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Chapter 8

8.1 Solution:

? Y(jw)?2X(j(w?w0)) ? y(t)?2x(t)ejw0t

that is x(t)?1y(t)e?jw0t 2? x(t)?y(t)m(t) ? m(t)?1?jw0t e28.3 Solution:

According to the conditions as given, we will see:

Then, if p(t) passes through the ideal lowpass filter whose frequency response H(j?) with cutofffrequency 2000?,we will get Y(jw)?P(j?)H(j?)?0, that is y(t)?0.


Suppose X(jw) is:

So y(t)?0 .


8.22 Solution:

According to the conditions as given, we will get :

8.28 Solution:

the system about the implantation of single-sideband modulation is:

(a). According to the conditions as given, we will get :



(b). According to the conditions as given, we will get :



From (a) and (b), we know only the upper sideband are retained.
