2016深圳市初中英语八年级下Unit1Helping-those-in-need单元综合测试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2016深圳市初中英语八年级下Unit1Helping-those-in-need单元综合测试题更新完毕开始阅读5bcbf6b6f41fb7360b4c2e3f5727a5e9856a2701

深圳市初中英语八年级下Unit1Helping those in need



I.选择题。(每小题1分,共20分) A.词语释义。(每小题1分,共5分)

从下面每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. When I told him the news, he expressed his surprise. A. knew C. impressed ( ) 2. Keeping pets can give us much joy. A. surprise C. happiness

B. sickness D. sadness B. showed D. believed

( ) 3. You can't go out at night unless you get your mother’s permission. A. agreement C. knowledge

B. kindness D. message

( ) 4. Because of his illness, he can't go to school. A. advice C. thought

B. voice D. disease

( ) 5. Don't make any noises here. I need peace. A. luck C. quiet

B. fear D. anger

B.选择填空。(每小题1分,共1 5分)

从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 6. --- Do you want to______ money for the old in the hospital? --- Yes, I do. But I don't know how _________it. A. raise; to do C. attend; to do

B. raise; do D. attend; do

( ) 7. --- I always feel _______ when I am at home________. --- I think you should go out to communicate with more people. A. lonely; lonely C. alone: lonely

B. lonely; alone D. alone; alone

( ) 8. --- Do you have difficulty ________ the work in two days?

--- Of course not. It's easy ________ me to do it. A. finishing; for C. to finish; for

B. finishing; of D. to finish; of

( ) 9. --- She _______ herself in the accident. --- Really Do I need ________her? A. touched; visit

B. hurt; visit D. hurt; to visit

C. touched; to visit

( ) 10. --- Did you _______money for the house? --- No. I am too busy ______it. A. spend; to do

B. pay; to do D. pay; doing

C. spend; doing

( ) 11. --- She was in great ______ after she broke her leg. --- We should do something _________ her relaxed. A. danger; to make C. pain; to make

B. danger; making D. pain; making

( ) 12. --- In order to ________his studies, he has to do a part-tine job to support himself. --- ___________ great he is! A. finishing; how C. finishing; What

B. finish; What D. finish; How

( ) 13. --- Ruby offered______ people______

--- We should also help the people who need our help: A. helping; m public C. to help; in need

B. helping; in need D. to help; in public

( ) 14. --- Did the storm cause ________ damage? --- Yes. Many people ______ their houses. A. noisy; lost C. serious; built

B. serious, lost D. noisy; built

( ) 15. --- Money is more important than________.

--- I don't think so. Friends help you ________ than money. A. friendship; much C. success; much

B. friendship; more D. success; more

( ) 16. --- They should raise ______ spirits to face difficulties. --- We'd better _______ them. A. their; encourage C. them; encourage

B. their; to encourage D. them; to encourage

( ) 17. --- Could you teach me _______French?

--- Of course. But we must choose a right time for _______. A. learn, it C. to learn; one

B. learn, one D. to learn; it

( ) 18. --- I don't have _______ to tell him the bad news. --- Why not ask his parents _______a talk with him? A. attention; have C. courage; to have

B. courage; have D. attention; to have

( ) 19. --- Mark went to the hospital _______ his father yesterday. --- Does he continue _________ there today? A. see; to go C. see; go

B. to see; to go D. to see; go

( ) 20. --- Children here are _________from different illnesses. --- We must do something _______ them. A. suffering; to help C. running; to help

B. suffering help D. running; help



A man planted a rose and watered it carefully. Before it blossomed (开花), he checked it. He __21__ the bud (花蕾) that would soon blossom, but he also saw the thorns (刺) upon the stem (茎). He thought, \can any beautiful flower come from a(n) __22__ with so many sharp thorns?\just before it was ready to blossom, it __24__.

So is it with many people. In everyone's mind, there is a rose. The good qualities that were planted in us at birth always __25__ among the thorns of our mistakes. Many of us __26__ ourselves and see only the thorns, the mistakes We are __27__ , thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We gradually forget to water the good within us, and finally it dies. We never realize our __28__ side.

Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must __29__ it to them. One of the greatest

gifts a person can own is to be able to pass the thorns and __30__ the rose within them. However, only a few people can realize it.

( ) 21. A. saw C. thought ( ) 22. A. animal C. plant ( ) 23. A. remember C. destroy ( ) 24. A. flied

B. smelt D. heard B. person D. world B. water D. wash B. cried

C. laughed D. died ( ) 25. A. grow

B. dance

C. lose D. win ( ) 26. A. look for C. put out ( ) 27. A. excited C. happy ( ) 28. A. strange C. good ( ) 29. A. show C. bring ( ) 30. A. buy

C. plant

B. look at D. put off B. surprised D. sad

B. bad

D. angry B. sell D. throw B. find D. cut



My name is Jenny. I have been volunteering for about 16 years. I got a serious illness so I had to stop working. My sister suggested that I should do voluntary work which I had never thought of before.

I then decided to start volunteering in a hospital. The volunteers were making a team and chatting and I thought I'd like to help patients in that way too. In the Chapel (小礼拜堂),we take it in turns to do prayers (祈祷) for patients and we each have a room where we go and talk to patients. In the hospital, I often make tea and speak to patients especially if I see the patients who are sitting there on their own or don't have visitors. I go to the Chapel every Wednesday afternoon and go to work in the hospital on the second Monday in a month.