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(2) If the insured goods are to be forwarded to the final destination named in the Policy or any other destination, this insurance shall terminate in accordance with Section 1 above.

IV. Duty of the Insured

It is the duty of the Insured to attend to all matters as specified hereunder, failing which the Company reserves the right to reject his claim for any loss if and when such failure prejudice the rights of the Company:

1. The Insured shall take delivery of the insured goods in good time upon their arrival at the port of destination named in the Policy. In the event of any damage to the goods, the Insured shall immediately apply for survey to the survey and/or settling agent stipulated in the Policy. If the insured goods are found short in entire package or packages or to show apparent traces of damage, the Insured shall obtain from the carrier, bailee or other relevant authorities (Customs and Port Authorities etc.) certificate of loss or damage and/or shortlanded memo. Should the carrier, bailee or the other relevant authorities be responsible for such shortage or damage, the Insured shall lodge a claim with them in writing and, if necessary, obtain their confirmation of an extension of the time limit of validity of such claim.

2. The Insured shall, and the Company may also, take reaconable measures immediately in salvaging the goods or prevention or minimizing a loss or damage thereto. The measures so taken by the Insured or by the Company shall not be considered respectively, as a waiver of abandonment hereunder, or as an acceptance thereof. 3. In case of a change of voyage or any omission or error in the description of the interest, the name of the vessel or voyage, this insurance shall remain in force only upon prompt notice to this Company when the Insured becomes aware of the same and payment of an additional premium if required.

4. The following documents should accompany any claim hereunder made against this Company: Original Policy, Bill of Lading. Invoice, Packing List, Tally Sheet, Weight Memo, Certificate of Loss or Damage and/or Shortland Memo, Survey Report, Statement of Claim. If any third party is involved, documents relative to pursuing of recovery from such party should also be included.

5. Immediate notice should be given to the Company when the Cargo Owner''s actual responsibility under the contract of affreightment \becomes known.

V. The Time of Validity of a Claim

The time of validity of a claim under this insurance shall not exceed a period of two years counting from the time of completion of discharge of the insured goods from the seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge.


Invoice No. Policy No. This policy of Insurance witnesses that the Insurance

Company (hereinafter called \), at the Request of ___________________ (hereinafter called the \) and in consideration of the agreed premium being paid to the company by the Insured, undertakes to insure the undermentioned goods in transportation subject to the conditions of this policy as per the Clauses printed overleaf and other special Clauses attached hereon.

Marks & Nos. Quantity Description of Goods Amount Insured Total Amount Insured _________________ Premium as arranged —— Rate as arranged —— Perconveyance S. S. __________ Slg. on or abt.________ from ________ to ________ Conditions ________ Claims, if any, payable on surrender of this Policy together with other relevant documents. In the event of accident whereby loss or damage may result in a claim under this Policy immediate notice applying for survey must be given to the Company''s Agent as mentioned hereunder. ______ Insurance Company Claim payable at

__________________ Address of Issuing Office _________________ BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Our Contract Template Database is complied in accordance with laws of P.R.China.This English document is translated according to its Chinese version. In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail


本保险分为平安险,水渍险及一切险三种。被保险货物遭受损失时,本保险按照保险单上订明承保险别的保险条款规定,负赔偿责任。 (一)平安险 本保险负责赔偿:



3.在运输工具已经发生搁浅,触礁,沉没,焚毁意外事故的情况下,货物在此前后又在海上遭受恶劣气候,雷电,海啸等自然灾害所造成的部分损失。 4.在装卸或转运时由于一件或数件整件货物落海造成的全部或部分损失。 5.被保险人对遭受承保责任内危险的货物采取抢救,防止或减少货损的措施而支付的合理费用,但以不超过该批被救起货物的保险金额为限。

6.运输工具遭遇海难后,在避难港由于卸货所引起的损失以及在中途港,避难港由于卸货,存仓以及运送货物所产生的特别费用。 7.共同海损的牺牲,分摊和救助费用。



除包括上列平安险的各项责任外,本保险还负责被保险货物由于恶劣气候,雷电,海啸,地震,洪水自然灾害所造成的部分损失。 (三)一切险




(一)被保险人的故意行为或过失所造成的损失。 (二)属于发货人责任所引起的损失。




(五)本公司海洋运输货物战争险条款和货物运输罢工险条款规定的责任范围和除外责任。 三、责任起讫



1.被保险货物如在非保险单所载明的目的地出售,保险责任至交货时为止,但不论任何情况,均以被保险货物在卸载港全部卸离海轮后满六十天为止。 2.被保险货物如在上述六十天期限内继续运往保险单所载原目的地或其他目的地时,保险责任仍按上述第(一)款的规定终止。





(三)如遇航程变更或发现保险单所载明的货物,船名或航程有遗漏或错误时,被保险人应在获悉后立即通知保险人并在必要时加缴保费,本保险才继续有效。 (四)在向保险人索赔时,必须提供下列单证:

