her ill breeding.

Jane Bennet is a beautiful, kindhearted and restrained woman. “All the world are good and agreeable in your eyes. I never heard you speak ill of a human being in my life.” Jane said. It proves that Jane is a kindhearted woman, the world in her eyes is beautiful. But Jane is also a restrained person. Jane does not show her love easily because she is restrained. As an unmarried woman, her reserve really shows she is educated; but in front of her love, it almost makes her miss her true love. It is surely

her shortcoming.

Lydia Bennet, the youngest of the Bennet daughter who to a life of dancing, fashions, gossips and flirting, she knew nothing. And she is foolish, like a clown, don’t have life goals except dancing, fashion, gossip and flirting, it is foreshadowing that she is eloped with Wickham. She is extremely flirtatious, naive, headstrong and reckless.

Mr.Williams Collins, A clergyman and cousin of Mr. Bennet. Mr. Collins, as the closest male relative, stands to inherit the Bennet estate. When not pompously full of himself, Collins is a narrow-minded sycophant, excessively devoted to his patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. He is always keen to show his admiration and gratitude. the silly and conceited baboon who is completely stupefy by Lady Catherine in every aspect of his life that he has forgotten his own morals and duty. It likes if he leaves Lady Catherine, he can not live. He thought that Lady Catherine was the sky of him, all the center of his life, including his marriage. He is a miserable man.

Mr. Bingley is frank, kind and a gentle man, he attach importance to the friendship of Mr. Darcy. he born a well-family. In a word, Mr. Bingley is an outgoing, wealthy young man who leases property near the Bennets' estate. He is a good man for girls.

George Wickham is a dashing, handsome young soldier who attracts the attention of Elizabeth Bennet. His father was the manager of the Darcy estate, so he grew up with Mr. Darcy and his sister. Though a favorite of Darcy's now-deceased father, there is bitter enmity between him and Darcy, due to his attempt to elope with Georgiana Darcy for her substantial inheritance.

Georgiana Darcy the youngest sister of Mr. Darcy. The age difference is so great that he is more of a father figure than a brother. Since their parents' death, she has been under the joint guardianship of Darcy and their cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam. She became infatuated with George Wickham and was persuaded by him to elope. Fortunately, she felt it was her duty to inform her brother and he quickly put a stop to this ill-advised plan.

Lady Catherine is the aunt of Mr. Darcy and patroness of Mr. Collins. A proud

and domineering woman, she had planned for the marriage of Mr. Darcy and her daughter since they were infants. Lady Catherine is a so boring woman that she likes to know others’ things.

Mary Bennet is the third sister of Bennet, bookish and shy. Mortified by unfavorable comparisons between her appearance and that of her beautiful sisters, she disdains their frivolous interests and seeks to impress others instead with her scholarly yet ill-timed aphorisms and limited musical abilities.

Anyhow, Austen in Pride and Prejudice is successfully the characters personality, all of them reflect the view of marriage, person’s social status, social economic and the family wealth. It reflects the true human’s nature.


韩冰.《文学界(理论版)》2011年第07期 黄洁.《时代文学(下期)》2011年第07期

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